PC 76-199~ RESOLUTtON N0. PC76-199 r~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PS.ANNitr'u CONMISSION THAT PE71710N FOR VARIANCE N0. 2835 BE GRANTED. Wf1EREA5, the City of .4nahelm dld lnitTate a verified Petitian for Varlance on certaln rea) property sltuated in the City o} Anahelm, County of Orange~ State of Call°•;;~~Ta described as: A:i that certain reAl property in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Statc ot Culifornia described as follows: F3eqinning nt the intersection of the Southerly line of Chartres Street 52.50 fcet wide with the Eaeterly line oP Clnudinu Street 53.00 feet wide; thence Nortti 74° 27' 41" ~ast, along the Southerly linc of suid Chnrtres Street, 29:5 . OU feet to the Enaterly line of Emily 5treet 53 . 00 feet wide; thence South 15° 30' UU" East, ulong the Euaterly line of Emily Street, 210.00 fee: to the Northerly line oP an alley 15.00 feet wide; thence South 74° 27' 41" West, 53.00 feet to the Westerly line of Emily Street; thence South 15° 30' 00" ~nst, along the Westerly line of Emily Street, 21.31 feet to a point 25.00 feet Northerly of the Southerly line of an alley 8.81 feet wide; thence South 74° 19' 48" ~9est, 240.00 feet to the Enete:ly line of Claudinu Street at a point 25.00 feet Northerly of the Southcrly line of an alley 9.36 feet wide; thence North 15° 30' 00" West, along the Easterly line of Claudina Street, 231.88 Peet to the Southerly line of Chartres Street at eaid point of beginning. NHEREAS~ the C1ty Planning Commisslon did hold a public hearing at the Clty Hall in the City of Anaheim on Octeber 11, 1976, at 1:3~ p.m.. notice of satd aublic hearing having been duly given as requ(red by law and In accordance wlth the provislons of the Anahelm Municipel Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst sald proposeA variance and to lnvestigate and make findtngs end recommendatlons in connectlon therewitn; and WIIEREAS, sald Commlsslon, after due lnspectlon. investtgatian and study made by ltself and (n lts behalf, and afte~ due conslderatlon of atl evidence and reports o1'fered at sald hcering, does find and determinc thc following facts: 1. That the petltlnners propose the following waivers from the Anaheim Municlpal tode~ to construct a 100-unit apartment complnx for the elderly: a. SECTION 18.34,061.01~ - Minimum bulldin site area er dwellln unit. 2C sq. t_._ requirz ; sq. t. proposed b. SECTION 18.34,062.011_- Meximum build~in,a, ~hel ~ht. (2 stortes perm- tt~3 storles propose c, SECTION - Minimum floor area. (700 sq, ft. required; 5/ sq. t. proposed) d. SECTION - Min!mum structural setback. (1S ft•. required; - 0 t. propose e. SECTION 18.34,063.032 - Mlnimum recreational-lelsure area. (.2~00 s ~ft. per we ing unit requlred; 100 sq. ft. proposed) f. SECTtON - Maxl~mum wall he{ .fit. (42 lnches ptrmttted tn ~ront setback; b ~. Proposed g. SECTION 1tI.34.066,012 - t~inimum number of covered arkTn s aces. spaces requ re ; none propose h. SECT~ON 18.34.OG6,0121- Minlmum o(f-street parking. (15Q spaeec requ re ; ~s~aces proposed) RESOLU710N N0. PC76-199 ~ ~ 2. That the ebove-mentioned walvers are hercby grented to construct apartment units, each containing 575 square feet of m(nfmum flcbr area, said waivers being granted on the besis that the proposal Zs speciffcally to provide housing in the Anaheim Redevelopment ProJect Alpha for seniar cltizens; that there is no other sultabie City of Anahelm residentlal zone providing for the orde-ly devclopment of this speciflc iype of housing; that the redevelopment area Is Cransitional and the subJect use in the proposed loc~tion would be 1~ close prozcimity to s::7table amenities for senlor residents; thet the proposal w111 be construct~ed in accorda~ce with FHA/HUD~ Section ~, requirements; and that the Planning Cam,ts;lon has g:'a~~:=3 simtlar waivers in the past for the development of senlor eltizen Iiousing. 3, That there are excepetonal or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appllcable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply ~enerally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone„ 4. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservatirm and enJoyment of a substentlal property rlght possessed by oCher properl.y in the same vicinity and zone~ and denled to the property in questlon. 5. That the requested verlance will not be meterially detrTmental to the public welfare or in]urious to the property or improv«nents in suci~ v(cinity and zone In which the property is located. 6. That threc (3) pereons eppeared at sald public hearing in opposttion to subJect petition; and thet no corres~>ondcnce wes recelved 1n oppositlon to subJect petttlon. EtIJIRf1NMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING; That the Anaheim CTty Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Counell of the Clty of Anaheim that a negatlve declaratlon from the requlrement to prepare an environmental Impact report be approved for the sub)ect proJoct~ pursuant to the provislons of the Callfornla Envlronmentel Quality Act. NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESQLVED that [he Anahelm C.ity Planning Cammission does hereby grant subJect Petitlon for Variance, upon the followinq conditions which are hereby found to be a necesenry nrerequlsite to the proposed use of the subJect proparty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the Clty of Aneheim: 1, That thls Varlance Is granted subfect to the completlon of Reclasslficatlon No. 76-77-17~ now pendtng. 2, That subJect property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans end specifleatlons on file with the City of Anahetm marked ExhibTt Nos. 1 through 5. THF. FOREGOING RESQLUTION Is signed Or:tober 1976. ATTEST: C~~,~~'~G~ ~ , ~ ~r.~-t~u and approve his tith +iay of M 1 M N, AN IM CI L NNINf, COMMISSION .y- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-199 m ~ J ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF GFANGE )ss. Ci7Y OF A~IAHEIM ) (, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anahelm Clty Planning Commission, do hereby certlry that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commisetan~ held on 9ctober 11, 1976~ at 1:30 p.m.,•by ttie following vote of the mnmbers thereof: AYES: COMMI5510NERS: BARNES~ HERBST, KINGo MORLEY~ TOLAR~ JOHNSQN NOES: CQMMISSi0NER5: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO t976. IN WITNESS WHEREO!~~ t heve hereunto set my hand this 11th day of Octo6er ~' / ~/i ~ .~J~~J' ~ ~ ~/ ES CRETAR ,• A AHEIM CIT PLANNIWG COMMISSION -3- RESOLUTiON Na, PC76-199