PC 76-198~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-196 A RESOlUTION OF THE ANAHi:IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOId THAT PF.TiTION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. ?C76-77-97 BE APPROVED. WHEREAS, the City of Anahci!a Aid lnitlate a verified Petttlon for Reclassification on certaln real property sltuated Tn the Clty of Anahelm, County of Orange, Siate of California described as: All that certain real property in the City oP Anaheim, County of Orange, Stutc oY California dcacribeQ u~ follo~va: , ]3e~;innirsg at the interKection of the Southerly line of Chartres Street 52.50 feet wide with the Eat~terl;~ line of Clnudina Street 53.00 feet wide; thence North 74° 27' 41" Enat, nlong the Southerly line of said Chartres Street, 293.00 teet to the Easterly line of Emily Street 53.00 feet wide; thence Sout: 15° 30' 00" Enat, along the Easterly linc of ~mily Street, 210.00 feet to the Northerly line of an alley 15.00 feet ~vide; thence South 74° 2r' 41" West, 53.OQ feet to the Wes:erly line of Emily Street; thence South 15~ 30' 00" East, ulong the Westerly line of Emily Street, 21.31 feet to n point 25.00 feet Northerly of the Southerly line of an alley 8.81 feet wide; thence South 74° 19' 48" West, 240.00 feet to the Eaeterly line of Claudinn Slreet at a point 25.00 feet Northerl,y ~f the Southerly line of an alley 9.36 feet wide; thence North 15° 30' 00" Weat, along the Easterly line cf Claudina Street, 231.86 feet to the Southerly line of Chartres Street at said point oY beginning. WHEREAS~ the City Ptanning Cormnission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall ln the City of Anaheim on October 11~ 1976, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald publlc hearing having been duly given as requlred by law nnd ln accordance wtth the provision~ of the Anahelm Municlpal Code, Chapter 18.Q3, to hear and consTder evidence Por and egalnst sald proposed reclessit`Icatlon and to Investigate and make findings and recommendatlons ln connection therewith; and WHEflEAS, sald Commisslon, after due Inspection. lnvestlgati~n and study made by ltaelf and in lts behalf. and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports offered at sald hearing, does find end determine the following facts: 1, That the petitloners (the City of Anahetm, et al) propose a reclassiflcation of the above-described property from the CG (COMMERC~AL, GENERAL) ZONE to the RM-12Q~ (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZONE. 2, That thc Anahelm General Plan deslgnates subJect property from medlum- density residentia) land uses and said property ls also located wtthln the Redevelopment ProJect Alpha. 3, That the proposed reclassification of subJect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly end proper development of the community. q. That the proposed reclassification of subJect p~operty d~es properly relatc to the zones and thair permltted uses localiy established in close proximity to sub)ect property snd to the zortes and the(r permttted uses generalty estabiTshed throughout the commu~ity. 5, Tfiat the proposed reclasslffcation of su6ject pt'operty requfres the dedlcatlon and lmprovement of ebutting streets in aecordance with the Circulation Element of the Generel Plan, due to the antlclpated Increase !n traffic whlch wtll be generate~i by the intenslficetlon of lnnd use. fi, Thet edequate replacement parking shatl be provided for any nearby and affected commercial uses utilizing subJect property for vehicle p~rking~ prior tr the ?ssuence of bullding pcrmits. 7, That the developers shell provide for the relocatlon or replacement of the exlsting weter malns, as may be required by the Dlrector of Public Utitlities. RF.SOLUTION N0. PC76-198 ~ ~ 8. That three (3) persons appeared at said public hearing in oppositian to subJect petition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to subJect petitlon. ENVIRO~~t1ENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the i4naheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby recommend to the City Councll of the City of Anaheim that a negetive declnration from tho requirement ta prepare an environmental impact report be approved Por the subJect proJect. pursuant to the provlslons of the Collfornla Environmental Quality Act. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anahelm that subJect Petltlon for Reclassification be appreved and, by so doing, that 71tie 1$-Zoning of the Anahelm Munlctpal Code be amended to exclude the above-descrihed property from the Cf (COMMERCIAL~ GENFRAL) ZONE and to incorporate sald described propnrty into the fiM-1200 (RESIDENTIAL, ~iIILTi?LE-F~MIt.Y) 20NE upon the fotlowing conditions ~~hich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequlsite to the proposed use of subJect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahcim: 1, That street lighting facilitles along Claudina Street and Chartres Street shall be Installed as requlred hy the Dlrector o4 Public Utilltles. and in accordance wlth standard speciflcatlons on fTle in the Office of the Dlrector of Public Utllitles; or that a bond, certific~te of depostt, letter of credit, or cash, In a~ am~unt and form satisfactory to thc Clty of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installatlon of the abovc-mentloned requlrements. 2, That trash storage areas shall be provlded Tn accordance w14h approved plans on file wlth the Offlce of the Director of Public Works. 3, Yhat fire hydrants shall be Installed and chargeci as requlred and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prlor to cortmencement of structural framfng. 4. That subJect property sfiall be served by underground utillties. 5, That dralnage of subJect property shall be disposed of in a manner satlsfactory to the C1ty Engineer. 6. Thai the owner of subJecY property shatl pay to the Clty of Anaheim the approprfate park and recreatlon in-lleu fees as determined to be aoproprlate by the City Council, sald fees to be pald at the time the huilding permit is Issued. 7, That the developer shall reque~st and reeelve approval for the ebandonment of Emily Street. 8. 7hat the dcveloper shelt sultably provide for the retocetion and/or replacement of exlsting utllitles, as requlred to accommodate sub)~ct development~ prlor to the Issuance of building permlts. 9, Prlor to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subJect property, Conditlon Nos. i and 7, above-mentloned, shall be completed. The pravisions or rlghts granted by this resolution shall become null and void by action of the City Counctl unless said condltlons are complied with withtn one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Councll ma/ grant. 10. 7hat Conditlon Nos. 2, A, and 5, ahove-mentloned, shall be canplted with prior to final bullding and zoning Inspectlons. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIQN is stgned October 1976. ATTEST: GG~~.G~~bJ. v ~ ~ 10 -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-198 r . ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. GITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Patricla D. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anahelm Clty P'lanning Commission~ do ::~reby certlfy that the foregoing ~esolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commiss?~n, held on October 11. 1976~ at 1:30 P.m.~ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMHISSIONERS: BARNES~ HERRST~ KING. MORLEY~ TOLAR~ JOHNS~N NbES: COt1Hi5SI0tJER5: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FAflANO 1976. IN NITNESS WHER~QF~ I heve hereunto set my hand this ltth day of October ~ ~~ ECRE R~ NAHEIM CI Y PLANNIN6 COMMISSION -3. RESOLUTION N0. PC~6-19R