PC 77-150RESOLUTION lv0. PC77-150 A RESOLUTIOt! Of TNE AI~A~i[IM CITY PLAt~t~;t7G COMt115510N TtfAT PETITIOtI FOR ~011DiTI0t~AL USE PER111T N0. 1723 E3E GRAtlTrD VNER[A5, thc Anaheim City Planning Cornmission did reccive a verified Petition ~or Conditional Usc Permit fron DEETHOVEId P1l1RINl`~, LTD., 550 East Carson Plaza Dr've, Carson, California 907~~5, owner, and CARMEtI P. SFERRAZZA AND MARTIN P. LOEW, 940 Nest Orangethorpe Avenue, r"ullcrton, California 92G32, agent, of certain real prop~~rty situated in the C3:, nf Anaheirn, County of Orangc, State of Califnrnia, described 3s: PARCEL ; 2, AS SHp4~t! ON A MAP FILED Itl ESOflK ~7 PAGES 8 AND 9 OF PA~CEL HAPS It~ TNE OFFICE OF TNE COUNiY RECOF.DER OF SAID COUNTY; ancl Wr•'E1tEk5, the Ci[y Planniny Commission did schedule a public hearing at the City Hall ir~ :he Ci[~ of knaheim on July b, 1977, at 1:30 p.r~., notice of said public hearfny having been duly yiven as required by law ~nd in accordance with the provisions of thc Anahcim F9unicipal Codc, Chaptcr 1u.03, to hcar and consider evidence for and agains[ said proposed conditional use and to investiga[e and make findings and recommen~Jations in connec[ion ttierewitf~; said public hearing hav;ng becn continucd to the Planniny Cor.unission cieeting of July lE, 1977; and L!H[KEAS, said Commission, after Jue inspection; investiyation and study made by itself and in i[s bef~alf, anJ after duc consideration of all evidence and reports offered at saiJ hcaring, docs fin~ and daternine [he follow;ny fiac[s: i. That the proposed use is properly one for which a condition~l use permit is auitiorized by Anaheim 11unicipal Code SectEon 1Fi.G1.Oj0.390, ko wit: to permit on-salc becr and wine ir~ a proposcd res~aurant in the ML (IHUUSTRIAL, LIMITED) ZQIIE. 2. That thc proposed use is ~ranted for on-sale beer and wine in a sandwich shop on the basis that Che pctitioncr s[ipul~ted tha[ [he hours of operation will be b<:twecn S:OQ a.rr, and ~:p0 p.m. ~. Tfiat the propos~d use is yranted in conjunction wiLh Conditional Use Permi t No. 1665, ~pProved Idovernber G, 1976, [o permi t a sa~clwich sfiop wi th maximum seating for twelve (12) perso~s and scrving [he industrial rrorkers i~ the area. 4, That the proposeJ use o-iill not advcrsely affect the adjoining land uses and the yrowth and developmen[ of ttie area in a~hicfi it is proposed to be located. 5. Tha[ Chc size and shapc cf thc s.ite proposed for the usc is adequate [o allow the full development of thc proposed usc in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to [he peace, heal[h, safety, and general welfare of the Ci[izens ~F chc City of Anaheirn. G. That the granCing of the CanJitional Use Pcrmit unJer the conditions imposed will not bc detrimental to thc peace~ health, safety and gc~eral welfarc of tfie Citixens of the City of Anakieim. PC77-150 . 7. Tha[ no one indicated their presence ai said pubiic hearing in opposition; and that no corresponden~e was received in oppr~sition to tF~e su5ject petition. E!~VIROt~MEI~TAL IMPACT fltiUitlG: That the Direcior of the Plannin9 Departr~ent has determined that the proposed activity falls within the definition ef Section 3.01, Class 1, of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the Requirements for an Environmental Impact Repor[ and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. NO'd, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thc Anahcim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Londitional Usc Permi[, upon the following condition which is hereby found [o be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preservc the safety and yeneral wclfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anafieim: ;. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with ,plans and specifi~ations on file with [he Ci[y of Anahein marked ExhiL•it IJos. 1 through 4. 1977 TH[ FOREGOING RESQLUTION is si,yned an~i approved by me this 18ih day of July, ~~~ ~^~ CHAIRNf~tl, R~lAHEl11 CI'(Y PLANNII~G CONMISSION ATTEST: (n QLI.~I. ~ t~F~Kit/t.~.a~ SECRETARY, ANAfIEIM CITX PLAIIt~IIiG COMIiiSSfOi~ STATE OF CALIFORtIlA ) COUI~TY OF OitANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAlIEl11 ) I, Edith L. fiarris, Scretary of the Anatieim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution a~as passed and adop[ed at a meeting of Che Anaheirn City Plarning Lommission held on July 1~', 1;77~ at 1:30 p.m., by the following vo[e of the members thereof: AYES: COfiMIS510!~ERS: ~ARIJES, DAVIU~ JOfIN50!~. LIN~I, 70LAR NOES: CONMISSIOIIERS: f~01dE AUSrtJT: COf1111S510tlERS: IfERDST~ KIt~G I~~ WITIJE55 WfiEt~EOF, I have h~rcunto set my hand this 18th day of July, 1977. ~ ~ °~ • ~C~RET~ARl7, N i~M CI ANN H COMMIS OIJ -2- Pt17°S5o