PC 76-246~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC7f-246 A RESQLUTI~N QF THE ANAHFIM CITY PLAPINING C011NISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCF N0. 2877 BE DENIED. WNEREAS, the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission did receive a verified Petftlon for Variance from ~ENE AND PAT LIISN, 2725 Hilicrest, Orange, Calif~rnia 92667 (Owners); NEWITT PirlNEY, 172.9 Concerto Drive, A~ahetm, California 91.8(11 (Agent) of certaln real property situated in the Clty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Caltfornia descrihed as: Lot No. 41 of Tract No. 4181, In thc City ~~f Anaheim, as shown tn Book No. 15~, Page, 21-2;, Mlscallaneeus Naps, Recerds of sa?d O~anqe County. ~JHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a puhlic hearing at the City Hall In the City of Anaheim on November 22~ 197F, at 1:30 p,m., notice of safd pubtic hear(ng liaving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.:03, to hear a:~d consider evidence for and a~alnst satd proposed variance and to tnvestigate and make findings and recommendatlons in connection therew(th; and WHEREAS, satd Commissfon, after due Inspection, investigation and study made by itself and fn its behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports offercd at said hearing, rloes fTnd and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner praposes the following waiver from the Anaheim Municipal Code to permit nine (9) unrelated residents to occupy' a single-family dwclling: SECTION 18,01,07~ - Maximum number of unrelated.resldents. ive persons perm tte ; n ne ex st ng) 2. That the above-mentloned walver is hereby denled on the b~sts that approval a+ould esteblish ~n undesirable precedent for future similar waivers throughout the City of Anaheim in single-famlly zones, a~d that there would be a break-down of the irstegrity of sald zones ir~tended for stngle-family occupancy of detached dwellings. 3. That the prnposal constitutes a multiple-family use of a singis-family dwelling in a single-famliy zone, 1+. That oppositi~n to the proposal was expressed by the ma)ority of the area residents and property owners. 5. That there are no ~xceptionat or extraordie~ary circumstances or conditions appllcable to the property involved or to the lntended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class oP use in the same vicinity anA zone. G. That the requested varlance Is not necessary for Lhe preservation and enJoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property ln the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. ~ 7. That the requested varlance a~lll be materially detrimental to the public welfare or inJurfous to the pro~erty or improvements in such vicinity an~ zone in which the properr.y is located. 3. That four (4) persons appeared representing approximately eleven (11) persons present at sald pubiic hearing in oppositton; and that two (2) petitions containing a total of approxtmately sixty-four (64) slgnatures of area residents and property owners were received in oppositlon to the suh)ect petition. ENVIRONNF.NTAL INPACT REPt)RT •FINDING; That the ~lrector or' the Planning Jepartment as eterm ne that t e propose activity falls within the definition of Sectlon 3,01, Class 1, of th~ City of Anaheim Guidellnes to the Requirements for an Environmantal Impact Report and is, therefore, categorically er.empt from the requirement to file an EIR. IJOW, TfiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planntnq Commission does hereby deny subJect Petltion `or Variance on the basis of the aforementioned findings. RESOLUTION N0. PC76-246 ~ ~ THE FORE~OIkG RESQLUT1f1N is signed and approved by me this 7.2nd day of November, 1976. • ~~,.~ U ~~ LHAIRMAN PRO TEHPOP.E ANAHEtt1 CITY PLANNtNr COMMlSSION ATTf.ST: ~.~ 1 , ~ ~ SECRETARY~ ANANF. M CI Y PLANNINr, COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAt~r,E yss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricta B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adoptad at a meeting of the Anafietm City Planning Commtssien, held on November 22, 1476, at 1:30 p.m., by the followinc~ vote of the members thereof: R,YES: r,4*1MISSIONERS: BARNES, FARANO, HERP.ST, KING, MORLEY, ToI.AR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONF ABSEiiT: EOMM155tONERS: JOHN5bP1 IN W!TNESS VINEREOF, I havp hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of November 197~i. ~ ' ~~~,~~~~ SEC E A ~ ANhHF.IM CITY PLPNNtN. COMHISSION -7- RESOLUTION !J0, PC76-246