PC 76-216C~ RESOLUTION Nd. PC76-216 C A RESOLUTION OF 7HE ANAHEIM Ci7Y PLANNIlVG COMMI55(ON THAT PETITIpN FOR VARIANCE N0, 2862 BE GRANTED. WHEREAS, the Anehelm City Planning Conrnlsston did receivr a verTficd Petitfon i'or Variance from DALE FOWLER, i~3~ 5, frand Avenue, Santa Ana; CalTfornim 92705 ~~wner); STEVE SNERMAN~ General Menager, 3845 E, Coronado, Anahetm~ California 92807 (Agent) of certaTn real property sltuated in the Clty of Anaheim. County of Orange~ State of California descrtbed ass THE EAS7 HALF OF LO7 44 OF HAZARD'S SUBD!'~tSION IN 7HE CITY OF ANAHEIN~ ZOUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SH041N ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 1 PAGE 26 9F RECORD OF SURVEYS IN 7HE OFFICE OF 7HE COUNTY R'cCORDER OF SAID COUNTY, SAID LAND IS INCLUDED WlTHIN THE AREA SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IH BOOK 45 PAGE 47 OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. 4MEREAS~ the CTty Planning Commission dTd hold a public heartng at the City Hell in the City of ARaheim on October 27, 1976, at 1:30 p.m „ notice of sald public hearing having been duty gSven as requlrad by law and in eecordance with the provisions oP the Anahcim Municipal Code~ Chapter 18.03~ to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst said proposed varlance and ta investigate and make fl~dTngs and recortmendations in connec:lon therewith; and UHEREAS, said Cortmieslon, after duo inspeetton; Investigatlon and study made by Itself and ln its bahaif, and after dun conslderetion of all evldence and reports offcred at sald hearing~ does find and detcrmine the }ollowing facts: 1. That the petltloner propases :ha following waiver from the Anaheim Munlcipal Code~ to establlsh outdoor manufacturings SECTION 18.6f.025.020 - Re uirement that atl uses be conducted ln a bui ding. 2, 7hat tha above-mcntToned waiver 'is hercby granted subJec~: to *.he stipulation of the petltloner limlting thn work conducted outdoors to finish/detail work •end quality contral, but not t~ Include the installatlon of aluminum or other sheeting (skln)~ clectrieal wlring, roofing or' ather work whleh is not eonsidered minor finish/detail work and quelity control, 3. Th~t there are exccpttonal or e:xtraordtnary circumstances or condltions appticable to the property invotved or to ti:e intended use of the property that do not appty ~eneraily to the proparty or clrsas of use In t;~s same vicinlty and zone. 4. That the requested varlence is neaessary for the preservation and enJoyment ~f a su'~slantinl propcrty right paseessed by other proparty ln the same vlciniCy and zone, end denied to the property 4n question. 5. That the requested varlanee wlll not be mat~rially detrimental to the public welfare ar 1nJarious to the praperty or lmprovements In sueh vlcinity and zone in which the property is located. 6. That no one indicated thelr presence at sald pubtic hearing in oppositian; and that no correspondence was reeelved In oppositlon to sub}ect petitlon. ENVIRONMENTAL iMPACT REPORT FIN~ING: Yhat the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon does hereby recorcanand to the City Councll of the City of Anaheim that a negativo daclaration rrom the roquirement to prapare an envlronmental Impact report be epproved for the subject pro)ect, pursuant to the provisions of the Catifornia Environmental Quntity Aet. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anatrelm City Ftanning Commission daes hereby grant subJect Petitlon for Variance, upon the foliowing conditlons which ere hereby }ound to '~e a necessary prerequlslte to the proposed use of the subJect property in order to p~eserve the eafety and general welfare of the Cttizens of the CT~y of Anehelm: 1. Th~ut the owner(s) of subJect property ~hall pay to the Ctty of Anahetm the sum of $2.00 per front foot along Caronado Street for street ilghttng purposes. RESOLUTION N0, PC76-216 ~ ~ 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordante with approved " plans on file with the Office of the Director of Publtc Works. 3. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chlef of the Flre Department prior to commencement of structural framing. 4. 7hat approprtete water assessment feee as detcrmTned ~y the Director of Publlc UtilltFes shall be pald to the Ctty of Anaheim prtor to the issuanee of a huilding pcrmTt. 5. That the ~ubJect proaerty shall be developed substantTally in accordance with pians and speclfication~ on file with the City of Anaheim marksd Exhlbli No~. 1 and 2. 6. That Condition No. 1, above-mentloned~ ehall be complied with prior to the cammencement of the actlvity authorized under this reeolutton~ or prior to the time that the build(ng permTt Ts issued~ or within a perTod of one (1) year from the date herzof~ whicheve~ occur~ firet, or such further time as the Ptanning CommissTon mey grant. 7. That C.^nditlon Nos. 2 end 5, above-mentioned, shali b~ complTed with prlor to final buildi~g and zoning inspectto~e, A. That this verlancc shall be granted to permOt outdoor manufacturing ltmited to minor finish/detell work ar.d qua~ity ~eontrol, end sh~l1 not include the installatlon of aluminlum or other sheeting (skin), electrlcal wlrtng, roofing or other work which la not conside~ed to be minor finish/detall work or quality contral~ es stipulated to by thm petltloner. THE FOREGOING RESOlUTION is s'~gned and ap;+rov ~/ me this 27th day of October,1976. ! / / AT7E57: , NA E M NN MZ`~M RSTb~J STATE OF CALIFORNiA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANANEIM ) 1, Patricie 0. Scenian, Secretary of tha Rnaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wa~ pessed and adopted at a mecting of the Anahelm City Planning Commlsslon, held on October 27~ 1976, at It30 p.m „ by tFe following vote of the members thereofs AYESi CONMi5510NER5: BARNESe FARANO~ HERBST~ KtN6, MORLEY~ TOLAR~ JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONf,RSs NONE ABSENTs COMMiSiIONERS: hONE t976. IN WITNESS WHEftEOF~ 1 have hereunto snt my hand this 27th day of October ~ . . •C E A ~ A AH IM I Y LANNING COHMISSION -2- RCSOLU710ti N0. PC76-216