PC 76-239~ ~ RESOLUTIO~ N0. PC76-239 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANANEIM CITY PLANNIMG COMMISSION TNAT PETITION FQ'R RECLASSIFICATION N0. 76-77-19 BE APPRQVED, iN PAR7. WHEREAS, the A~aheim Clty Planning Commtssion did receTve a~.rerified Petition for Reclassification from CHARLES C, LUCAS, 1301 W. North Street, Anaheim, California 92801 (Owner); LYNN E, THOMSEN~ 710 N. Euclid Street. Anaheim, California 92801 (Agent) of certain real property situated in.the City of Anaheim~ County of Orange, Stz,te of Californla described as: :!l~at pos~4on ~t Sece£oa 4, ia 'Poaa~ah4p 4 Sauth, Rnnge 10 Wsae, Ssu Sorantdinu Saa• aad Moridicn~ deocribad'ee Po1laWas • Bag2antag mt e paint in tho !iorthurly line o! I.ot 4, ae ~haae on n~ I.Ynensaa Survaqar'e Hep o! a portion of Sectf.on 9. made for F. L1. Floischn,nn and filad in book 1, at page 56, of ~ecord of Surna~a. 4n ~ ehe a!lico o! tha County T.ucorder of asid Orangn County, 289.82 ~oae , W~atOriq from the center line of Weat Strmat~ ae show~ on ~aid mop;, •. ruuniag thanea Southmrlq~ psrallel vitA the Caettarly line o8 tha We~t ~. ono-hali of the tiorthaeot qunrter of said sectioa. 1176.4 teet to thu.. . Soueh.rly lin• of eaid Loe 4; thmnee Hoaeerly alang eaid SouthetlyP fit-4, 464, Paet to th• true paint of beginnieg of the boundarq o! the lnnd•'. 'harmin d~acribod; thaaca Nortl~erly, along a liao parsl7al aith eha '''`';'' Easreriq linm of the We~t onm-heif of tho Tiorthvere quRrter of snid~:~, ''9sctlwa q, 426 4eat; theaea Sie~earlp pnra11e1 Wi~h tho Southar2q liua oP•: .na4d Lot 6, 110 lest tn the Norehoaat cornnr ef th~ land eonvepad to ~. Varaon C. Searr ead vifo, by daAd recordod Jul~ 31. 1946~ 4a boek 1423; ~ ~t pnBo 472 of OfSicial Racoxd~~ in thm o!lica o! the Countq RacuYder a! oaid Araago County; thenca Southerly along th~e Easterly l~lns o! eaid , laad oozrnayed to Starr, b26 ieet to th~ &outheaat cornez thnre~Y; thadam. Eaetarly along ths Southe~rly line o! anid Lot G, a d4atenem o! 110 faat to th~ true point of baginnina. _ Together with the appurtannnt iatar~st in thm vell. ~umpinq plant. ,~ rights ot wny and pipa lina uaed in furni~hing vater ta thn above dee- . ~~~A~ 7and frnm -hw ygt9r w71 ~~ 9nwar~.! Q~ ~ rewt 74 Tw~ L fw $~wo~ng 9~ ia Toomohip 4 South, Rsaga 10 iJu~t~ &an Aernardino Base and Maridlan~.'. ae per map thetao! recorded in book 1, at pa~~ 56~ o! Rncosd of 8nrveqo, is tha ollin~ o! ths Countq Reeordsr of said Orenga Cuunty, as eom-eyed ,• la o daad dnCed Ju17r 13~ 1927, lrom Citise~ia Tcuex aed Savin~s Baa1a., e•~ eorporatioa, co s. K. whionaat, aad aifo, rRCaxdeA Augvat 9. 1927 ta,;.:': , book 77~ at paEe 34 04 0lftcinl Reoord~, An the of!!ee oF th~ Co~mty •'~ &aeordsY ot aaid Crengo C.ouatp. , , , WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon did schedule a publlc hearing at ehe City Hall fn tha City of Anahetm on October 27, 1976~ at it30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with thc provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1$.03, to hear and consider avidence for and against sald proposed reclassification and to investigate and make flndings and recommendatlons in connection therewtth; said public hearing having been continued to the Planntng Commission meeting of November 22, 1976; and WHEREAS, said Commisslon, after due tnspecClon, investigatlon and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitloner proposes a reclassification of zoning on the above- descrlbed property from the RS-10,000 (RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY) ZONE to the ou_ 1200 (RESfDEN';4l1L. MULTiPIE-FAMILY) ZONE. 2. That the Anahelm General Plan designates the subJect property for low and medium-density residentlal land uses. 3. That the petf:loner presented a revised plan indicating RM-1200 zoning proposed for thc northerly portion of the property only, said portion abuttirsg the pruposed extenston of Lido Place; and that the southeriy approximately one-third of subJect property abutting North Street shalt remaln es RS-10,000 zoned property. RESOLUTION tJO. PC76-239 ~ ~ 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject property ls necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the corcanunity. 5. That the proposed reclassi'tcatlon o` suh;~~: ~rnperty does properly relate to the zones and their permTtted usres locally establTshed in ciase proximity to sub.)ect property and to the zones and thetr permitted uses generally established throughout the communlty. 6. That the ?roposed reclassificatlon of subJect proaerty requlres the dedlcation and improvement of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulatirn Elament of the General Pl.an, due to the antictpated increase 1~ traffic which wtll be generated by the intensification of tand use. 7. That the Planning Commisslon clarlfied thet requlred street fmprovements and street lightfng facilities shall apply to that portlon of Lido Place lyTng south of the centeriine of sald street and to that portton of North Street lyln9 north of the centertine of said strcet; ar:r;. furthermore~ t.hat the City shall improve the northerly one-half of the extznslon a,f Lido Place. 8. 7hat four (4) persons appeared representing approximately twelve (12) persons present at satd publlc hearing in opposltion; and that no correspondence was received in opposition Co subJec4 petlClon. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Corrmisslon oes hereby recommend to t e C ty Counctl of the City of Anahelm that a negative declaratio~ `rom the reeuirement to prepare an environmentei impact report be approved for thc : ~ct proJect, pursuant to the prov!slons of the California Environmental Quality ~;,t. • NQN, 1'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planntng Commission does hercoy recommend to the City Louncil of the City of Anaheim that subJect Petltion for Reclasslfication be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municlpal Code be amended to exclude the above-descrlbed property from the RS~10,000 (RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY) .ZONE and to incorporate said described property into the R11-1200 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZONE upon the following conditions whlch are here6y found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use oT subject property tn order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this reclassification shall apply only to the northerly approximately 0.68 acre portion of subJect property initially proposed for re~oningy sald portion being. apprcxlmately 305 feet deep and 110 feet wlde and abutting the proposed extension of Lido Place. 2. That thic owner(s) of subJect property shall deed to the City oP Anahetm sufficient property from the construction o'f a standard symmetrical cul-de-sac at the east end of U do Place. 3. That all englneering requfrements of the Clty of Anaheim~ along North Street and Lido Place (standard symmetrical cul-de-sac), including preparation of lmprovement plans and installatlon of all improvements,such as curbs and gutters, sidewall;s, street grading and paving, drainage facilitles, or other appurtenant work, sl;all be complfed wtth as requlred by the City Engineer and in accordance with sta^~ard plans and specifications on ftle ln the Office of the City Engineer; that street 1lghting facilitles along North Street and Lido Place shall be installed as required by the Dlrector of Public Utilittes, and in accordance with standard specificatlons on file in the Offlce of the Dlrector of Public Utillties; and/or that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of cred(t, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted wlth the City to guarantee the lnstallatlon of the above-mentioned requirements. 4. That the owner(s? of the subJect property shall pay to the City of Anafieim the sum of slxty cents (60~) per front foot aio~g North Street and Ltdo Place for tree planting pur~oses. 5. 7hat trash stora7e areas shall be provided in accordance wtth approver! plans on file wlth the Offlce of the Direc.to~ of Pdblie Works. 6. That ftre hydrants shall be installed and charged as requlred and determined t~a be necessary by the Chlef of the Fire Department, prior to, commencment of structural framing. -2' RESOLUTIOIJ N0, PC76-23g ~ ~ 7. That the subJect property shall be served by underground utiliCies. 8. That a s1x-foot high masonry wall shall be constructed along the east, north, ar.d west property lines adJacent to the single-famTly ioned property and in accordance with Code requDrements. 9. That drainage of the subJect property shall be disposed of in a man~er sa[tsfactory to the City Engineer, 10. In the event that the subJect property is to be divided for the purpose of sale, lease, or financing, a parcel map to record the approved division of subJect property shall be submitted to and approved by the Clty of Anahelm and then be rec~rded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. ii. That the owner(s) of the subJect property shall pay to the CiYy of Anaheim thc appropriate parl; and recroatio~ in-lieu fees, as determincd to be appropriate by the Clty Council, sald fces to be paid at the time the bullding permit ts issued, 12, Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezonin,q subJect property, Condition Nos. 2, 3, 4~ and 10, above-mentloned, shall be completed, The provisions or rlghts granted by the resolutlon shall become nsa13 and void by action of the City Council unless said conditions are complled wlth withPn one (1) year from t~e dat~. hereof~ or such further time as the City Couneil may grant. 13. That Condition Nos. 5, 7, 8, and 9. aboie-mentloned, shall be complied with prior to final b~llding and zoning inspetttons. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Is signed and approved by me this 22nd day of November~ 1976. [/ C~~ CHAIR 'H'~t~`~EF1?ORE~~ ANAHElH CITY PLAkNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~ a ' C'~^~i~C/~ij{~ SECRE ARY~ AN HEIM LANNfN, MMI 5 N STATE -0f CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF OR/1NGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) . I, Patricla 8. Scanlan~ Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commission, h:-id on November ~2, 1976, at 1:30 p.m „ by the following vote of the members thereof: hYES: COMMISSIONERS: bARNES, FARANO,.HERB57~ KING~ MORLEY~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMHISS~QNERS: JONNSON IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ( have hereunto set my hand thls 22nd day of November 1976. ~~i.. ~r N• y~1~'GC~iX~ti.~ SECRE nR ~ ANAHEIM 1~ LANNING COMMISSION -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC76-239