PC 76-244~ ~ ~ :g RES~LUTION N0. PC%6-244 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TfiAT PETITION FOR VARfANCE N0. 2$76 BE GRANTED. WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Cortenis~•:on did receive a veriTied Petitlon for Variance from 111LDRED BAETGE, et al, 735 S. Euclid StreeY, Anaheim, California 92802 (Owner); GROUP REALTY SERUICF.S, IPlC., 720 S. Euclid StrecY.y Anaheim, California 92802 (Agent) of certatn real property slCuated in the Ctty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Callfornia clescrlbed a~: Parcel 1: The South II0,00 feet of the 1Jest i2i.C1d r'eet of the North 16~.~0 feet of the East 2~31,00 feet of the South half of the South half of the NorCheast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes as said Section is indicated on a map recorded in Bo~k 51, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County. AND ALSO: Parcel 3: 7he North 1Fi~.QO feet of the East 291.00 feet of the South half of the South half of the Northeast qu~rter of the Southeast quarter of Section 17, Tawnship 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes. County of Orange, State of California, as sald Sectton Is indlcated on a map recorded in Book 51, Page i0 of Mtscellaneous Maps, Records o4 sald County, EXCEPTIt1G THF.REFROM the fallowing: The South ~3Q.OQ feet of the ti'est 121.00 feet of the North ifi0,00 fCC~ af the East 291.OQ feet of the South half of the South half of th~ Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 17, Toamship ~~ Soutt-~, Range 1Q l,'est, In the Fancho Los Cayotes as sald Sectton is indlcated on a map recorded in Book 51. Pa9e 10 of Mlscellaneous Maps. Records of sald County. WHERE/15, the City Pianning Cammisston dld hold a~uhlic hearina at the City Hall In the City of Anaheim on Novmeber 22, 1976, at 1:30 p,m.. notice of said puhlic hearing having been duiy glven as requlred by latv and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahe;m Municlpai Code, Cliapter 18.Q3, to hear and consider evldence for ancl against said proposed varlance and to investigate and make findings and recortimendations Tn connectlon therewlth; and 4lHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspectlon, investigatlon and study nade by itself and in iYs behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearin9~ does find and determtne the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes the following waivers from the Anaheim Mu~icipal Code~ to estabiish a four-lot, R~-720Q sub~ivision: a, . SECTION 1II.01.130 - P,e uirement that all.lots abut a ublic street. 2 i~ts without public street rontage proposed} b, SECTION 1~.?.6.065.010 - Re uirement that sln le-famli residences rear-on arterla tilghways, 2 ront-on ots proposed 2. That Waivers i-a ~nd 1-h, ~h~ve-mentioned, are hereby grante~ on the basis that similar waivers have been grented prevlousiy by the Planning Commission; that similar residential lots exist in the area; and, furthermore, the petitioner demonstrated that a hardship would be created if said waivers svere not grant~d. 3, That there are exceptlonal or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property lnvolved or to tlie intended use of the property Yhat dn not apply generally to the proPerty or class of use in the sarne vicinity and zone. 4. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enJoyment of a sut~stantial property riryht possessed by other property in the same vlcinlty and zone, anci denied to the property in questlon. 5. Th:+t the requeste~l varfance will not bc matcrially detrimenCal to the public welfare or inJurious to thc prope:rty er lmprovements in suc` ricfnity and zone In which thc propcrty fs located. RESOLUf I OPI ~JQ. PC76-244 . ~ ~ ..f 6, That no one lndicated thc'r presence at sai~~ ~s~bilc haarng in opposltlon; and that no correspondence was received tn o~position to .the subJect petltion. ENVIRONt1ENTAL IHPACT REPORT FINDING: rhat tne 1~naheim City Planntng Commission does hereby recommenrl to ihe City Council of the f..it;• of Anat~eim that a negative declaratinn firorr the r~Guir~ment to prapare ai~:;~~c.ironmental impact repori be approved for ~l;e s.d~,3ECt p'r.o~jrci, pursuant to tiie provisPons ~':' the California Environmental Vua~ity Act. ~`~!%a `~E~z•f ~RE, BE iT (t~;7~JLVE~ <;;. :he Anaheim Cfty Planning Coimnission does hrrµt~y zr,~ c,un.;ey~ Petitlo~ f;.•:, Var '..~c.e, upan the °as't:swin9 condittons which are hcrelsy ~~~~; r.~ ~~ a neces~,-ry nrer .~3isire ~a g,F;~_ firopased ~se of the subJect property In f.YJe; tt vre;t•,,,e~ c~,F ,p,afety .~.~,:: ~3~nerat ~~:r.2gare of the Cir;e;°.~as of t~e City of /lnafielm: t. lhat this Us~fance ~:<., riraRtrd Kvhjec:;; .r,o !;~,~ completton of Reclasslficatton No. 7f-77-25, now pen+,~;~t~ 2, 7hat subJect property shsi! he devEie,ped substas:•cially in accordance with plans and specificatlons on file wlth ~the C~iy af Anaheim marked ExhibiY No. 1; provlded, however, that the proposed private street shall provide an adequate turning area for sanitatlon and emergency vehicles arid plans for said street construction shall be submit[ed to the SanttatTon and Engineering Divislons for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. That Condition No, 1, above-mentianed, sha:l be complled with prior to the commencement of the acCivity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the • time that the building permit is issued, or within a period of one year from datc hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 4, That Condltian No. 2. above-mentloned, shall be compiled with prior to f(nal buiiding and zoning )nspectlons. THE fOREG0ING RESOLUTIODI~is signed and approved by me this 22nd day of Novemher, 1976. CHAIRMAN PRO TEMPORE ~~ ANAHEIM CITY PLAt~NING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~S.oG~i~Z..~..~' xt~~-~~~..! SECRETARY, At1AHEIM CITY PLANNIDlf COMMISSIOP! STA1'E OF CALIFORNIA ) CODUTY OF ~RA~lGE )ss. C I'fY OF ANAHE IM ) I, Patricla B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission, do hereoy certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahefm City Planning Commission, held on November 22~ 1976, at 1:30 p.m,, by the following vote of the members thereo4: AYES: CoMMI551oNER5: BARNES, FARANO, HER35T, KtNr,~ MORLEY~ TOLAR NOES: COM111551p~7ER5: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONEP.S: JOHNSON • IPI WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of November 1376. (~~r~l.~'.~1 ~ ~~ SECRE AR , ANAHEIM CI PLANPIING COMMISSIOP! -2- RESOLUTION P10. PC76-244