PC 77-146K~so~uriou r~o. Pc77-~~~ ~ P.ESOLUT1011 Of TIIE :.t~N1Ei!1 CITY PLAFfti:'tiG CO~IMISSION TIiAT PETITI01~ FOR VARIN.LE N0. 29j: OE GRA;~TEU WNE~^.EA', the ~lnahciri City Plannin,• Gormiission did receive a verifi~d Pe*_it:~n for Variance fror.~ ALFRE~ 0. At~D HA!;ILYti R. LOqG, ~~±6 South Aspen Strcet, Anahcirn, Lalifornia ~2~0'l, owncrs of ccrtain reai propcrty situat:d in thc Ciiy of Anahein, Cow~ty of Oranye, S[ate c~f California, described a•.: Lot <<o of Tract tto. 1;;)!+ as p~r nan thereof recorded in Cook 54, pages 1+7, 43 and l+) of Hiscellaneous Haps, records of Oran~ie Courity, Cal i fornia; an~1 llIiEREAS, [iic Gity Plannin; Conrni,sion did hold a public hearinr; aC thc City Hall in the City of Anaheim on July G, 1?7J, at 1:3~ P.m., notice of said publie hearing havin~; buen duly yiven as required by law and in accordance wiY.~i the provisians of the Anahcici Municipal Lode, Chapter 1~:.~;, to hear and eonsider evidence for in.f aqainst said propo;ed variance and [c~ investiqate and r~~ake findinqs and recormrendations in connectiur, ti~ereoiiih; anci NiickEAS, saiu Comr,ission, oftcr duc inspectic~n, it:vcstiqa[ion and study raadc Ly itsulf anu in its b~iialf, an~f after ~uc considcration ~f all eviJcncc and reports offereJ at sai~i hcr,rin~~, docs find and dc[~.rninc thc f~lirn•rin9 facts: 1, Th~t the pccitioncr ~~ropus~s a waivcr of the folloo~in~ to construet an eiyht ~(o) foo[ hi~~ii blor_{, wall: SLCTIUI; I;..~)7,,~14;.1OZ - Haxi~.~wn wall hci~~h[ in rcar ard. b feet pcru~i Ltcd; i~ fre[ proposed) 2. That thc ~Love-i.icn[ie,neJ waivcr is hcrehy yr~n~cd on thc basis Lhai [he p~ti[ioner uerr~onstrat~~ci t~iat ~ haruship exists in that the pruperty is laca[ed within 300 fuet e~f' the Santa Ana Frecway anJ is locaCeJ aJjacent to an arterial hir~hway and is, thereforc, ;~bject Co traffic noise; [hat [he property on tl~e east side of West Strcct is devclot,~`~i o~iih i cor'~mcrcial usc; an~i thit an ciaht (&) foot hi~~1i ~rall is pcrmittc~.i in [hc tr~~nc yard r~f o residcntial lot frontin~3 on an artcri~l high~vay, and the {3roposal ti+nuld sic~il~rly protect ti~c recreatinna? uses in [he rear y3rd of 5ubjeti lut whic!~ bac4s ontu :+n artcri~l hinhway. 3. Tf;~t tl~crc arc cr.cepti~~nal ur cxcraordin~ry eireur,is[~nces or eonditions applicable to Clie prorer[y in•.•olvcJ or [o li~c inLcnJe~ use of [hc propcr[y ~ha[ do rot apply ,:nerally to Chc prorerty or class of use in the sor~: vieinity and ~one. 4. That th:~ requcsteJ vari~nca is neccssary for [hc p~c5crvation and ~njoyrent of a suhstantial prop::rty ri~ht possesscd by otFicr proper[y in thc samc vicinity ond zonc, and dcnicd [o ti~c pro{~crty in qucstion. 5. Tha[ t'rtc rec,uestcJ ~~oriance wi l l not bc ma~crial ly detrir~ental [o the pui~lic r~cl'farc or injurious tu Chc property or im{~rovements in such vieinity and zone in Which ihe propcrty is locat~.d. PC17-tu~ 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petition. EtIVIRONt1ENTAL IMPACT FINDING: That *_he Directur~ ~~f the Planning Department has determined that the proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.~1, Class 3, of the Ci[y of Fnahein Guidelines to the Requirements for an Envir~nme~tal Impact Report and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirenent to file an EIR. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the knaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the folla~~irig conditinn whfch is hereby found to 6e a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subjecL property ln order to preserve the safety and general w~lfare of Yhe Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1, That subject property shall be developed substantially i~ accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTI01! is signed and approved by me tr~is Gth day ~r July, 19;7• TFNPORARY CtIA! N ANAHEIH CITY P AtJP11t~G COMMISSIO~J ATTEST: `~~ 0~ • it~,~. SECR[TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAIdNING COHKISSION STATE OF CAL I FORt~ I A) COUtITY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AIJAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of tfie Anaheim City Plannin9 Cortmission, da hereby certify that the foregoing resal~~tion w.as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plai~rving Cornmission held an July 6, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the follaaing vote of the membzrs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DAVID, t;ING, LIN~1, JOHNSON NOES: C0111115SIOtIERS: NONE ABSENT; COMt11S510NER5: DARNES, HERBST, TOLAR II! WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 6th day of July, 1977. `~6 a,~.c~ e~ 7~,,.~.~, SECRETARY~ ANA}iE M CITY PLANNING COMM15510N -2- PC77-146