PC 76-31~ ~ lttSOLIiTII]il N0. PC76-31 A RFSOLUTION OF Tl1E ~:7Y 9Lr1i1NI~4G COhV-1I5STqt! G"r TIiE CITY OF AtIAI:EI~•1 7~{~i PETITiOi~ ~OP, C~;lniTIOtIAt USE PEftt4IT 11Q. 16~i '3E GP.AfITED. WHERtAS,, ~~e ~it,y Pl;~pning Coman,issian ofi rhe `i~y af Anaheim did receive a ver#fied Petition for Conditional Use Permit ~ro?r, .P~TdA}l~I'~t NTL~:S, ItlC., 3".~l M~+he'r~ lii3ls itoad, Anah~ima ~aliforria 9?~77 ~Qv+ner}; {,'[,J~O1;T COLtA~OpATIVE, If1C., 44~1-A II. ~~ewpor't Doulevaz-<S, ;ie+•rport Eieacw~, California 92C,~o3 '(Agecit) of certain real nronert,~ sitt~ated 'sn the City of Anaheir~, County of Orann,,~, StaCe~of Califarn;a, describect as= PARCEL 1: I Lot 52 thrn'ugh 72 inclusive, 8d through BS anclusive, 51 th.raugh 121 ' inclushve, D, and those portions of Lots 5Z, 73, 74, ~3, 90 and C lying ~asterly of the following descrilxed lfl.ne: Begassning at a point in the Northerly line of saic3 tr~c°c, said point bei,ng k.h~ Eaeterly terminus af that certa2n line s~town as having a beari.nc~ nf go~at,li 76° 23' 40" [~est and a distance af 403.98 feet; tiience South 76° 23° 40" West along said li.ne 168.78 +~eet; thence South 13° 36' '20" Ecs~'~ 920.18 ~e~et to a point in the Southerly line of said tractt, gaid ~oimt being East 267.64 fee~t from the Westerl.y terminus of tha~ ~ext~irs line showrt as having a beari~g of East and ~ distance o£ 862.0~1 fee~ An the map of said 'tract, s3i be~nq part of Tract '~Vo. 8101 irt the City df Anahe~.m, Coun'ty of Orange„ State of ~alifor.nia as shown on a ma~p re~or8ed in book 339, page 91 thron~gh 45 inclusive o~ Misasllan~eous Maps, records of said Orange Co~anty. PARC~L 2. ~hat port~.an of Sections ~ an,d 18, Tawnship 4 5outh, Range 8 West in the Etancha Santiago 'De Sant.a Ana. City o~ F,nakneim, County of Orange, State of Calafornia, being also a portion ~of the land allotted to Paula Per,~lta L1e t4omiraguez, as cles~cribed .in the Fina1 Decree of par~ition of ihe Rancho Sxntiago De Santa fina, Wh1C~1 was entered September 12, 1868 fn book "B", ~age 410 of Jud~gments af the District Court of tF~o 17th ~7ndfo~ial D$st~ict~ in and for Los Ar-gales Ca'unty, California desar.ibed as ~ollo~s: ~eginning at a point in the Nort?~westesly 3.ine of that aartain land allotter], to Henj~min and Thomas F3int and Llewellyn ?lixby in the partitian of the Rnncho Santiago De Santa Ana, distant there~n Nort~ 35° 50' 39' East, 33d1.66 feet from the Northeast corner of t•he land described in the Deed to Santiago .Farmers Assaciation, Reccrc~ec~ itt b~ook 96, ,p~ge 549 o~E Deeds, in 'the o£fice oi• the Couizty Ftecorder t~T Los Ange1.es County, ~California; thence leaving said Northwesterly lit~e, North 54° 09'~ 22" We~at, 1534.53 .feet to the Southeascerly terminus of a r.on-tangent curve aoncave Northeai~terly and having a radius o£ 50R.00 feet, a radial line of. said curve bears South 64° 47' 16" West through said goint; thence North~erly alonq said ci.xve through a centra9. angle ~f 75° 38` 50'" an arc distance of 223.81 feet; thence tangent yor~h 0° 25` 06" East,, 391,.42 feet to a tan-gent curve concav.e Southwesterly and having a radius of 500.00 feetE thence Nort'hwesterly along said curve thrqnqh a central angle of 45iD 29" 35" an arc dista~ce of 397.U0 feets thence tangent North 45° 03' 29" Weat, 335.15 £eet; thence 4outh 44° 56' 31" West, 333.96 feet to a t~n~gesst curve concave Northwes~:exly ~nd having a radius of 2000,00 feets thence SoutY~wes~er~y along ,~m3d curvs through a central angle of 8° 15` 5Y", an ar~c distanc~ of 288.97 fe~e~t thence tangent South 53° 12' 22" Weat~ 912.31 ~feet to z tanger.t curve concave North westerly and having a rad.ius o~ 120A.4p ~eet; then~ce So~kl~a- westerly along said curve, through a central an~pye nf 24° 42' 43" an arc distance 517.57 feet to the true point of bec~inn~ng c•I-•khe l~nd hezein deecribedf a radial line of said curve ~b~ar~ Snu~tlx ~2° 04' 55" East thrnugh said true pafnt o~ beginning= th+ance ctsT~.tir~uir.g Southweaterly along said 12Gv-•foot radius cu~v'e through a central mn~lE of 6° 4.2' 22" an arc distance of 140.45 feetj thence tangent 5outh 84° 37' 27'" West, RESOL4'TTOti f10. PC76-3i ~ ~ 465.17 £~e2 tp the baginn£ng of a t~ngent curv~e concave Southeasterly, having ~ Tadius of 1000.00 £eetj thence Southwesterly along said aurv.e through a centrisl anqle of 33° 23' 57'" an arc distance of 582.93 feet: thence tstege~e~ South 51° 13' 30'" West, 4Q5.93 fe~et to the beginning of a tang~et~t cuxvs canaaKP Northwesterly having a radius of 1000.0~0 feet; thence Ss~uthweeterly a2ong said curve ~through a central ang~e bf d° 16' 46" an ax~c distance of 74.69 feet7 thencP South 34° 29' 44" Eagt alornq the prolon~~tion of a radial ~.ine of s3id curve, 341.96 feetf thence on a bearing of Soui:h, a distance of 276.00 feEt= thence South 76° 25' 37" Eas~, 89.SQ fe~+i:= th~ence Sovth 3° 59' S1" East, 504.21 feett tk~+ence North 56° +SO' 26• East, 1321.82 feet, thence North 44° 29' 00" East, 333.31 feet; thenc~e NaYth Y2° 39' 26" East, 241.B8 feet; thence North 61° 25' 58" We.~t, 18~.7~ #e~tt thence North ~° 22' 33" West 376.34 fe~t to th~ true point of beg~nning. ~ 4lI~EREAS, the City Plannina Commission did hold a~ublic hearina at the Cit•: 11a11 in the City ~f Anaheira on february 18, 1976, at 1:3~ n.m., notice nf said oublic hearing havirig been duly 9iven as required by lavi and in acc~r~ianc~! with the provisions of the Anaheim ~iunicipa] Code, Chaater 1°.t~3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said prnposed conditional use an~J to investi~ate an~i make fiindings ar~d recommendations im cannection therewith; and I;11lEREl:St said Commission, a`ter due insoection, investi~ation and studv na~ie by a~se`~f and in its hehalf, and afG,er due consideration of a11 evidertce anc3 re~orts offered at said hearing, does find and determine the follo~•~ing facts: 1. That the pro~osed use is nro~erly one for a~hich a condiEional use perm;'x is authorize~ by Gode Section 1l3.21.05ff.230, tei ~•+it: construct a 6-unit model home complex. 2. That ithe ~etitione4• stinulated to term9naf:inq Conditional llse Permit tJo. ~34(3 vrhich was areviously grante~a to establish a 22Q-un~t planned residential development ~~~ith site development waivers c:~ zhe subj?ct pronerty; and the Alann~n!~ Corunissioh ~oes her~by recommend to the City Cownci'1 ~P~at said Conditiona7 Use Permit PJo. 134fl be terninated. 3. That the proposed use wi1S rrot ad~t,e~•5e~~y a'Ffect the ad.ioinin9 lan~i uses and~ `the groarth ara~ developr.ient of the area in which ~t is prcuosed to be locate<~. 4. That the size and shape of the ~4te orooose:~ f~~r the use is adequate to alla~v ttae f~°1 development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to tt~e particular ar~ea nor ta the ~oeace, health, safety, and general welfare nf the Citizens of the City of Anaheir~. 5. That the 9ranting of the Conditiona] Use Permit under the c~nditions imposed oiill not be dctrifnental to rhe neace, health, safety, and general wel#are of the Citizens of the City of Anaheir!. 6. That ~o one indicated their prr,sence at s?.icf oub]ic hearin~ 9n opposition; and no correspondence was received in opposition to sub~r.ct oetitinn. cilVIROt~~4EflTAL It4PACT REPORT FIiJUTt;G: That Environmental Ittsnact Repnrt Flo. 161 was certified by the CitY Counctl of the City of Anahe~~ on December 30, 1075~ and no changes to the develonment olans considered in said EIR are pro~~osed in con~ection with the suh,ject conditional use permit; and, therefore, no furthpr action is deemed to be necessary at this tiree conc~rnir.g the environmental impect report. N01l, TNEREFORE, B.E I7 RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commissi~n does hereby grant .subject Pe~titioro for Conditional Use Permit, unon the folloviing conditions ~ahich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the nronosed us~ of the sub~,ect prope'rty in order to preserve the safety and general vrelfare of the Citizens of the City uf Anaheim: 1. That tnash s+;orage areas sfiall be nrovided in accordance ~•rith approved alans o~n fi1Q with t'he office nf the Uirector of Public ldorks. 2, That fire hydt°ants shall be installed and charned as r~quired anri determin~d ta be necessary by the Chie€ of the Fire Department orior to cor~iencemrnt of structural framing. 3. Thet subject property shall be serveil by under~rnund utilities. 4. That drainage v~ sub,iect nrooerty shai? be disp~sed by in a raanner satisfactory to the City Engi;~eer. _2_ RESOLUTION N0. PC76-31 ~ ~ 5. That ~ublic utility easements stiall be qranted as required by the Dirpctor of Public Utilities. G. That this condition~l use permit shall remain in fu71 force and ~ffect for a period nf two (2) years fron the date her~of or until al] of the homFS in Tract (~os. ~133, 9134, 9135, ans~ 9136 are initiall,Y sald, rihichever occurs first, nr such further tirr,e as the Pianning Connission an~/or Cit~ Cauncil rray grani:. 7. That a bon~ in ah amount and form satisfactnry to the City ~s` Anahein shall be posted with the City to guarantee the removal of thr models in tlie r_vent thr. final maps of Tract Nas. 9133, 9134, 9135, and 2Y35 are not .recr~~ed. L. That the roofs of subject bui~d9nr~s be constructed o•P nonc~nbust9bie naierial as approved by the City of Anahein ~'?re Den~~rtment. 9. That subject property Shairr he develooed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on f~le with ~he City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Plos. 1 through 9. 10. That Cordttion hlo. 7 ab~ve-r,entioned, shall be comoli~d ~~iith prior to the cor~mencement of the activity authorazed undsr this resolution, or nrior tn the tome that the bui'idinn permit is issued, or v~9xhi~n a neriod of one ,yEar from date he:reoF, whichever o~curs first, or such further time as the Planninn Corm~issiun a~d/or City Councii may grant. 11. That Conditior~ Pans. 1, 3, h, 5. ii, and 9, above-mentioned, ~hall be compl~:ed with prior to fina] building and zonina insnect9ons. FIdF. FOREGO~I~G ~~Sni.U'fl~~?iS is signed and a~proved by me this 1^th day mf Februa,ry, 1976, -~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ , , . ;~ ATTEST: C~~~-~-r+~ ~ ~~~GrL~ 'CRiT , f~ HE Pi CI L~il~ iJ G014t S OU S7i1TE OF CALIFDRt~IA COUTITY UF OP,ANGE ss. CITY OF APlAHEIM ) I, Patricia B, Scanlan~ Secrei:ary of the City Plannin9 Cor.miissi~n of the City of Anaheim~ do .hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was nassed anri adopted at a meexing of the City Pla~ning Cormiission of the City of Anaheim, held or. February 18, 1976, at 1:30 p.m.~ by the follo~iinq vote nf tlie members thereof: AYES: COP4h1ISSI0WEf2S: B.^,nitES, HER[3ST, JONtJS01J, K.I1lG~ t40RLEY, TOLA~, FARA~lO NOES: COPit4ISSI!'?~ERS: PIONE ADSEtJT: C014t4ISSI0MEf;S: tJOt~E 1976. It~ IJITNESS tJI~EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of Februar.y, Ul~~ ~~~~~~~~~J ~€~m , a f ~~rrv`~tmrrt~~~~~i -3- RESOWTIOtI N0. PC7G-31