PC 76-3~ ~ RESO'L~aTTUri Na. Qc76~3 A R~SOLUTIO~~ 6F Ti1[ CTiY ?LAiV~ITIyG COII'1?SSTON OF Tli~ CITb QF ANAHEI~•1 RECO;iMi:tJDY,lG 70 i~?G CiT~ GOUIJ~iI OF T49£ CITY QF R'IAHEIt4 TdIl4T PETITID"I FOf, RE~LI;;~,FICATf~ITI fa0, 75-7G-i7 RE APPROVED. ;~JNER[AS, th~e City Plar~nin~ Comraissi~n of the City of Anaheim riid rec~ive ~ verified Petition for Reclassificatinn fwom JOSE BROIi(J, et al, 97.~12 Vetardo ~rivc, 1luntingtu~i Deach, California 926h6 4~hmer); YE;J COOPEft, 7~30 Nol]ri~iood Gttu'levard, Suite 1118, Ilollywood, California 9002i~ (age~nt) ~f eertain real prornerty situate~i in the Gity of Anaheim, Cotinty of Orange, S'tate of Cali`orn~a, des~cribed as: The land referred to in tliis ~nl~~cy is situated ~in the Cnunty of Orange, State of Cal9fornia! and is descr9be~ as `ol~ews: That partion of the ~outti 2 acres rof ~thE i~or}h half of the Southwest quarter of the Sou'thwest quarter of the 4~orths~res w qs:arter nf 5ection 23, 7o~ans4~i r 4 South, Range ~~ lJest, in the Rancho Los ~oyoteS., in the Cit;~ of Anaheim, County of Oranne, State o~ Caiifornia, as ~er map recorded zn book 5~, oage il of tdisce9laneous ~4aps, i~ 'tt~e office of the county recorder o'f said county, descrihed as fr,laows: Beginnin9 at the I~orthwest corner of the [ast 3 acres of the South haifi ~f the Southwest quarter .nf the Sout4~west quarter of the t{orthti~re~t quart.er of said Sec~~~~n 23; thence 4J~sterly along ti2e Sautl~ line of said ilorth ha1f, to the lJest ~ine ~~' said Sectier, `thence ldortherly a~lon~ s~aid }.l~st line to the tJorth 7ine of satd SautBi t~~+o acres; thence Easterly a'lenn said I~aorth Tine tn a line that is p~.ra11e1 with said ;~Jest line an~i passes thro~agh t`~e pofryt~of beginning; thence South~rly a~onq said parallel l~ne to 'the ~oint of beg~nrsan~. IJIIEREAS, tlie C~ty P1annfi:mg Camm~ssion did hold a public he:ar9ng at the City Ha31 in th~ City of Anaheim an J,anuary 5, 1976, et 1;30 n.m., n~t{ce c~f said oublic heari~g having been duly giv~n as requvred bV la~~~ and in accnr:iance a~ith the provasions of the An~heir~ ~•tuni.c~v~al Cac9e, Gh~pter 1S.U3, to hear and consider evidence far and a~ainst said pro~msed rec.la~ssY~~cation and to invest9~ate and maxe findings and recommendations in Eo~nection tln?rewith; and 4dHE~EA'S, said Cocrm~a.~sion., after ~lu~ inspectioA, ir~vestigation and stu~v ~nade by itself and in its behalr„ and af~tes due consideration of all evi~dence and renor~s offered at said ~hearing, does f9nd and:determin~ the followar~g f~cts: 1.. That tize petition.~er proposes a rec.lassi`icatior~ of the abo~e-described prope.rty f~or~ the R5-A-43,Op'0 ~RESIUE.~JTI~1L/AfiRICtILTUItd1l) ZO~IE to the R!4-1200 (RESIDE,ITIAL, '1ULT'IPLE-fAC1IL~'} Z!7P9E. 2, Yh~~t the Anaheam General Plan d~signa~es sub3,ect pro~erty for mediu~- dens~t;/ t•es3den't3a71 uses. 3. That tine~ nrbposed f^eclassification of s~~~'ect nroperty i; necessary and/~r desi.rabl~ for hh,e order~ly anci proper deve~t~»m~pnt nf t;Poe community. ~4, Thaw tl~e propased reclassifi~a~ion of svb3e~t ~ronerty does nrnper1y rela~te to, th~ zan~s an~ tl~e#r per'nitteJ uses ~oc,a3~y estabaished ~n close nroximit.y ta~ svbject ~ro~e~rty and 'to ~he zones and their oe~rmit~ed t~s~s generally es.ta'blished throvghout the comr~uni'ty. 5. ThWt t4:~ proposed reclassification of subjeet nrooerty renuires tli~e ciedacation and improvement of abutting str~eets in accordanc~e ~,~9th the 'C1rcu~ation Elemeri~ ~F the Genaral Plan, ~{ue :n the anticioated increase in tra'ffic t•rhicii will be generated '~y the int~nsification of land us,e. ~. That no one in~ficated their oresence .~t said public hearin~ in oQpositi~n; and no correspondence was received in ono~sition t~ subject ne~tition, EAVIROIdhiC•t1TAL I'1PACT REPORT fINUI!!G: at t e na eim ity anninc9 Comr~ission cioes hereb;~ necommen~3 to th~ City GounciS~ n` the City of Anahe4m that tiie subSect orojec~ be exem~t from the requirament to prepa~e an ex~vironmental imnact report, nursuant to the prov~sinns of the talifornia Envirunmental ~uality Act. RESOLU7ION t~~. PC7Fi-3 ~ ~ ;~]OIJ, THEItEF01;G, DL" IT RESOLU'cD ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Comnission does i~er~eby recommend tv thQ C~ty Counci~ af t152 City of Anaheim tiiat su'hject Petiti4n `c~r Reclassi~~ication be ap~roved an~, 5'l so d~ing, that Title 1R-7.on~nr of the Anai~~i~ Itunicipal Code be amended to exclude the a6a~Ye-described pronerty frnm the RS-A••43,if00 {~ESIDENTIAl./AGRICULTURAL) ZOliE a~d to incornorate saad dzscrib?d ~ro~rerty i~to the Rh1-1200 (RESYD[tlTIA! ,~1G;.TIPL~E-FAti'ILY) ZOtlE upon the f'a11c~~.di~ng o;.ondiz3on, which are hereby feund to be a necessary Prerequisite to the nronns~~.l ~~se af sut~,jec~ property in order to Qreser~e the sa~ety and ~eneral v~e7fare of the Citi.z~ens of the City of Rnahe~m: 1. 7hat th~ owner(s) ofi sub3ect pr,onerty shall d~eed to 2he City of Anaheim a st~rip nf 1~~nd 53 feet in width fro~ ~the centerline of the street alonn Y.r,ott S`.re~t~ ~`or street widening puraoses. ~, fi17at all engineering requirem~nts of the City af Anahefim along I:nott S'treet inclu.ding preparation of improvement nlans ar~d i~stallation of all ymprowements such as curbs and gutters, sidasva~k~s, ~4r•eet oradiron and navintr., dr~ir~ag~e ~`a~cal.ities., or other appurtenant t•iork sh~ll be compl•ied with as requlCe~i by the City 'E~n~iFreer and in accordance with standarri nlans a.nd snecificatinns on •~~~ 9n the C1f'fice of Lhe City Engineer. 7f~a't street. laqhting fa~aliti+~S alorog Y.nott S~reet sh~'il be ~nstall,ed a~s required Uy ~Che D9a~ect~r ~f RubOi,c Uti79ties and in accordar~ce wath s;.aA~ard plans and speti`ic~atdons ~an fi1~ in the ~ff~~e A° ~he Direct~r of Pu'~lic Uti'i'ties; and that a hond an an amourat an~ ~arm sa~isfactor.y to the City of Anaheir~ shialj be posted with the ~a~t,~ to guarante~ the irasta~i,'lation di the ~bove- mentioned requ~renents. 3. That the owner(sj of subject proper~y sha41 oay ~o tMe City ~i Anaiieim the sum of 60 cents per {r~~n~ foot along knott Str~:et far tree plant'inn ournoses. n, That tr~sS~ storage areas ~hail 'hp nrovided in accordance with av~p~oved plans on filc witl~ the Offi~e of Lhe D~rectur ~af r•uMlic lJorks. 5. That fire hydrants sha11 !~e instalYed and cliarqed as required ~nd det~rmined `to be necPSSary b~ the C1~ie•P of tlie Fire Department ~rior~ ~o cor~riencme~t af structural framinp. 6. Tha~ s~tb~ect praperty shall be se,rved by un~lerground utiiities. 7. That drainage of subject nroper'ty sha71 be dis~osed uf in a m?~nner satisfactory to the City Eny~neer. 8, That tha owner(s) of subject nroperty .sha'I1 pav to ~he~~ity of Anaheir~ tfie appropriate parl: ~nd recreation in-lieu feES as ~~termined tb be aupropriate by the City Council, said fess to L~e paid at zhe time •the bu~lding permit is issued. 9. That subyect pro~erty sha71 be developed substar~ttally in accordance wi~h ~lans and specifica~:ions on file ~+ith the City nf Anaheim nArked Exhibit Cdos. 1, 2, and 3. 10. Pri~r to the introduction of an ordinance rezoninq sub~ect prouea~ty, Condition Nos. 1L 2, and 3, above-men~ior.ed, shall be conpleted. The provisions or rights ~e~anted by this xes:3lution sha11 become null and void by action of the Cit~ Council unless ~aid condfitdon5 are camplied ~vitli o~ithin one year frum the date hereof, ot• such further time as the City Cauncil~may grant. 11. That Candition P~os. 4, 6, 7, and 9, above-mentioned, _~hall be complied tiait~+ prtow ~o fi~nal L•u$]ding and zonin~ ins,~ections. Tf.1E ~OREGOIi~G RESOLUTION is s3gnCd and approv~d by me Lhis 5th day of January, 191G. ~ ~ilVi~ 1 i~~ .. li , ~ ~1 A77E$~: ~.~~~~y[~,~'~,f~c~ i-~~''~~r,Y;x~ 1 ~ n JLI~I ' \ _ 1 ~~~{ ~ I 1.r : ''~1 ~1 t ~ J 1 _Z_ RESO!_UTIOr1 PJO. PC76-3 , ~ ~ STATE UF CA! IFORT~IA ) COU~JTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF AIdAHLTPt ) I„ Pa~ricia E. 5car~lan, Secretary of i:h~ Citp Planning Corr~m~ssion of the City of Anaheim, do hereb~ cert9fy that the foregoing resolution avas nassed and adopted a~ a meeting of t;~e City Planning Comnission of Lhe Cixy of Anaheim, held on January 5, 197G, at 1:30 p.in., by the following vote of the members there~f: ,.YES: COIfMISSIO~IERS: QAR~atS, FlERBST, J~Ht~'SQt~, KIPiG, t40RL~'~, TOLAn, FARAi90 IJO~S: C011f•tISSI0I~ER,S: l~ONE l1BSEtJT: CqI1:~tISSI011CRS: ?iOt~E If{ IdITI~ESS 'rIIIERE~,F, I have hereunto set ~y hand this 5th d~y of January, 197G. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , r~ ii~T, r;r i+~i ~ 1~~'ft~t _3_ R[SOLUTi I0~1 ~10. PC76-3