PC 77-124RESOLUTI~tI N0. PC77-~zi+ A RESOLU7IOt: OF THt A~lAHEIM CITY PLANt11NG COMMISSION THAT PETITIO~I FOR CO!JDITIONl1L USE ('ER11~T t10. 1712 L~[ GRAiiTEO WfIEREAS, the Ananeim City Planning Comrnission did receivc a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permi[ from UUIIt7 PROPERTIES, 2~ Drookhollow, Santa Ana, California 9270>, owncr of certain real property situateJ in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of CaliFornia, clescribed as: Pai'cel 1, as per r.:ap fileJ in Book 8G, Page 19 of Parcel Ma~s, Records of said County, described as beginnirig at the Southrres[ei'ly carner of Parcel 3, as per map filed in Qook 79, Payes 43 an~ ~i4 of Parcel 11aps, Records of QranSe County, said poin[ being on the Southeasterly line of lloodland Drivc, 6~f.U0 feet wide; thence along said Southwe,terly line tlorth 19~ ly' 30" East 60.25 feet to the bcyinning of a[an9ent curve concave Southeastcrly and having a raJius of 393.00 fcet; thence IJortheasterly along saiel curve an arc lenyth of 29&.51 feet throuqh a central angle of 43° 31' 14" to tlie intersectian with a curve concave lJesterly and haviny a radius of 160.00 feet, a radial line tu said poi~t bcars tlorth 6~ Oh' 42" East; [hence Southcrly alony saiJ curve an arc 1enc~th of 14~•35 feet through a central angle of SU° 15' 28" to the beyinnin9 of a reverse curve cencave Eas[erly and having a radius of 350.00 feet, a radial line to said point bears South ~o~ 39' S~" East; [hen..e 5outherly ~lony said curve an arc lenyth of 144,Q3 feet through a central angle of z3° 3~i' 42" to the Northerly line of said aforementioned Parcel 3; thence South ti9° !t5' Z~" West 16b.7u feet to saiJ Southeastcrly line of WooJlariJ Drivc and point of beyinning; and WH[REAS, the Ci[y Flanning Commission did hold a pubiic hearing at the City Hall in tlie Lity of Anaheim on June G, 19/7, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Nunicipal Code, Chap[er 12.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investiyate and make findings and reconunendations in connection therewith; and 4111ER[A5, said Cornmission, after due inspecticn, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all eviJence and reporCs offered at said hearing, does find and determine thc followiny facts: 1, That the petitioncr requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit under authority of Codc Section 1~.44.05~•2f%o t~ pernit a recrca[ional facility. 2. That the proposed use is hereby granted, with the petitioner stipulating to development of subject property in subs[antial accordance ~aith the specific plan submitted and in accordance with [he landscape plan subrnitted. 3, That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and tlie growth and devclopment of the area in which it is proposed to be located. PC77-124 4. That the size and shape of thc site proposed for the use is adeGuate to allow the full developme~t of the proposed ~se in a manner not detrimantal to the particular area nor to the peace, healtn, safety, and generai welfare of the Litizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That Lhe grantiny of the Conditionai Use Peri~.i[ under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, liealth, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in o~~bsition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. ENVIROtU~1E1~TAL i11PACT FIt~DING: That [he Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the subject proposal to construct a recreational facility in [he CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone on a parcel consistiny of 0.9 acre on [he sou[heast side of lloodland Urivc, 267 feet west of Mag~~olia Avenue, and docs hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim [hat a Neoa[ive Declaration from the requiremen[ to prepare an environmental impact report be approved; that there ~iould be no individual or cumulative adverse impacts on the environment due to the approval of this Negative Ueclaration since the Anaheim General P!an desiynaCes :he subject property for general industriai uses commensurate wi[h the proposal, and the Initial Study submi[ted by the pe[itioner indicates no si,nificant adversc impacts. The 17cgative Declara[ion is on file in the Planniny Depar[ment. This Negative Declaration is suppler;ental to the previous environnental ir,ipact report approved on tf~is ertire comm~rcial center. tl041, Tti[REFOR[, 4E IT RESOLVED ihat the Anahcim Lity Planning Commission does hcreby yrant subjec[ Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon thc following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prcrequisite to the proposed use of thc subject proper*_y in order [o prescrvc ihe safety and general welfarc of the Citizens of the City of Anaheiro: 1. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Lhief of tlie Fire Uepartment prior to comnencemen[ of structural framing. 2. That subject pro~erty shall be developed substan[ially in accordance with plans and specifications on file witn the Ciky of Anatieim nwrked Exhibit t~os. 1 through 4. 1977• THE FOP,LGOItIG R[SOLUTIOFI is siynecl and approved by mc this 6th day of June, ,Cll~~~:~K ~ ~,-~.~- NA~P.tUlfl Pk0 ~E11POP, ANAH[IM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSIOti ATTLST: ~~ ~ ~1~Q/l~t~Go~ SECRETARY, At1AH[IM CITY PLAIJtIIN~ CUIIMISS~ON -2- PC77-124 .. STATC• OF CALIFORflIA ) COUt~TY OF ORA!VGE ) ss. C17Y OF At1A11EIM ) I, [dith L. Harris, 5ecretary of the Anahcim City Planning Commissio~, d~ hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting af tfie Anaheim Ciey Pl~~ning Commiss:on held on June 6, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the follc>wing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMI115SIOIJ[R5: flARllES, DAVID, II[r95T, Klhf, LIPJtl, TOLAR YOES: COMMISSIONERS: IIOtIE A[SS[tlT: COi1NIS510t![RS: JONNSUI! Itd NITtlESS 411iERCOF, I havc hercunto set my liand tfiis Gth day of June, 1977. /3 ~1L4. 05 . SECR[TARY, AI~AFIEIM CITY PLAtItlI1lG COFIMISSION - 3- PC77-124