PC 76-207~ ~ RESOLU710N N0. PC76-207 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM Ci7Y PLANNING COMMISSION ' THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0, 76-77-18 BE APPROI/ED. WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Carmission did receive a verifled Petltior for Reclassification from CARL N, KARCHtR, TiUSTEE, 1200 N, Harbor Boutevard, P,naheim~ Californla 92801 (Owner); MCLEAN b SCNULTZ CONSl1LTkt~'f5~ 200Q E. Chapman Avenue~ Fullerton~ Callfornla 92631 (Agent) of certain real property situated in the Clty of Anehelm, County of Orange, StoCe of Callfornia descrlbed as: Th~t portinn of Lot 5 oF F1ile:~ Raneho, in the City of Anesheim, County of Or~nga, 5tr~ti~ ~~f I~;il.ifurni~, ~s. per rnap recarcfed in E~o~k 4, Pag~ 7 of h1lar,e,llar~enua Ft~p;3, in the OFfS.CP, of the County Rer,urder aP ea;.d County, described a;a follo~d:~: l3e~tnning ~t the fJnrthwe~tcrly Corner nf sat~i Lot 5, ~ain r.arner alsa I~ring thi; poinL of ~eginni.n~ oP the legal de~cription oF Parcr.l 1 in the Grant Deed `rnrn Dor~ A. Littletnn tn the 5tatf af California, recordad July ?_G, 195G in E3onk 3591, f'ar7e 64, OfFicial Rr.cords of said County; thence tr3versing thr; f~l.lnwing caurses nf ~aid lega.l de~cri~~tion; thence ~outher~~ along thr, i~icatr:rly 11nr. of eaid Lot 5 7_27.36 Peat to tlie True Pr~int of ~ Beglnniny uf this da3r,ri{~tion; thenr.,~; at riyht ~in~les to said westerly line ea~ter1y~40.011 fr.r.:t; ttienr.e cnntiniiing along sai~~ lcr~al descriptinn line North 10 45'UO" East 111.f30 feet; thence R~orth 32 54~59" East, 65.19 Yeet; . thence S~uth 1]6°7.5~'1_9" F:ast ~b?..95 fr_r_t; thence North 52°53'11" East, b77.Q~+ fr.eL; thence fderth G4 ?.6~06" tast~ tn the northerly line of said Lot 5; thence Soutfi 1 03'S0" E~st 3F36.32 feet to tiie tJortherly line of the land of Josf~pii William Heinz a3 de3cribed in L'~rt.tficate of Title #2117 on file in the Office af the Rer~i~trr~r af Titlc:s of s~id Coursty; then~r. South 74°7_7~ 44" West 1f133.U7 feet~lonr,7 said Pdorth~rly l~ne~ and along the Southerly line oF the land deocribed in the lease to Fr~,jen-Lund Investments, In~., as lr.:y~no~ recordrd Febru~ry 2, 1967_ in 9ook 6003~ P~rr. 185 of Uffir.ial Recnrds, rr,r,or~:~ of ~aid Cpunty, to a pnin•~ on the iaest line af said Lot 5 which ia 3GU,73 feoL North of tFe Southwest r.orner of said Lnt; thaance ' fdortherly along ~~id we3t 11ne to the True Point oP Beginning. EXC"cPTING 7H:~7EFii[1M that portion thereof within the linits of the City of Fullertan, St3te af CaliPornia. ' -- WIiEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold a publlc heering at the City Hell ':n the City of Anaheim cn October 27~ 1976, at 1:30 p.m., notice of satd pubiic hearing having been duty given as requlred by law and In accnrdance with the provisions of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and againgt said proposed reclasslfication and to investlgate and make findings snd racommendattons in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commissl~n, afYer tiue inspectien. tnvesttgaEfon and study made by ltself and 1n its behalf~ and after due r,onsideratlon of ail evidcnce and reports offered at aaid hearfng, does flnd and determine the following facts: 1, 7hat the petitloner proposes a reclasslficailon of the above-described propcrty from the CH (COMMERCtAL, fiEAVY) ZONE to Che ML (INDUSTRtAL, LfMITED) ZONE, 2, Thst the Anaheim General Plan designat~s subJect property Por general industrlal uses. 3. 7hat the proposed reclasstficatian of subJect pr~pr.rty Is necessary and/or desirable for tha orderly and proper development of the community. 4. That tFe propesed reclasslficatton of sub)ect property daes pro~erly rel+~te to the zones 2~nd their permttted uses locally establtshed in ciose proximity to .subJect proparty and to the zones and their permltted uses generally establ(shed throughouC the commun~lty. 5. That no ane Indicatnd thelr presence at sald public hearing in oppositlon; and that no correspondence wes received ln oppositlon to eubJect petition. ENVIRONMENTAL iMPACT REPORT FINOtNf,; That the Anahelm City Planning Comm'sss~on doos hereby recommend to the City Counr,il of the City of Anahclm that ~+ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-207 U ~ negativc decleretlon from thm requirement to prepare an environmantal Impac[ teport be approved for the sub)ect project~ pursuartt to the provlsians ef the California Envlronmcntal Quallty Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning C~rnmission dOCS hereby recortmend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subJect Petitton for Reclass)flcatlon be approved and, by se doing, that 71tte 18-7.onin,y of the Anahelm Munlcipal Code be amended to exclude the ahove-described property from the CI~ (COf1MERCIAL, HEAVY) ZdNE and to incorporate said descrlbed ~roperty into the ML(1NOU5TRIAL, LIMI7ED) ZONE upon the following conditions whlch are hereby found to be a neeessary prerequisite to the proposed use ~f subJect property ln order to preserve the safety snd general welfare of the Citlzens of tfie City of Anaheim: 1. That sidewalks shall be Installed along Harbor [ioulevard, as requlred by the Ctty Engineer and in accordance wlth standard rylans and specificattons an fite in the Office of the City Engineer. 2. That street lighting facllitles along Harbor Boulevard shait be installod as requlred by the Director af Public Utilitles, and tn accordance with standard pians and speclflcations on file in the Offlce of tl~e Dlrnctor of Public UCitlties and/or that a hond, certificaCe of deposit, letter of eredlt, or cash in an amount and form satisfactory to the Ctty of Anahelm shatt be posted wlth the City to guarantee the installation of the above-mentioned requlrements. 3. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordence witl- approved plans on file with the Offlce of the Director of ~ubl(c Works. ~~. Yhat fire hydrants sha11 be Installed and,charged as required and determined to be necessary by the ChieP of the Fire Department, prlor to commencement of structural framing. 5. 7hat appropriate water assessment fees, as determined by the Directar ~f Publlc Utllities, shall be paid to the Clty of Anahelm prPor to issuance of a buildin9 permft. 6. That subJect property shall be served by underground utllities, 7. That dra(nage of subject property shal) be dtsposad of in a manner setlsfactory to Che City Engineer. a. Prtt~r to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subJect property, Condii•ti~rN ~~~:. :. abc;ve-menttoned~ shall be completed. The provlslons or rights granta~ `~ '.~Fa resolution shalt become null and vold by actfon of the City Council un1e~~ ~'.~ :.~ditr•ons are complled with within one (1) year from the date heredf, or such ,fur :. _. ._is~o: us the City Counc[1 may grant. ~, 't'hat Condttlon Nos. 1. 3, ~+, and 7, above-mentionad, shall be complled with prlor to fi~a! bullding and zoning tnspections. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ls signed October 1976, ATTEST: ~G~c~~.(.~ -iO-~ ~ 'y~G~R '~C~~dN~~TI~~~L N7N~ S I N and approv me this 27th day Qf H AN~ M I~ NIN COMPItSSIQN -2- RESOLUTION N0. I'C7o-2Q7 . ~ ~ STATE OF CpLIFORNIA ) o COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I~ PatrTcln B. Scartlan. Secretary of the ~nahelm Clty Planning Corxnisaton, do hereby cartT}y thet the foregoing resolutlnrt waa passed and adopted at a meeting of' the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission, held on Actober 27, 1976~ At 1:30 p.m.~ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, FARANO, F;ERBST, KINC, MORLEY, TOLAR~ JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIOWERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSI0NER5~ NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hercunto set my hand this 27th day of October 1976. Ct.rc~/ ECRETAR ~ AN HEtM Ct L NNING COMMISSION -3- RESOLUTIO~! N0, PC76-207