PC 76-213~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-213 A RE50LUTIUN UF THE AMAHEIM CITY PLANNING COHMISSION THR.T PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2857 BE D~NIED. WHEREAS. thc Anaheim City Planning Canmission did receive a verified Petition for Variance from 111LLIAM E. AND KAY B. THOMPSON~ P,O. Box 1i92. Oxnard, Callfornia 9303z ~Owncrs); ROBERT F, RYAN, P.O, Box 832~ Oxnard, Caii~`ornla 93032 (Agent) of certain real property situnted in thc Clty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Callfornia descrlbed as: LOTS 11, i2, AND i3 IN BLOCK 4 OF TRACT N0. 304, !N 7HE ~I7Y OF ANAHEIM~ COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALtFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 14 PAr,E 50 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS~ IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAlD COUNTY. EXCErT THE WEST 2.75 FEET OF LOTS it AND 13 AS GRAN7ED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM BY DEEDS RECORDED IN BOOK 9z0 PAGE 180 OP OFFICIAL RECORDS~ AND IN BOOK 944 PAGE 322 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. WHERERS, the City Planning Cortm~ission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in tha City of Anaheim on October 27, 1976~ at 1:30 p.m., notlce of saTd public hearing having been duly given as required by law and In accordance with the provislons of the Anahelm Hunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evldence for and agalnst sald proposed varlance and to lnvesLlgate and make flndings and recommendatlons In connection therewith; and WHEREAS~ said Commission, after due: inspectlon~ investigation and study mada by itself and in its behat4~ and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing~ does find and ~etarmine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes ehn foilowing waivers frorn the Anahelm Municipel Codm~ to establish a retell merket at an existtng se~vice statlon ln the CH (COMMERCIAL, HEAVY) 20NE: a. SECTION 18.4b.020 -'ermitted uses, (Canbinatton service station/retatl marTce't not permitted) b. SECTION 18.46.068 - Re q~ul~red slte screenin (6-ft, mason~ wall requ~ec; nol- ne propose ~ 2. That the above-mentioned waivers are hereby denied on the basis that no hardship or unique circu!nstances were demonstrated by 4he petitloner; that the proposed "duai use" would be an overdeveTopm~nt of the stte; that the proposal to combine a servlce stntion a~d re2ail market would set an undesirable precedent for future similar requests; that If foad sales were permitted (n conJunctlon with service statlons, convenience markeYS mlght be entltled to have gasoline sales; and that. historically, service statTons h~ve enJoyed speciat privl9eges due to the nature of the use and should not be granted additlonal prlvileges or rignts. 3. That there are no exceptlonal or extraordtnary clrcumstances or con~itlons applicabia to the property invotved or to the Yntended use of the property that do not apply generally to tha property or class of use in the sAme vlcinity and zone. 4. That the requested varf+ance ls not necessary for the preservation and enJoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property In the same vlclnlty and zone, and denled to the property ln yuestion. 5. That the requested variance will be materlatly detrlmentr~! to the public welfare or inJurlous to the property or improvements In such vicinity and zone tn which Lhe property is tocated, 6. That no one Indicated their presence at said public hearing In oppositlon; and that no corraspondence was recelved tn opposition ta subJect petitlon. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FtEPORT FINDiNG: That the Dfrector of the Planning Department has determ ned that the prop~sed actlvity falls within the .defTnition of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the City of Anahelm Guld'clines to the Requlrements for an Enviranmrntal Impact Report and Is, therefore, categoricaliy exempt from the req~ilrament to file an EIR. kESOLU710N N0. PC76-2?3 ~ ~ ,; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEp th~t the AnaheTm ~ity Pta;;nTng Commission ~' does hereby deny subJect Petitlon for Vartan~e or, ihe basi, ~af the aforementiorsed findings. TNE FOREGOING RESaLUfIaN fs slgned end approv ~ by me tF@> 27th day of october t976. ,~ ~ . ,~. l~~"""~:~rt:is ~N .. M Ci~~ING COMM SSION ai a~5'f: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~~ ~~.,~e,-~~,~:~ SECRE~RN~f~F..c1 G1.Y I~CA~iN~2t a:~;t~'~~~P STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) • COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. C17Y OF ANAHEIM ) I,, Patricla B. Scanlan, Secrotary of the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at e meettn9 of tha Anaheim City Planning Ccmnisslon, held on October 27~ 1976~ at it3Q p.m,~ by the following vote of the membcrs thereofs AYES: COMMISSIOWERS: BAR~dES, FARANO, HE{tBST~ KING~ MORLEY~ TOLAR~ JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE . ABSENT: COMMISSION~RS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand thls 27th day of October 1976. ~ ~ CR ~~ 1 AN NG COMMtS510N -2- RESOLUTION N0, PC76-213