PC 77-126RESOLUTIAt~ ND. PC77-12G A RESOLUTIOtJ OF THE At1Af1EiM CITY PLANNIi~G COHHISSION RECONNEtIDIt~G TO THE CITY LQUNCIL OF TI1E GITY OF Ah1AHElM THAT PETITIOtJ FOR RECIASSiFICATIO;~ ~~0. 76-77-53 gE APPRQVED WH[REAS, thc Anaheim City Planning Cormiission did receive a verified Petition for Reclassification from YOR6A G MVEL COHPANY, t53t West E1 Segundo Boulevard, Gardena, California 9n249, owner, and T A DEVELOPIIE~~T COR?OP.ATION, 1875 South Lewis Street, Anahcim, California 92°05, agent, of •certain real property situated in the Ci[y of Anahcim, County uf Orange, Statc of California, described as: That portion of Lot 5 41ock 24 of the Yorba Linda Tract, as shown on a rnap recorded in book 5, pages 17 and ib of Mi,cellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, lyiny Southerly and Easterly of the. follotving cfescribed line: Beyinning a[ a poin[ in the centerline of the di[ch sl~own on a map filed in book 3, page 48 of Record of Surveys in the office of tt~e County Recorder, with the Easterly terrninus of the course described Nor[h yb° 05' 11" West 409.25 feet in the deed to the Stale of California recorded October 22, 19L•2 in Rook G291, page 635 of Official Records; thence along said course tlor[h 5G° 05' 11" West 409.25 feet; thence North 65° 43' S0" 1Jest 299.54 fee[; thence South 72° 14' 13" West '29.GG feetr thence South 14~ 53' 03" West 132.44 fect; thence South 4° 17' 30" Wes[ 9L1,79 fect [o a point on the East line of Orcfiard Urive, GO feet i~ a~idth, as shown on a map recorded in boo4: 5;, page ~~4 of Record of Surveys; thence Southerly, along sa+d Easterly line, to tfie centerline of said diCch. The triangle portion of tlie parcel No. ~ of that portion of lot 5 Dlock 24 of Yorba Linda Tract, shown on the attached map. Start from the last rnentioned point on the cenkerline of said ditch wes[erly liaving a line concaved nor[herly with a radius of 350 fee[ and an arc distance of 9.5> feet, then con[in~~ed westeriy following the course of North f~E° 52' 3~" East 23.31 feet, then qortherly concentric wi[h the center line of Kellogy Drive and having a radius of 357•12 feet wi[h an arc dis[ance of 91.~+G feet. Then back Sou[heas[erly with a line concaved easterly witli a radius of 3~5 feet and an arc distance of E3.36 feet to the point of beginning. This portio~ of [he property has a total area of 1349 sq. fc. EXCEPTIt~G T{IEREFROM [hat portion described in Parcel 'f~o. 105.1 in the deed to the County of Orange recorded ~loveril~cr 9w 196; in book 7734, page 226 of Official Records; and blHER[A5, the City Planning Commission did schedu1e a public hearing at the City tiall in the City of Anaheim on May 23, 1977, aC 1:30 p.m., no[ice of said public hearing having been duiy given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheirn Hunicipal Code, Chapter 18,03, t+o hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassificatian and to investigate and make findinys and recommendations in connection [herewith; said public hearing having been continued to the Planni~g Cornmission meeting of June 'T0, 1977; and PC77-t26 WHEREA°_, said Commission, after due inspec[ion, investigation anJ study made 6y itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and repor`ts off~red at said hearing, does find and determine thc followi~g facts: 1, That the petitioner proposes reclassificatuon af [he subject property from the RS-A-43,000 (RESIDEtlTIAL/AGRICULTU~AL) ZOt~E to the RS-SODO (P.ESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY) ZONE. 2, That the Anaheim General Plan designates s~bject property for low- medium density residential land use. 3. That the petitioner stipulated to placi~g the residential structur~ ~n Lot I~o. G a minimum of tliirty (3~) fect from the south property line. 4, That the proposed rectassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for tlie orderly and propcr development o` the communi[y. 5. Tfiat the proposed reclassification of subject property do~~ properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and thcir permit[ed uses generally established throughout tl~e co~nunity. 6. That the proposed reclassification of subject propcrty requires Lhe dedication and improvement of abuttiny streets in accordance with the Circulatio~ Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be 9enerated by t~e inte~sification of land use. 7. Tiiat tfiree (3) persons indicated their {~resence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. Et~VfR01~MEliTAL lNPACT FII~DIt~G: Thai [he Anahcim City Planning Commis~ion has reviewed [he su ~ect proposa [o reclassify the zoning from RS-A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/~GRICULTUR/1L) ZONE to RS-S000 (RESIDENTIAL, SII~GLE-FAMILY) ZONE for subject property consisting of a proposecJ six (6) lot, RS-~G00 :~~bdivision on approximately 1.9 acres loca[eJ southeast of [he intersection oF the kicl7ard M. NixAn Freeway on-ramp and Kellogy Drive, and docs hcreby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anahcim that a Negative Ueclaration from the revuirement to prepare an environmental impact report be approved for tl~e subject property on the basis that there would be no ~si9nificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact Jue to the approval of [his Ilega[ive Declaration since the Anah$im General Plan designates the subjec[ property for low-medium density land uses commensurate with ttie proposal; that no sensitive environmc:nCal elements are involved in the proposal, and the Ini[1al Study submitted by the petitioner indicates nn significant or cunulative adverse environmental impac[s; and Yhat ttie Negative Declaration substantiating [he foreyoing findlnys Is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. NOU, THEREFORE, [iE IT RESOLVED that the AnahPim LitY Planni~g Commission does liereby recommend to ttie City Council of the City of A~.aheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of ttie Anaheim Municipai Code be amended to e:cclude the above-described property from the RS-A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZOI~E and to incorporate sald described property into tfie R5-5000 (RESIDENTIAL, SIt~GL[-FAMILY) 20lIE upon thc folla.~ing conditions which arc: hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the propos~d use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of tlte City of Anaheim: -2- Pc77-a2b 1. 7hat the owner(s) of subject praperty shall deed to [he City of Anahefm a stri~ of land 4$ feet in wi~[h from zhe ceriterline uf the street along Kellogg Drive for str~et widening purposes. 2. That a11 engineeriny requirements of the City of Anaheim along Kellogg Drive, including preparation of improvement pl•ans and installation of all improvements such as curbs and g~~tters, sidewalks, stree: grading and paving, drainage facilities or other appurtenant work, shall be cor~plied ~vith as required by the City E~gineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifl-atlons on file in the Office of the City Engineer; that street lighYing facilities alor.q Y.ellogg Drive shall be installed as required by the Director of Public Utilities, an~ in accordance with standard specificatio~s on file in the Office of the Directo~' of Public Utili[~es; and/or tliat a bond, certificate of deposit, let[er of credit, ~~ cast., ~n an amount and form satisfac~tory to thc City of Ana~hcim shall bz posted with tne City to guarantee [he instailation of the above-mentioned requirements. 3, Tha; che owner(s) of subjec[ property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 60 cenis per fro~t foot along Kelloyg Drive for tree planting purposes. 4. Thai fire hydrants shali he Irsstallc~ and charged, as required and determined to be nccessary by the Chief of [hc firs Departmcn[, prlor [o tommencement of str.~cturai framing. 5. That subject property shali be ser~~d 6y under9round utilities. 6. Th.a[ d:rainagc of subject property stial1 be disposed of in a:ianner satisfactory to the G`it,y Engineer. 7. That [he cx+ner(s) of subject property sfiall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park ~nd recreation in-lieu fces as determined to be appropria[e by tf~e City Council. said fces *o be paid at the time the buildin~ permi[ is issued, 8. That a. firsal trac[ map of subject property shall be submitted to and ap~roved by the City Counici7 and Yhen be recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. 9. Pricr ~o the in~roJuction of an ordinance rezoninc~ subject ~roperty, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3 anu o, above men[ioned, shall be completed. The provisions or riyh~is granted by this resolutfon shall becon~:,riull and voiJ by action of the City Council unless said condltions are complied witli riithin one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 10. Tha[ Condition I~os. 5 and 6, above mentioned, stiall be complted with priior to final building and zoning inspections. 11. Tfiat tlie residential structure on Lot ~~o. L shall be located a minimum of thirty (30) fce[ from tlie south property line. TIiE FOREGOING RESOLl;TIOf~ is signed and approved by me this 20[h day of June, ~977• ~ CHAIRMAt~, AtlAHE• CI Y PLANt~ING COHMISSION -3- PC77't26 ATTEST: ~ ~°~,~,_ SECRETARY, ANANEIH CITY PLAtINING COt1MI5SI0h1 STATE OF CALIFORI7IA ) ~OUNTY OF OftAtIG[ ~ ss. CITY OF A1~AHEIM ) I~ Edi[h L. Ha~rris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Gorronlssion, do hereby certify that [he foregoing resolution was passed and adnpted at a meeting of the Anah~:im City Planning Commission held on June 20, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the fo3lowing vote of ihe mernhers thereof: AYES: GOM1115510i~ER5: E3ARt~ES, DA~~ID, fiER85T, Y.It7G, IINN, TOLAR, JONNSOt: NOES: G)MMIS510N[R5: t~ONE ABSENT: CUMMISSIOI~ER~: I~OI~E li: HITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunio set my hand this 20th day of June, 1977. ~~ ,,/ ,,,~, ~, e~~ ~ N ;, .. SECRE AT RY, At! }EIM I L NNING MM.SSION -~- PC77-t26