PC 77-1RESOLUTION N0. PC77-1 A RESQLUiION 0~ THE ANANEIM CI7Y PLANt11NG COMMISSiON THl1T PETi'IG~7 FdR VAQIANCF NG. 2$8~~ BE GR11N7F~, rrIEHEAS, the Anahcin City Plarninc; Ccxnmission ~ilA recrivc a v~riFic•d petition f~~r Variance ~rom R~GER T, ANf1 NANCY ~Pt',OiT, 745 E. Peraita Hili; Dr~ve, Ar.aheln, Californla 42P,~3 (Owners}; H. STFPHFN LOQNT?, 35~+ San Minuel Drlvr, Ncrm.or*. Beach, Californla 92660 (Aqen[1 ~f certAir. real proper~y situated In tE~e Clty of Anahelm, County of Orany~, Sta;c c° f.al!fornfa descrihc; ts: Tnat porilon of Sectlon 10, Ta•~nshlp ~~ `outh, R„r~e ? ue5t, San Hernardino rase and Merid(an, and that portior of Loc 2F, Trac' No. '~, P!`r,alt~ t',ilis ''ract ~~~, 2, as per Map recorded !n E3ook 1D, Paee i~. of Misre!lan~•nus H~ens, ~ecords o~ saii Orange County, Call`ornla, morr_ particularlv dcscrihcC as foll~r~s: Deginning at Lhr_ point of lntersectfon of the 'i~rthe~strrly nrnlonna2ln., of Lhr. Southeasterly line of Lot ZF, Nith *he crnterline <f P~ralta Hills Dr'.ve, as shown on sald Mhp; thenrc Sauth 7~O 4fi' On" Nest k~~,'i~'~ !`ee[ alonq said centerli~ie; thence South 14° 12' D~" East 35~.5; feet; Yhr.nce Norrh 7~:° 48' ~n" [•~t ?7P,2~ feet to a polnt on tne Southeast~rlv line of tha lani: 'escriheC as ParcPl %I~~.. 2 in a deed recorded January 11, 1~~hP~ in Roo~ '~+Q1, Pagc 3;i o` Official RecorAs; Lhenr_e a'onc; last mentlanrA Southea;terly llne, 1lorth 1~~° ?1' ;~" Enst ?'~.~4 feet; ~torth 27G 5Z~ 3~" Enst 14Q.,;~ fect; t~orch la° ii' 0'~" Fast 11?,~3fi ±eet; ann NorCh if,° Q7' S9" Uest i27.i5 fcet to a point on the Norihea~tcrly prni~~igatlon of Che centcrline of Peralte Nllls ~rive, and Alst~nt thereon 51,~+~ fe-t from the polnt o` beginning; thenr.e South 75° ~~' 00" Uest 5~.4~ feet ~iong sald prolon,qa[ion to the pol~t of beginn~ng. A~ID AL50: 7'hose portions o` SecYien ?fi, Townshlp u Sout`~ .°.anqe q wr~s:, San Berr~ar~lino P~as^ and Merfdian, and Chat p~rtion of Lot 2F, of Tract ~~o. 59; Peralta Hills Tra~• No. 2 as shown on a map [hereof recorded In book ih, aaqe lA~ Mt:,cellaneous +'a:, , r_cords of sold Orange County, mere pbrtlcularly described as follows: PARCEL 1: Commencinq at an anqle polnt in the Southerly houndary of sald i_ot 2h, safd polnt beln9 thr. SouthwesCerly te.rminus o~ that certeln c~ursc h~vinq a bear-ng and disxancc of "North 57° ~5' ~~" [ast 202.~3 feet" as same is shown on sald map of Trac[ No, 59; the^ce, along satC Southerly boundarv Nor[h 57° ?j' OU" Eost 111.2%i fee[ to thc True Point o' Reqinning; thence, leavlnq sald Southerly bounGary Nor[h 39° 5~~' 15" West 202.97 feet to r, polnt of IntersecClo~ with the SocR hcrly prolongation of the Westerly 11ne of that certain parcel of land described in the deed to Roger 7, Ahhott and tilfe, recorded February 2, 1q?3, In book T0541, page 115, of Officla! Reco~ds of sa1~1 Orange Cn~~~•y; thencr. alonr, salG prolongation and the Sou[herly llne oi sald I~nd Nc~th i~+° 12~ on~~ Wesr 79•51 feet ~nd Nor[h 75° 43' OQ" East ::'A,87 f~et co a point In the Eastcrly boundary of that certeln parcel of ~and descr~bed In Parcel ~ In a documenC recorded I~ book 849~, pege 351, OP~icin) Recor.+s, records o9 sald Grange ~ounty; thence, elong sald Easterly boundary 1?R,2? fect to er, ang1C polnt therein; ther,cc contlnufng alona yeld Eastcriy boundbry i<R.37 fect to ar, angir polnt thcr~tn, sald ~ngle polnt being also 4he In u reeceion of sa~~' F~s~crly boundary with thc Nor2h~esterly prelongetfon of thc Southarly boundary of sel~1 Lnt 26; thance, along sa(d ;Southerly boundary end Its Northeasterly prolongotlon South 57a x5' 00'~ 11esf 91.Q$ feet to the true point of bnq!rtning, RESOLUTION N0, PC77-1 ANQ ALSO: Those por~lons ofi Lot 2G, Tract 59 of Peralta Hllts 7ract ~~o. 2 as shown on a mzp recorued in book 10, paye 18, Miscellaneous Maps, records o` said Orange Cuunty, Aescribed as follows: Parcel 1: Beginning a[ A point In the centerlinc uf Peralta Hllis ~r;ve as shown on said map of Tract 59, said llne belna also [he Northerly Iine of s:sid Lnt 2h, said point being distant thercon Noreh 75° 4A' 00" East iQ.O~ feet 'rom thc most Northwestcrly corner *.hcreof; thencr alonq sald centr.r!ine of Peralta Niils Drive North 75° ~~8' 00" Ea~t lii.~, `cet 'o the true polnt of heqirininc~; tnence lcavinq ~aid centerline Scuth 14° 12' (10" East 1<3~.n~ feet; thence South 3~° 5~' 15" East 232.99 feet to a point on the Soucherly llne of 4AId Lot 26; thence ~lonq safd Southerly line So~~th 71° 05' 0~" East .2.i~ feet t• an an~le poir.t thereln; thence ~ontlnuing along said Southerly line Morth 57° '-" ~~~" Fast 111.2h fcet; [henc..e leaving sald Sou~herly llne Nor[h jQ° 5F' 15" West ~02,9? ¢:~ct to a noi~~t of intersectlor. with the Southerly nrolongation of the WesLCrly I~ne of that certain parcel of land descrlbed in th~ d~ed to P.cx-~er T. Abbott recorCe~! ~ebruary ?., ~973, 1n Baok 10541, paqe 119, Offlclal Recorrl,; ~hence along said ~esterlv line and Its Southerly prolonya*.lun ~ort~~ 1~~° 12' f,~" Nest 43q,t?f, fect to a polnt in the above describe~d centerilnc ef Peralta Hllls ~rive; t'r.e~ce i'.ono salri centcrline of Pcralta Hills Drive Soutn 75° 48' On" West 13?.15 feeL to the [rue point of beclnning. 1~HEREAS, the City Planninc Coaxnissfon did hold a public l~earin~ at t`~e City Hall ir. [he Clty of Aneheln on Janua:'y ), 19~i7, a~ t:3n p,m „ no;ice of sald puh!ic hear?ng having been duly qiven as rr_qulred by law and 1n accordr,nce wit~~ the provlslons of t~~e Anahelm Munfcipal CoGe, Cnapter ~8.~3, to hear and consldar evidence for and agalnst sald proposeA v~rlance and to investigate anA make f(ndinqs and rr.commendatlons In connection therewith; and uHEREAS, snid Commisslon, nfter due Insnectlon, !nvestlqetlon and study made by Itstlf and in 1[i behalfi, and ofter due consideretlon ef all cvidenc~ and re oric offered at said hearing, does tlnd and dcterminc the followinc; fiRCC4: 1. That the petitlor.er praFoses Che followinq wavler from thc Anaheim Hunicipa' Code, to permit a pct chimpanzee: SEC710N 18,02,052,014 - Prohihitcd anfn;els. {keeping of pe; chipanzee ~ not pcrm tte 2. That [he abov_-mentlone~ walver Is hereby grantcd for one Chin-:panZee Mr e period of three (3) years, sub]ect [~~ revlew and conslderation fcr p~s,lble tlme extensions by the Plannin; Commissic~, upon written request by t`~~° cr~iitlaner; sal' reviea being to determine whethnr there have been ar~y detrlmentr:t '~mF~:cc- upon the neighborhood. 3, Thot th~ grantiny of thls varlantc Is baeed upon the flnai.^.q C~•..~: °'~e subJecC proDerCy Is eppraxlm~tety afx ncrr_s (n slze and Is consldcred nn adec~ua;e'~r large eree for the keoping of antmels othcrwlse prohlbiCnd such as s chSr;~-ze++F sa'.~ use therefore not having the san!e lmpact upon the surrounding nciqhbc;;•' ~,~- ' ::,z ~+ «ould if thc proparty end neighbnring prop~rtles coneFsted ot sneller lots, 7~d ~~+;-:% upon the furt.her `inding thmt thc petltinnar ~tipulated thet the chlpanzce w~il be accompanl~d by a fiuman being at sll tirres .rfier, Esot con4lned within fully enclosed puerter~ such a~ ~ cagn. -2- RE~~LUT1~3N N0. PC77-1 4, That there are excep*_ional or e:ctraordinary circumstances or c~nditions applicable to the propcrty involved or to tne "ntended use of thP prop~rty that do not aryply ge~erally to the property or class of use in the same vicin~ty a•nci rone. 5, That the requested varlance ys necesshry Tor the preservation anri enjo•~~~ntnt or a sutstantlal property rlght possessed hy other propertY in the samr. vicinitv end zone, and denled to Lhe propcrty in questlon. ~. Tha[ Che r~aue5ted variance will noY be miterlaliy detrlmental to the public weli~are or InJurlous to [he property or im•,rovrm~nt3 In such vicinitv a~d zone In which the property 1s locti~c'. 7. That no one ;ndlcated their presencr r~t salA punlic hearin~ ir opposliion; ond no corr'esp~ndence Na3 rer_eived ln opnosi~lon to the subjec2 netition; however, one (1) letter was rccelvcd in fa~•~r and four (4; ~earby re5ldcnts endorsed the 9ubiect petition In favor. E!~VIRONMEt~TAL IF!P1~CT REPOR'i FItIDING: ~hTt the Directer of tne ^lanning Department has Ceterr ned th~t the propesed actlvlty .`Alls wichtr, the definitlon of Sectian 3.01, C1ass 1, of Che City of Anahclm ruidclir.es to Che Renuirtments ror ar, Envlronmental Impact Repore and ih, ¢herzfore, catc9orically exempt froni tl~e requlrement to filc ~n EIP„ NOW, THEREFORE, 8~ IT RESOLVED tn~t the Anahefm C~ty Planning :anmission does hereby grant sub)ect Peti[lon for Varlance, upon the q~ltowieo conGitions which are hcreby found to bc a necessary prereauisitc to !hc pronosed use ~f the suhJect property in order to preserve [he safety anA qeneral ~velfare af the Citizens of the City of Anahefm: 1. That, ln orcier to determinr_ wh~ethcr any adverse effect will result from the grar,ting of the proposed use, the Plnnninq Commisslon qranis sald use for a perlod of three ~3) years, after which *_ime and upon ~rritien requr_st by the petltloner, consideratlc+n may be given as to whether the use should he exended. on1y. 2. That thls varlancc shell bt qrantad for the subjcct pro~ascd ch(mpanzee 3. That the subJec[ chimponzee shall be acconpanitu bv a F~u~+an beinq at all [Imes when noti confined within fully enclosed quarters, such as a cag~, as stipulattd to by the petltloner. 4, That this varlance mny become r.r'.1 and vold if suhject prnnerty is subdivldel reducing th~ size oP the ~>arcel on which the cHlmpanzee is kept, and furthermore, subJect varlance shali t~,e consiaered for [erminatirsn bv t~ie Planning Commisslon at such tlme. -•j- RESOLU710N N0, PC77-1 THE F'ONcG01NG RESULUTION is signad January, i977• RTYES7: ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ CRE AR , ANAHEIN CI LANN;N, ~t1MMISSIi~N STATE OF CALIFORNiA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY QF ANAHE!M ) I, Patrlcia P. Scanlan, Secre,ary of the Anahelin Lity Pianning Commission, do hereby cc!tify thet thr, forcgoln~ resolut~on whs passe~ and adopted at .~ neetlnq o" thn Anmheim City Plar.nlnq Cc~isslon, held on January 3, 1q7%, ~t 1:3C~ a.r:•, by the foilo~,~ing vote of the me~bers thereof: AYFS: COMMIS510NER5: 6ARNES, NERRST, KINf,, MORLEY, TO~AR, J~iHNS~N NOES: COr1MI5510t~ER5: NUNE AESEN7: COMMISSIONERS: NONE VACANCY: UNE SEAT i977. IN 411T:~E~~S NHEREOF, I have her~unto set my hand Yhis 3rd day of January ~~~ ~c~-~ ~~~'~iA i ANN NG COMM I SS I b!I -4- RESOLUT!:1N N0, PC77-1