PC 77-142RLSOLUTIOt1 I~O. PC77-1~+: A RESOLU710tt OF TIIC A'~A~If.IH CITY PLNlIIItJG COHr11551011 Tt!!1T P[TITI0:1 FOP, C0~lD17i:,JP~L USL PERNIT t10. 1727 BE GRAIITCD tJlilR[AS, [he Anahcim ..:~.y Planniny Corvnission did reccivc a verified Petition for Condition~l Usc Pen,•~. frem INPERIAL PP,UPCRTIEt, P. 0. ISOx 72~~0, ~~ewpart acach, CaliTOrnia 92fii,~, owncr, ;nJ DCLANCY'S Y.ETTLL OF FISN, IIIC., P. 0, bux jG9G. t~cwport iieach, Caiifornia y2GG;, ~ycnt, or ccrtain rcal propcrty situated in the C~ty of Anahcim, Cour;ty of Orange, State o~ California, describeJ as: That portion of Lo[ 4 of thc Uonin,ucz Estatc as shcn•rn on a ~ie~nsed Surveyor's Hap filed in llooE. 2, paye 15 of Record o` Surveys in thc office o! thc CounCy Recordcr of Oranyr. County, Galifornia, ciescribed as beginniny at the Soutfn~resterly corner of Tract flo. )1+7~, as shown on .~ Map recordcd in 8ooi: 37.G, pac~es 13, 19 and 20 of Hisecllancous Maps, reeor~s of said Oranyc Lounty, being a point on thc Northwest~~rly line ui th~ Santa Ana Valley Ir~igation Cor.ipany as de5eribed in deed reeorded Mareh ], 1'?4~ in fiook 1~i;3, paqe 3i,'L of Official P,ecarils; thence alon, said Northwesterly linc Soutii /4° 1Q' 35" West 5~].')9 fee[; North 15° ~~' 2>" West 3.~~ fcet and Sou[h 74~ 10' 35" Nest 'L)b.5: fcet to tlie SouChwes[crly corncr of the land elescribcd in dccd to `d. F. Glcason anJ wife recordeJ t1ay 21, l~yl in Boo4, 21'.ii, pa~3c 2GG of saiJ Officiil Recor~ls, heiny the True Point o` Beginning; thence coniinuiny along said !~ortlirlcstcrly linc South 7~+° 10' 3;" Uest 71~.0? fect to [he beyinniny of a t~~ngent curvc cun~.avc Northerly havina a radius uf c1.,.20 f<~c[, an~ 1Jcs[crly along said curvc [hrough a central ~nylc of 09° 21' 14" an arc distanec. c~f 1;3.5i, feet to ~ point un thc westcrl,v line of sai~ Lot ~~, a raJial line of said curvc passiny throuyh said point bc.i:', Sou~h OG° 2~•' 11" East; ihcncc alon9 said lacstcrly linc North 0° lfi' 2~" 1Jest ~~~).~5 fect to thc Southwcsteriy corncr of the land described in deed to the Sta[e of California rccordcd February 'LJ, 19G°, in Itoo~ 3bb~, paye y77 of Official Recc;rds; [hence alung the Southeas[erly line of s~iJ last men[ioned land North JO° 2j' 17" Gast 132.19 fee[, I~orth G0~ >2' i~l" Eas[ 1C°.71 feci and N<rrth 5C° 00' i3" East 1J~3,$1 fr.et to [hc 1lorthcasterly lin-: of said Lot li; Ihencc along s~,id tlortheastcrly line Sou[h 81~ 3~~' 25" EaSt 125.1i feet, Sou[h 5q° 3~~' 25" East 13?..0'i fee[, a~d South G5° 19' 2;" East 11F2.Go feet [o the tlortho-iesterly cornr_r of saia land of :J. F. Gleoson; [hencc alony thc Wcstcr~y Ilne of said l~s[ r~en[ioned land South 03° 22' 25" East ~~~~4.GU fcet to the Truc Pofnt of beyinninc~; and WHCREAS, the City Planniny Commission did hold a public hearinc~ at [he Cit} Hall in [he City of Anaheim on July G, 1977, at ~:30 P•m., no[ice of said publlc hearirsy liavin~ been duly ~iiven as required by law a~d in aecordince witti the provisions of thc Anahcim Municipal Codc, Chaptcr i[.~3, to hcar and consider eviJence for and agains[ said proposed conditional use anJ to investi~i~ic 8nd rwke findings and recomrnendacions in connection therewith; and PC77' 1 i~2 . WIIEREAS, said Comrnission, +after duc inspection, investiga[ion and study made by itselr and in its behalf, and atter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said iiearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permit is authorized by Analieim Huni;ipal GoJe Section 18.4~~.05Q.010, to permi[ on- sale beer and wine and on-sale liquor in [wo proposed restaurants. 2. That tlie petitioner in,dicated the hours of operation for the res[aurant having on-saie liquor o~ili be i1:Q0 r.m. [0 2:G0 a.m. (daily), wi[h a maximum of twenty ~20) employees per stiiFt, and a seating capacity of 1G3. 3. That the petitioncr indicated the I~ours of oper~tion for [he restaurant having on-sale beer and winc will be 11;00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (daily), with a maximum of six (G) ernployees per shifC, and a seating capacity of b7. 4. That Lf~e proNosed use wiil not aciversely affect [he adjoining land uses and the growth and devclopme;it of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 5. Tha[ tiie sizc an~ sliape of thc sitc proposed for the use is adequate t~ allow tlie fuli devclopment of the proposed use in a man~er not detrimental to the particuiar area nor to the peace, health, safe[y, and general welfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anafieim. 6. That ttie granting of [he Conditional Usc Permit under [he condit~ons impos~d will not be detrir~ental [o tfie pcace, health, safety and gencral welfare of ttie Citizens of the City of Analieim. 7, That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence a~as received ?n opoosi[ion to the subject Fetiiion. ENViRONMENTAL It1PACf FIN~ItdG: That [he Director of the Planning D~partment has determineu that tt~e proposec~ activi[y fal)s within the defini[ion of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the City of Anaheir:i Guidelines to che Rtyuirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therefore, ca*_e9orically exempt from the requirement ta `ile an EIR. f~OW, THE4EFORc, 6E I7 RESGLVED [hat the Anahein City Planning Commiss(on does fieteby 9rant subjcct Petition for Conditional Use Permit, u~>on the following condition which is hereby found to be a necessary prerzquisite to the proposed use of th,e subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with pians and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim mar4;ed Exhibi[ Nos. 1 ttirougfi 5. TfiE FOREGOIt~G RESOLUTIOtI is siyned anJ approved by me this Gth day of July, 1977. TEMPORARY CNAIR~1 ANAHEIN CITY PL NEtiG rOMhliSSfOt~ -2- PC77-142 nTT~sr: .~~a,~ ~ 1~,~.~:., SECRETARY, ANAf~EIM CfTY PLANNIPIG COMI115S101~ STATE OF CALIFORt~IA ) COUI~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY Of AtJAl1EIN ) I, Editfi L. Harris, Secr~~tary of tfie Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby c^,:~ify that the foregoing res~~lution was passed and adoFted at a meeting of khe Anaheim City Pianning C~mmission held on July 6, 1977, at 1;30 p.m., by the following vote cf the members [hereof: AY[S: COMMISSIOI~ER.S: E3ARIlES, DAVID, KIIIG, LINIJ, JOtit1501! NOES: COt1MiSSIOtlERS: IaONE ABSEIlT: C011191SSIOt7ER5: HERUST, TOLAR IN ~lITNESS Wli[REOF, I have hereunto se[ rrry hand this 6th day of July, 1077, ~~ -~ 7~~, S ECR~TARY, AtiANE i M C I?Y PLAIdN ~ I!G COFii11 SS I ON -3- PC71-~~+2