PC 76-221~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-221 A RESOLUTION Of TNE ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNI!iG COMMISS~ON THAT PET9TION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1660 BF_ GRANTED. WNEREAS, the Anahelm City Pienning Commlssion did recelve a verir"led Petttfon For Conditional Use Permit ~rom ROBERT R. RALLS, 7_14 Monarch Bay, 5. Laguna, Cattfornia 92677 ~Owner); PAUL YORDE, 1422 Damon Avenue, Anaheim~ California 92802 (Agent) of certaln real property sltunted in the City o,°• Anaheim~ County of Orange, State oi' CallfornPa doscribed as: That portion of Saction 9, Tawaship 4 South, itxnge 10 West. ia tbe Runcho San Juan Ca~on de Santa Ann, aa ehoirs: on a Map.recorded in boelc 5i, pege 10 of Miecellaneoue Mapeo recorde of Orange County~ Califoruia, described as followe: Hog:nning at the intezeection of the North line of eaid Section 9 with the centerline of West Street, as eho,on on a Map made for R.~W. Fleischmaun filed in book 1, pnge 56 of Record af Surveye in the officQ of the County Recorder of eaid Orange County; thence West along said North line 303.29 feet; thence South parnllei with the East line of Che Northwest ~~- quarter of the Northwest quarter. of said Section 9 a dietaace of 507.00 feet to the South line of Lat : as shown on said Aecord of Survey Map•,~ t'hence East aiong eaid South iine and its Easterly prolongation 437.69 feet to eaid centerline of `,¢est Street; thence Northweaterly alflng~esid centerline 524.90 feet to ~he point aL• beginniag. Excepting therefrom that portion lying North~esterly of the Southeastesly line of the land described in Parcel 2 of deed to the ~range Cour.~y Plood Control District recorded February 3, 1961 in book 5617, page 433 of Official Recorde of eaid Orange County. Also excepting therefrom the iatereat conveyad co Gus C. Winzan by deed xecorded August 24, 1959 in bonk 4853, paga 521 of Official Records. l1FiEREAS~ the CiYy Plenning Conmissio~ did hold e publie.hcaring at the City Hall in the City of Anehelm on October 27, 1976, at it30 p.m.~ notlca of eald public hearing having been duly given as required by law and Tn aeeo~dance wlth the provislons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,03~ to hear and conslder evidanco for and agelnst sald proposed conditlonai use and to Investigste and make findings and recommendations Tn eonnectlon therewith; and VIHEREAS, said Can~nisslon, after dun Inspection, investigatlon and study made by ltaelf and !n Its behal4, and after dun consideratton of all evldence and reports offer~ed at said hearing~ does find and determine the foltowing factss 1. That the proposed use !3 properl~ one for which a condltlonal use pormiC Is authortzed by Code Section to wit: permit e boardiny house for six (6) davelopmentally-dl~abled adults~ with watvers of: e. SEC710N 18,04.043.040 - Maxlmum eave ro ectlon into side ard, 0 nc ea perm tte ; 0 nc as proposed) b. SECTION - Minimum slde ard setback. 10 eet requ re ; ~eet proposed) 2. That the proposed usc Is hereby granted to pormit a boarding house for six (6) developmentally dleabled adults and a housekeeping couple on the basis that the aub)ect property, although located tn a resldentlAl area, Is also in close proxlmity ta commercial and other nonrzsldentlal us~s including ths Carbon Creek Channet. 3. That the above-menttoncd walvers are hereby granted on the basis that the pet~tloner demonstratcd that e hardship wouid be creeted if said waivers were r.ot gr~n:ed~ duo to tho irregutar aizc and shape o? the subJect property. 4. That the proposed use will not adversely ~ffect the ad)otning land uses and the gra+th and development of the area tn which It ]s proposed to be located. 5. 7hat the alze and shape of the site proposed Por the use is adnquate to allow the full development of the prop~sed use in a manner not detrimental to the RESOLUTION N0. PC76-221 ~ ~ pertTculnr area nor Lo the peace~ health, safety~ and general welfare of the ~itizens ° of the City of Anaheim. 6. That the granting of the Conditiona) Use Permlt under the conditions imposed will not be detrimental to the peace~ health~ safaty and general arelfare of the Citizens of the CTty of Anaheim. 7. That two (2) persons appeared, representing three (3) persons present at sald publlc hearing tn opposttlon; and that no corraspondence was received ln oppositton to subJect petltion. ENVI^ONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Director of the Planning Department as eterm ne L at t e propose activity falis within the deflnitlon of Section 3.Q1, Class 3~ of the Ctty of AnaheTm Guidellnes to the Requtrements for an Environmental Impact Report and is. therePore, categorically exempt from the rnqulrement to file an EIR. NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the AnaheTm City Planning Cammission dnes hareby grant sub]ect Petitlon for ~onditlonal Use Permit, upon the follrnving conditions whlch ~re heraby found to be a necessary prerequlsite to tha proposed use oP the subJ9ct proparty in order to preserve the safety and gene~al wetfare of the Cttizens o} the City of Anahetms 1. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay to the City of Anahelm the sum af $2.00 per front foot along West Street for street lighting purposes. 2. In the evnnt that ~ubJect property la t6 be divlded for the purpose of sale, lease or finnncing, a pereel map to record the appreved divfston of subJect property ba srbmitted and approved by th~ Ctty of Anahalm and then be recorded In the Offlce of the Orange County Recorder. 3. That ~ubJnct property shell be developed precisely In accordance wlth plans and specifications on 1'tle with the City of Anahetm marked Exhlbit Nos. t, 2 and ;. 4. That Condition Nos. 1 and 2~ above-mentloned~ shall be complied with prinr to the comnencert+ent uf the activity authorized under this resolutfon~ or prior tu the tlme that the bullding permli fs Issued, o: within a perTod of one year from data hereof, Whlehever occurs flre.*.~ or such further time as the Planning Commisslon and/or City Council may grant. 5. That Conditlor~ No. 3, ebovo-mentloned, shell be complled with prior to final building and zoning In}pect!ons. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION 's sfgned and approv by me this 27th day of October 1976. H 1 N~ LANNING COMMISSION ATTESTs C/ ~-~ E HR ~ E M N( OMMISS~N -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-221 r ~ ~ " STATE OF CALiFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )~s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Patricia B. Scsnlrn, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutlon wa~ paesed and adopted at a meettng of tha Anaheim City Plenning Canmtaelon, held on October 27, 1976, at 1:30 p.m.~ by the fallowing voto of the ~nmbers thereof: AYES: CONMISSIONERSs BARNES, fAr'tANO, HERBST. KING~ MORLEY, TOLAR~ JOHNSON NOESs COMMISSIONERSs NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSs NONE IN WITNESS IJFIEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of October 1976. ~ . ~ ~ M -3~ itE50LUTI0N N0. PC76:-221