PC 76-241~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC7F-241 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINf COMMISSi6N THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION Nd. 76-77-23 BE DISAPPR(1V[D. WHEREAS. the Anaheim City Planning Commission did recelve a verified Petttlon for Reclassificatlon from JACK N, AND DOROTHY D. HALL, et al, P,O. Box 11667, San[a Ana. Callfornia 92711 (Qwners); JACK N. HALL, P.O. Eox 11667, Santa Ana~ California 92711 and WILLIAM S. PNELPS, 'i095 N. Main Street, Sulte S, Orange, California 92667 (Agents) of certaln real property situa2ed in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Catifornla described as: Proposed Tract No. 94R2, beinq a sulxifvision of that portion of the lar,d allottad to Juan I~ablc Peralta, as des~ribed in the Final Dacree of Partition o£ the Rancho Santiagn de Santa Anu, which ~~as entered SrptQ:N~er 12, IIIGS xn book "~", r~age 11U of Judgements of t.he District Court of the 17th JudiciAl District in and for Los Angelee County, California doscriY,ed as gollows: F3egi~ning at the intarsection of the klestorl;y line of the lund describod in the uc_~d to Louie W. Fu~harci, and wife, recordod June 4, 19~5 in Look 57J, pagc 304 ,;f Deede, recorcls of said County, wit.z the IJr~rtheac~torlp irrol;;nR~tion of the SouthQasterly line of k:~:•7uty I~rive, 60.00 feet wine as Ehown on a map of Tract No. 9:53'l, racordad in l~oak 192, pagc:s 3G t~ 3b iaclusive of Miace].laneous ;i~i~a, in thQ c£fice of the County ltQCOrdar of saia C:ount~r; thence North 3fi° UO' 32' Last 172.5T feet alo~ig caid Northensterly prolonc~ation to the beginning of a curve conc~ve Westerly having a raciius of 200.00 feet~ thence l~lurti~erly 190.39 feot along said curve through a central angle of 54° 32' 29"; thence :1or~h 16• 31' 57" Wnst 304.58 fc~et; thence Idorth 60• 06' O1" ~ust 26.41 faet to a poiat on a non-tungent curve concav~• 2dortheaste.rl~~ having a radius of 1865.00 teet a radial to said ~oint bears South 60° O(i' O1" t9rst; thence '.3orthwe3terly 142.G4 along said curv~ thzough a centsal anglo of 04° 22' :i6" to a point on [said curve :a ra~lial to said 1:oint bears South G4° 28' :,7" Weat to a point on a non-tnngent curve concave Southeaaterly having a radius of ~70.0~ feet a radial to s+~id point beazG Ivorth 17° 'il' 5~" Y:cst; !:hencc Sautnweaterly 29~}.12 feet along said curve thr~uy:: a a~ntral ancrle of 17° 2'l' 22" to said 4lestc~r2y lirie af: i:ci:,hara a rauial to said point beaz~ L'outh 35° 14' 'lG" L•aat; ti:ance :~outti lE3° ;i5' ~i2" 1.asL• b0.9~ feet along aaid lan~l cieeued t~ 3u~hard; thence South 22° 3!" 53", 585.u~ feet alor~y ::riiu lanc: c;eecled to F3LShard to tbe ~~oint of , i~eainnin,~_ WNEREAS, the City Planning Comnission did hold a public hearing at thc City Hall In the City of Anaheim on November 22, 1976~ at 1:3~ P.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as requlred by law and in accordance ~•~lth the provlsions of the Anaheim Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.D3, to hear and constder evidence for and agalnst said proposed reclassiflcation and to investigate and make ftndings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS~ sald Commisslon, after due inspection, investi,yation and study made by itself and In Its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and rq~orts offered at sald hearing, does find and determl~e the followtng facts: 1. 7hat the petitloner proposes a reclasslflcatton of zoning on the above- descrfbed pro~erty from the RS-A-43,QQ0(SC) (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL - SCL,~11r. CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONF to thc RM-240Q(SC) (RESIDENTIAL~ MULTIPLF.-FAMILY - SCENIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE. 2. That the An~helm General Plan designates the sub)ect property f~r iow- density~ resldentlal l~nd uses. 3, That lnsufftclent showings were made by the petltioner to Justlfy the pr~pasec! Increase In density over khe presrnt land use Aesignatlon on the Anahelm P,eneral Plan. RESOLUTION N0. PC75-241 ~ ~ 4. That aparoval of the proposed development w~~ld be d~trimental to LhE pariicular area and to the peace, hsalth, safe[y and general welfare pf the 'C'itizcns of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the proposed reclassificatlon of sub;ect property is not necessa~y and/or desirable for the orderly and prop~r development of the community~ 6. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property does not properly relate to the zones and their permTtted usns locally Establtshed in close proximlty to subJect property and to the zanes and thefr permitted uses generally established throughout the community. 7. That flve (S) persons appcared representing approxtmaS~ly ilx (6) persons present at sald pubilc heartng in opposition; and that no correspundence ~,~as recelved in opposition to the subJect petition. ENVt~IONMEN7AL IMPACT REPORT fINDING: That the Anaheim City Planntnq Cortimisslon oes ereby racommen to t e C ty Council of the City of Anaheim that a negative declaratlon fron the requlrement to prepare an environmental impact report be approved fer the sub]ect proJect, pursuant to the provisions of the Eal.ifors+ta EnvAronmental Quality Act. NOW, THEREfORE~ BE IT RES'fWED that the Anaheim City Planning Corrmds,l~~ does hereby recommend to the City Councll of the City of Anaheim that su'ojec•i Petition for Reciasslfication be disapproved on the basis of the aforementig~~ac fiindings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 22nd day of November~ 1976. ATTEST: ~ ~ ' ~ ~~~ SECRE7ARY~ ANAHEIM CIT LANNING CQMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )s5. CITY OF ANANEIM ) ~o-~ ~/ ~~~ _ ~ CHAIRkAN PRO TEMPOAE ANAHEIH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~, Patrlcla 6, Scarilan, 5ecretary of the Anahetm Clty Planning Commisslon, do hereby ccrtiiy that the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planning Lommisslon, held on November 22, ig76~ at 1:30 p.m.~ by the following votP of the members thereoP: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, FARANO, HERBST~ KIWf, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSICNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JOHNSON 1976. IN WITNE55 WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand thls 22nd day of November SECRE A•, ,N IM C L NNING COMY:55:4t: -2- RESOLUTIU~1 N0. PC76-241