PC 77-106RESOLUTIOtI N0. PC77-1~E A RESOLUTIOIJ OF TUL At1AilEiM CITY PLIIN~IING CUHNISSIOF7 RECONt1Et~DIHG TO TIiE C17Y COUf~CIL OF TIiE CITY UF A1JAfiElht THAT PETiilOtl FOP, R~CLASSIFICATIOt~ ~10. 7G-77-51 GE A?PROVED Wt1EREA5, the Anahcim City Planning Conmission did receive a verified Petition for Reclassification frorn WILLIAt1 P. A!1~ EHNA S. BRLGDER, 1629 Ricky Avenue, Anah~im, Callfornia 920~2, owners of certain real propcrty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran~~e, State of California, described as: PORTIO!J /1 - Tiie Westcrly 21ti.U0 fect of Lot 1 of Tract No. 2222, as shown on a map thereof recor~IeJ in Boo4: 113, Payes 23 throuc~h 25 inclusive of 1liscellaneous Maps, rn_cor~s of saiJ County, excep[ the Southerly 100.r,~ fect thereof and which parcel is descrihed as be$inning a[ [he Worthwesterly corner of said LoL 1; thence South ~9 05' 0~~" East, "I.16.OJ feet; thence South 0° 5~' ~~'~ West, '1U0.2A feet ta a line parallel witn and 1Q~.0(1 fect Mor[herly measured ~t right anglcs from the tangential portion of the Southerly lin~ of said Lot 1; thence along said parallel line h~rth G9° 15' S3" lJest, 21G.00 feet [o Lhe westerly line of said Lot 1; thence alony said Westerly line f~or[n 0° SS' ZO" East, 'L00.93 feet to [he poin[ of beginning; a~d PORTION B- The Southerly 100.00 fect of [he Westerly 21G.OQ feet of Lo[ 1 of Tract Ito. 2222, as sliown on a map thereof recorded in Uook 113, Payes 23 t6~rougli 2j inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps, records of saiJ County and which parcel is described as beyinning at the poin[ of in[crsection of the Wes[erly line of said Lu~". i and a line parallcl with and 100.OD feet Northerly mcasured right angles fe~rz~ tlie tan,ential por[ion of thc '"s~~therly line ~;f said Lo[ i; thence along said par~ltel line South 2~3° 15' ~.~~~~ Easi, 216.OQ feet; Chence South 0° 55' 20" 41est, 100.00 fee[ [o said Soutfierly line; thencc along said Soutticrly line North a9~ ~~~ 5;" West, 2Q0.9~ feet to the be9iniiir.q of a curve corcave t~ortheasterly having a radius o4 15.00 feet; thence along said curve throuyh a cen[ral anyle of 90° il' 13" an arc Jistance of 23,(,1 f~e[ to said Westerly line; [hencc alony saiJ 41est.erly line North 0° 55' 20" East, &4.y~ fee[ to thc point of beginning; and 4Fr1EREA5, the City Plannin9 Commission did hold a public heariny at the Lity liall in Lhe Lity of Anali~im on May 23, 1977, at 1:3~ P•m., notiee of said publtc hearing haviny been duly given as required by law and in accordance wtth the provisions of the Ananeim Municipal Code, Chap[er 10.03, [o hcar and consider evidence for and a9ainst saiJ proposed reclassification and to investiya[e and make findings and reconmenda[ions in connectio~ therewith; and 4(t1EP.[AS, said Commission, after duc inspection, investigation and study rtiade by itself and in its bchali, and after due consideration of all evlde~ce and reports ot'fereJ at said hcaring, docs find and detc:rmine thc following facts: PC77-106 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of Lhe subject proper[y from the CG (LOMMERCIAL, GEIlERALj ZOtic to the Rti-1200 (P,ESIb[NTIAL, MUL7iPLE-FAMILY) ZOIIE on Por[ion "A" and to thc CL (C01".MEitCI~L, LIf11TCD) ZOt~E on P~rtio~ "B". 2. That the Ansheim Gehcral Plan designates subject property for yeneral cor,vnercial and/or mediw~-deiisity resiuential land ~ses. 3. That [he proposed reclassification of subject proper[y is necessary and/or desirable fcir the orderly and proper devclopment of ~hc conmunity. 4, That ihe propos~o reclassification of subject property does properly rela[e to Ciic zones and their pcr~.~i[tcd uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to tnc zoncs anJ thcir perrnitted u:es qenerally established throughout the conxnuni ty. ;;,. That rio onc inJicat~d thcir prescncc at said public hcaring in opposition; and [iiTt no corres~~onuence was receive~ in opoosition to subject petition. ENVIfi0N11EI~TAL IMPACT F11lUltl~: Tha[ the Anahcim CiCy Planring Co~mission has reviewed Che subje vC proposal to reclassify the property from GG (Commercial, General) to RH-12(i~i (ResiJcntial, Multi~~le-Fa~,iiiy) on Poriion ";." (approxir.ia[ely 1 aere loeated approximately 16l fee[ north of [hc cen[erline of KaC~lla Avenue) and from CG (Corrnercial, General) to (Comr,ercial, Lini[ed) on Vortion "b" (approximately 0.5 acre located at the northcas[ corncr of I:atclla Avenuc anJ [asy Way) and does hereby recormend to the City Councii of the Lity of Anaheim that a Ne~ative Declaration from the requirenent [o prepare an environmental impaci re{~ort be approved on thc basis that :hcrc rro uld tc no sic,anifican[ individual or cumulative adverse environrx:ntal ir,pact duc to the approval of this tle9ative Ueclaration since the Anaheim Gencral Plan designates thc subject propcrty for yeneral eortuncreial/medium-~ensity resi~~ntial lanJ uses comrx:nsurate with thc proposal, and the Ir.itial Study submitted by [he petitioncr inJi w tes no significan[ aJversc environanental ir~iaac[; and [ha[ the Ilegative Ueclaration substantiaciny thc foregoing findings is oii file in the Ci[y tlall. 11Q4l, TH[RcFOP,E, b[ IT RE50LVLJ [hat the Anaheiin City Planning Commission does hereby recommen~ to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition ~or Reclassifica[ion be approved ancl, by so doing, tha[ Title 12-Zoning of the llnaheira Municipal Code be amenJeJ to exclude Portiorr "~" from [he CG (COHMERCIAL, GENERAL) ZOIJL and to incorporate said describeJ propcrty into Che RM-1200 (kESIDEtJTIAL, HULTIPL't-FAI1ILY) ZOI~C, ana to exclude Por[ion "I~" from the CG (COHf1ERCIAL, G[tlEFJ1L) ZOIIE and to incorporate said described property into the CL (C011M[RCIl,L, LIItITED) ZOt~C upon tiie follo+ding condi[ions which are hcreby found to be a necessary prerequisi[e to [tie propos~d use of subject properCy 1~ order to preserve the safety an~7 general ~aelfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: Ir~TERDEPARTNEtiTAL COMHITTEC R[COMMEI~OATIOtlS IF APPROVED: 1. That the owncr(s) uf subje ct property shall pay to the City of Hnaheim the sum of 60 cents pcr front fooi along Easy Nay and t:a[ella Avenue for trce planting purposes. 2. That [he owncr(s) of subjc•ct property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 52.00 per fron[ foot alony Easy Way and ICatella Avenue for street ligh[iny purposes. -2- PC17-~OG 3. Tha[ appropriatc water assessi~ent fees, as detcrmined by tfie Director of Public Utiltties, shail 'ne paid [o the City of Anahein prior to the issuance of a buildiny permit. 4. That [he proper[y owner(s) shatl submit a let[er reques[ing termination of Conditional Use Permit No. iG>G. 5. Prior to the ir~troduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property. Londitio~ Nos. 1, 2 an~ 4, abovc-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or riglits granted by this resolution shall become null and void by action of the City Council unless said conditions are complied wi[h within one year from the datc hcrcof, or such further tirrk as the City Council may grant. THE FOFEGOItIG R[SOLUTIOtI is signed and approved by me this 23rd day of May, 1977. ____LCY~ ~ ~~'~ ct ~iR~ nt,ri Pno ~r~~o!:E' AIJ/U1EIt1 CITY PLl1!~tJING CONHISSION ATTEST: ~~..~.pC. 07.° `,~- SECRETARY, AlINIEIII ITY LA~1~IIt~G COMIIISSIOt~ STATE OF LAL I FORtJ 1 A) COUN7Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AHAIiEIM ) I~ Edith L. Harri:;. S,ec~ret.ary ~f c~uc At::i.till`ir,~ ti~c'_y P.tann -m Ce~;~rnfss ion, do hereby certify that the fore;oiny resolut'•~;n was ~P`ssed ana: adc~pte~ y't a meezing of [he Anaheiri City Plannina Gommii§iot~ n~;~:l o^ Hyy 23, 1y77, aF ~~30 p.n., by the following vote of the mec~cr tlvereof: AYES: LONItISSIONEItS: (tAR~.'FS~ DAVIU, HEf~~~.;, ti,,,~;, ll ~iN, ToI.A;, NOES: CONPIISSIOI~ERS; NOIIL AIiSENT: CONHISSIONE~S: JOHN:~UII I1~ tJITUE55 41NEREUF, I hav~ hc ~,:unto set r,,y rand :rhis 23rd day of Nay, 1977, CO ~ ~ ~'~~/~/~Llci SLGRETARY, NAH IM I Y LANtJIt~G OMMIS Ot~ -3- PC77-i0G