PC 77-105RESOLUTI01! I~O. PC77-l0y A RESOLUTIUtI OF THE FlIUU1E111 CITY PLANiJIt7G COMMISSION RECOMM[~1D1~lG TO TfIE CITY COUtJCIL OF Tl-iE CITY OF ANAHE111 TIIAT PETITIOt! FOR RECLASSIFICATIOt~ r~p, )~-77-~0 BE APPROVEU WHEREAS, the Anafieir~ City Planni~g ~ommission did receive a verified Petition for Reclassification from L. KEtJNETH HEULER~ ET AL, 90G Pioneer Drive, Anaheim, California 9230; anu CALIFORNIA TOWEL A(~U LIIJLN SUPPLY CQ!iPANY, 710 West 53th Street, Los Anyeles, California 90037, owners, and FRQST C0~l~;T?JCT10`1 COMP/!.'rJY, IIJC., 707-K South S[ate College Boulevard, Fullerton, Califo?r.ia 92631, ageni of certain real propcrty situated in the City of Anaheim, Cou~[y ~~f Orange, State e~ California, described as: That portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 4, Townshi~; 4 5outh, P,ange 10 West, partly within the Rancho Los Coyotes an~i partiy in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a Map recorded in E3ooF; 51, page lU of Hiscellaneous Haps, records or Orange County, California, described ;5 beginning at ~he Southwest corner of said Section !+; thence Northerly along the 'dest line of said Sec[ion 4 to a point in [hc 4lesterly prclonyation of the South linc of Lot 2, as said Lot 2 is shown ~n a Map filed in ~ook 1, page 75 of Record of Surveys, in Che office of the County Recorder of Oranye County, California; thence Easterly along said l~es[erly prolonyation and along said South line of Lo[ 2 co the Southwest corner of Lo[ 3, as saici Lot ; is shown on a Map filed in Book 1, page 55 of Record oE Surveys, in [he O~fice of the County Recorder of Oranye County, California; thence Southerly alony the Sou[herly prolonyation of tfie Wes[ line of said Lot 3 Co a point in the South line of said Section ~+; [hence 4lesterly along said South line of Section 4, [o the point of beginning. Excepting thcrefrom the West 41G.00 feet; and Ttia[ certain parcel of lano described in a deed recorded Nay 1, ~973 in Book 10672, Page 207 of Official Records in the office of tlie County Recorder of Orange County, more particularly described as [hat portion of the South one-tialf and the South 27 fePt of [h~ North o~e-I~alf of Lot 2 of a part of 5ection 4, Townsfiip 4 South, Range 10 West as per 11ap filed in E3ook ], Page 55 of Record of Surveys in the office of the County RecorJer of Orange County. Excepting therefrom the blest 416.00 feet; and WIIL'REAS, the Ci;y Planniny Cornmission did scfiedule a public hearing at the Ci[y Hall in the City of Anaheim on May 9, 1977, at 1:30 p.n., notice of said public hearing fiaving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheiin 11unicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against saiJ proposed reclassification and to invesligate and make findings and recommendations in coniiection therewitli; said public tiearing having been cor~tinucd to the Planniny Coirmission meeting of May 2~, 1977; and Wf{EREAS, sa1J Conunission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its belialf, and after due consitieration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does finS and deiermine the fol{owing facts: PC77-105 1. That tfie pe[itioner proposes reclassification of the subject property from L'ne RS-A-~;3,000 (nESIDENTIA!/AGRICULTURAL} ZONE Lo the RM-1200 (RESIDENTIAL, l1ULTIPLE-FAf11LY) ZOtlE. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subject property for general commercial and/or roedium-density residential land uses. 3. That the petitioner stipulated to submitting sp~cific landscaping plans for the 20-foot wide buffer area adjacent [o the RS-7200 zoning to [he west; said landscaping to provide ef`ective siyht screeniny for the single-family residences and to include trees on ioinimw;i 20-foot centers; and that said plans stiall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. 4. That [hc proposed reclassification or subject property is necessary and/or desirable for [tie orJcrly and proper development of the corununity. 5, That the proposeJ reclassification of subject proj~erty does properly relate to the zones anu their pernitCeJ uses locally establisned in close proximity to subject property and to the zones anu their permitted uses generaliy established throughout the corununity. 6. That ten {1Q) persons inclicateJ tf~eir presence a[ said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondenc~ was receivecf in opposition t~ subject petition. EtIVIP,ONt1ENTAL IMPACT flpDltiG: That the Anahcim City Planning Commission has revieweJ tlie subject proposal to reclassify the property from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to tfie RM-1200 (~;esiden[ial, Itultiple-Family) Znne on land consistiny of approximately `>.2 acres located on the north side of La Palma Avenue, approxii~iately 419 feet east of [he cen[erline of Euclid Stree[, and does hereby recomrr~end to tfie City Council of [h~ City of Anaheim that a Negative Declaratlon from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report be approved on tfie basis that there would be no siynifican[ individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this tlega[ive Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan desiynates the subjec[ property for general commercial and/or medium-density residential land uses cormensurate wi[h the proposal; that n~ scnsitive environmental elci~ents are involved in the proposal; and that the Ini[ial Study submit[ed by the petitioner indicaCes no significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration substantiating thc foreyoing findings is on fiie in the Office of [he Planniny Department. NOW, TH[RLFOP,E, !3L" IT RE50LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to tlie City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approvea and, by so doiny, that Title lu-Zoning of the Anaheii~i Municipal Code be amended [o exclude the above-described property from the Rs-A-43,000 (RESIDEtITIl1L/AGRICUL7URAL) ZONE and [o incorporate said described property in[o [iie RM-1200 (RLSIUEIITIAL, MULTIPLE-FAt11LY) ZOPIE upon the following conditions which are fiereh~y found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in ordcr to preserve tlie safety and general welfare of the Citlzens of the City of Anahcim: 1. That ttie owncr(s) of subject properly shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 60 cents per front foot along La Palma Avenue for tree planting puraoses. _2_ PC77-105 2. That fire liydrants shall be installed and charged, as required and deternined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department, prior to commencement of s[ructural framing. 3. That subject property shall be served by underground utili[ies. 4, That a u-foot masonry wall sfiall be constructed a~ong the east property line. 5. That drainage of subject property shall be dispose~ of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. 6. In the event that subject property is to bc Jivided for Lhc purpose of sale, lease or financing, a parcel map, to record the approved division of subject property, shall be submit[ed to and approved by the City pf Anaheim and then be recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. 7. That the owner(s) of subject property sfiall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park anJ recreaCion in-lieu fees as determined to be appropria[e by the City Council, sai~ fees to bc paid at thc time the buElding permit is issued. 8. That appropriate watcr assessmen~ fees, as deter~ined by tli~ ~irector of Public Utilities, shall be paid to the City of AnaheSn prior to the issu~ncc of a building permlt. 9. That a modific: cul-de-sac sfiall be provided a[ the terminus of Glen Drive subject to the appraval of the City Engineer. 10. That trash storage areas shall be provided in ,accordance ~aith approvpd plans on file with tlie Office of the Uirector of Public Works. 11. That the proposed westerly drivetiaay skial•1 ~~1ign wi[h tha: cr_~sterline of Dresden S[reet. 12. That subject property shall be develope~~ ,.ubst~nCtall,y in acr.ordance rrith plans and specifica[ions an file wi[h the City of Anan::im ma~ked ~xhibit Nos. 1 thro~gh 3 (Revision 1). 13. 7hat specific landscaping plans for the 20-fooi wide buffer area adjacen[ to the ft5-7200 zoning to the west shall be submitced to the ?lanniny Department for review and approval; and that sald landscaping shall pravide effective sight screening for the single-family residences and shall include trees on minimum 20-foot centers~ as s[ipulated to by thc peti[ioncr. 14. Prior to [he introduction of an ordinance ~ezoniny subject property, Conditlon tlos. 1 anJ 6, above-rnentioned~ sha{1 be completed. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall become null and void by actiori of the City Council unless said conJitions are complied with within one year fram the da[e hereof, or such further [ime as the City Council may grant. 1$. That Londition Nos. 3, ~+. 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, above mentfoned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoniny inspections. -3- PC77-to5 t977. Tt1E FOREGOIf~G RESQLUTIOti is siyned and approved by ne this 2Jrd day of May, ,~~...~ v ,~ ~~ C.Ii~Ri1Al1 Pr,O TfEMPOR[ A~iAfi~~N CITY ?LANNiHG C01it1(SS10t1 ATTEST: `~~z.~ ~° ~~,~:~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM ITY PLANlIIHG COMMISSIO~J STA7E OF CALlFORNIA ) COUt~TY OF OW1rIGE ) ss. CITY OF ANF~NEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahein City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that thc foreyoing resolution aras passed and ~adopteJ at a meeting af the Anahein City Pianning Commission held on May 2j, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by thc follawing vote of tfic rnenbers Chcreof: AYES: COMHIS510!~ERS: BARt~ES, UAVIU, HERilST, KI;~G, TOLAR NOES: COMIdISSi0NER5: I~ONE ABSTAIN: COt1111SSI0tJERS: LItJN ABSE~~T: CONHISSIOtJERS: JOHI~SON IN WITNESS WHEftC•OF, I havc hcreunto set nry hand Chis 23rd day of May, 1977• `~~ ~ 7~.~.a, SECRETARY, At1AHEIN CITY PLANN RIG C011MISSION -y- Pt77-to5