PC 77-122R~SOLUTIOt7 t10. PC,~7-122 A R[SOWT1 )I~ OF TNE Ai~AHEIM CITY PLAt~t11t~G COf1t~1tS510r~ Tf1AT PETi710N FOP, VARIAUGE ~70, 2943 E~E GRAiITE~ WHERLAS, the Anaheim City Planning Coru,~ission did receivc a verified Petition for Variancc frors MIGIIAEL T. A~i~ JLP,/,IYPJii J. DE FRAtit;~ 334) ucst Ball Road, An~t~cim, CalifUrnia 92t~01~, owncrs uf ccr[ain rcal property situa[ed in the City of Anat,cim, Coun[y of Orangc, Statc of California, Jescribcd as: LOT 2 OF TH/'~CT N0. ZfS39, AS PER HAP PEC~JRUCU lil E300Y, d~ PAGES 9 TO 15 IfIi:LUSIVE OF M15CELLANLOUS hfAPS, ~li Tti~ afFICE Of THE Ci~UNTY REl:U"UER OF Sl~IU COUIJ7Y; anu ~1HEREAS, the Lity Planniny Cci~iission did tlall 'sn thr. City of Mahcirn on Junc 6, 1977, at 1:3~ hearing haviny been c~v'ly 9iven as required by provisiqns of thc Anahciro ~Hunicipal Codc, Chapter evidence for anJ against .aid proposed variance and and recommendations in connection thcr~~~i~h; anu ~old a public heoring at the City p,m., noticc of said public law and in acr_ordancc with [hc 1c.03, to hcar and consider [o invcstiyate and ma~;c findings wi~Er~Ens, said Cortunission, after due inspcciion, investiqation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and afcer duc consiJeration of all r_vidence and reports offered at said heariny, docs find an:i deterninc [hc follc?aring facts: 1, That the petitioner requests the following waiver from [he Anaheim Munieipal Codc to expand an cxisting sinyle-family residence: S~CTIUN 1b.02.05i~.(132 - Prohibitcd nonconforminy structural cxpansion. Z. That the aforemeniioned waivcr is 9ran[ed on [he basis that, although thc propcrty is zoncJ for comrncrcial uscs, it is dc:clopcd with ~ sinyle-family residentiai use and thc Anahein Cen~:ral Plan desiqn,a[es subject property for low- Jet~sity residential land uses. J. 'iha[ ttiere are exceptioral or ex[raordinary circumstances or conditions applicablc to the proper*_y invulved or [o thc intendcd usc of thc propcrty that do not apply c~enerally to the property or class of us~: ~~~ [he same vicinity and zone. 4. 7hat thc requcsted varianc,c is necessary for thc prescrvation and enjoymcnt of a subs[antial propcrty right f~assessed by othcr propcrty in thc same viclnity and zone, and denicd t~ thr. property in question. 5, That thu requested variancc will no[ bc matcrinlly detrimental to the public welfar~. or inju,-iuus to the ~~roperty nr improver,ents in sucti vicinity anci zone in which thc property is loeatcd. G. That no one indica[ed thuir presenc~, at said publie hearing in opposition; ~nd thst no corres~~onJerice was rece~ved in oppusition ta subjec[ pctition. PC77-;~2 ~tiViR0U11Et;Tl1L I'M.PALT FI;IDlt1G: That :iie Uirector of the Planning Depar[ment has Jetermined that the p~roposed activity falls witfiin [he definition of Section 3.Oi~ Class i, of the City cf Anahein Guida7in~as to the Requircments for an Envircnmental Impac[ P,epori ancl is, therefore, ~ate~orically exempt from *.he reyuirer~:nL to fiie an E1R. I1CU, 7titI:EFOP,t, E l7 RESQL~lEu thai [hc Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grarit subiect FcCition for Varia.~ce, upon th~s follarir~g condition which i5 hereby found to be a necessary prerequisi[e to the proposed use of the subject property in order Lo prescrvc the safety anJ ccncral welfarc of the ~i[izcns of thc L i ty of Rnahc i i.c: 1. That subjec[ proper[y shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specificacions on `ilc with thr City of Anaheiw nwrLed Exhibit I~os. 1 and 2. ~971 THL F6REGOI~~G P,~SOLUTI^,l is si;ned and approveJ by me this Gth Jay of June, v' ~°~ ` C~1 i~ ~U1~1 PRO TE~IFORE Af~ANF.CH CITY PLAt711ll1f, C011MISSION ATTEST: ~~ ~° ~~ SECRETARY, AI~AHE IM C 17Y PLnrit~! i~r, CONN15510~I STATE ~JF LRLIFOP.NIA ) COUIITY OF OP.APIGE ) ss. CIT'Y UF AUAHEli1 ) 1, Edi~th L. Harris, Secrciary of thc Anaheim City Pla~ning Commission, do hereby certify [hat the foregoing resoJution was passed and adopted at a meetir~y of thC Analieim Ctty Plann,in~a Cc~nxnission hcld on June f:, 1977, at 1:~U p.m., by thc followiny votc of thc nwmbers Chcrcof: AYES: COft111S5101lf.f;S: :d/~ii'11~5, DhVIU, HEHC57, Y.IIJG, LItIH, 701AR NOES: C011f115510'1LR5: tIC1!:E AUS£tl7: GUNMISSIOI~LRS: .;0'~tiUSOU ~;~ uIT~~~;S WNEitE!OF, I havc licrcun[o set my iiand this Gth day of Junc~ 1977. e~~~/1/l.~.a~ S[LRETARY , A~IAHE I M~LAHtI l tIG COMMI 5510~~ _2_ PC77-122