PC 76-32~ ~ RESOLUTI01~ N0. PC76-32 A R[SC`LU7IOt~ OF :HE CIIY PLAF~NIPIG C0~4i1I.r,SiOP~ OF TN~ CITY OF A"dANEIN TIiAT RETITION FOR ~~Nr2IAFiCE I10. 277A BE GRAN7ED, IPI PART. 41HEREAS, the Cjty Planning Commission of the City of knaheim did receive a verified petition for ~'aria,~ce fron CHARL~S f. 'i~0TT0~1LEY, P.O, Qox 79L, Westmznster, California 92683 (Owner); R.E, STE?SE~.., 3G33 !~1, hfacArthur ~ouievard; Suite al~, B~ailding 4, Santa Ana, Califoi•nia 927t14 (Aqent) of ce~tain real propertiy situated 4n the c.+ty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Ca11'~r~ni::, described as: Lot No. 1b91 of TraFt No. 55--59~ in the Ci~y af ;;~aheim, as shown in D~~k 54, Pages 36--39, Miscellaneous P1aps, r~cords of Oran~~ Cour~ty. WHERE4:5, the City Planning Comm9ssion did hol~ a nub'1ic hearinQ ~t Li~e City I~all in the City of Anaheim on February 13, 1976~ at 1:30 p.m., not.ice af sa~ci puhlic hearing having been duly given as renuired b,y laa~ and in ~ccnrdance ~~~ith t1?e provisions of the Anahein t4unicinal Coae, Chaoter 1l3.03, to hear and considew evidence fo* and against said p:rQposed variance and to fnvesti4ate and make f§ndings and recommen~stions in connec~9on th~rewith: and I~IIE'r',EnS, said Commissti~n, after due ln~pection, investigation and study made by itself ancl in its behalf, and after du? consideratjar~ of all evidence an~ reaorts offered at s~iid hearir~g, does find and determtne the fol3oa~ing facts: 1. That thie petitiione;^ requests the followinr~ waivers from the Anah m Municipal Code, to construct a changing copy electrnnic sign, a. SFCTIOPI 1II.05.067 - Permitted location. (flashing signs not perm tted w~th n 300 fect of r~sident~l .;truct~rres; approximatelv 100 feet pronosed) b. SECTIC:J 13.05.a20.020,- Permitted si nin .!on-site business advert s ng permitte ;~ ot~siie advertisting prooosed) 2. That Waiver ~-a~ abo~e-mentioned, is hereby granted to nermit a "changing copy" ele~~tronic Si~n having d9splay panels oriented to the north, south, and east directions; provided, hov~ever, that the petitioner stipulated to designing said sign in a manner e:fi~ch s~ould not create any visual intrusion to the adiz~,ent residences to the southw.a.s~t; sa9d design to incorporate placing the southerly oanel af the proposed sign at an 3;<r~roximately 20° angle toward the east, to eliminate ~nY possible visual intrusion on ref~arby residences. 3. That Waiver 1-b, ahnv~e-mentioned, is determined to be unnecessary since the petition~r sti~ulated that no off••~ite commercial advertising is proposed and that on'~y civic or community-type messages of interest to the general oublic (i.e. girl/boy scoutis, and other public service grouns) will be displayed; and, furthennore, that Planning Comm9ssion determined such c9vic o~ community-type messanes would not be considered as off-site business advertising. 4. That there ure excentional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property i!~iolved or tc; the intended use, as granted, nf the property that do not apply generally ta the prop~erty or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 5. That the r::quested variance~ as qranted, is necessary for the preservation and en~oyment of a subsCantial property right nossessed by other property in the same vic~inity and zone, and dcr.ied to the ~ropert.y in questior. 6. That the requested varian~:e, as granted, ~aill no* be mat~rial'iy detrimental to the public welfare or inJuw?cus ;o the pronerty or imarovements i:n such vicinity and zone in which the ~roperty is lo~ated. 7. That two (2) persons appeared representing three (3) oersons n~e~sent at said public hearing in opposition; and no correspondenca was recei+red in onpr~sition to subject petition. RESOLU?IOt~ P~O. Ff,7G-32 ~ ~ E(JVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FIP~DINGs That the Anaheim City Planning Commission does h~reby rECOmmenc~ to the C9ty Council that the subje%,t pro3ect be exempt from the requirement to orepare an eovironmental impact r~port, pursuant to tf~e provisions of the Califibrnia Environmental Quality Act. id01J, THEREfORE, DE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Alanning Commission does hereby grant, in part, subject Petition for Variance, unon the follov~ing conditions +~hich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the nroposed use of the subject property 'n order to areserve the safety and general welfare of the Citi-ens of the City of A,~aheim: 1-. That :he owner•(s) of sub,ject aroperty snall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 60 cents per front foot along Euclid Street and Crescer~t Aven~e for *_ree planting purposes. 2. That the owner(5) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 52.00 per front foot alo-" ':.:clid SLreet and Crescent Avenue for~ street 19ghting purposes. 3. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specificat~ons on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Tlos. J., 2, and 3; provided, however, that no visual intrusion from the pronesed sinr. on :he adjacent residences to the s~utfiv+est shall be pern~itte~ and, therefore, the southeriY panel of the propased sign shall be placed at an approx±natel~ 20~ angle toward the east along with any other modifications necessary to eliminate any possible visual intrusion. q. That Condition Nos. 1 and 2~ above~•rt~?s'+tion;-~.. shall be complied ~~rith pr9or to the commencement of the activity authnrized un~'^^ ~nis ~~esol~tian or nr',~r to the time that the building permit is issu~d, or V~itnin a neriod oF one y~ar from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or sucl~ further time as the Plan^ing Cor.rt~i~sion and/or City C~~uncil nay grant. 5. That Condition t~o. 3, above-ment~oned, shall be comnlied ~•tith prior t~ finai building and zoning inspections. T11E ~OREGOIWG RESOLUTIOPJ is signed and a~proved by me this liith day of February~ 1976. .f /6 ~~/ H R1 P~~ N L t~Ir~G I4IISSI t~ ATTEST: ~~~~ ~,~..e ~ ,. , ~ ri,~ ri r s ~ STATE OF CAY.IFORNIA COUP~TY OF ORANGF ss. CITY 6F ANAHEIM I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City P~ann;ng Cor,r,iiss,on of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoina resolutian was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Comm9ssion of t.he City o` Anaheirr. held on February 18, 1976, at ':1:30 p.m., by the tollowing vote of ,.;,e members thereof: AYES: CC~IMIS~IOf1ER5: {iEROST, JONP~SOPI, KING, NORLEY, TOLAR~ FAR11N0 P~OES: COMP4ISSIOt1ERS: DARtIES AB5Ef~T: COt•1MISSIOWERS: NOP~E 1976. I1~ W1TP~ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day t~f February, ~~~~~~ ~~ , .. , . . _2_ R_SOLUTIU~I N0. PC76-32