PC 77-154RESOLUTIUIi iJO. PC77-154 A RESOLUTI01! OF THE ANAiiElll LITY PLA~~~IING COMMISSIOt! THAT PETITI011 FOR COND17i0tIitL USE PERt11T ti0. 17,^.5 L[ GRAtlTED WNEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Pernit from GCL~Etd IdEST EOUITY PROPERTIES, 3931 11acArthur f3oulevard, Newport Beach, California 920~0, o+•mer, anc: Y.IIlGS11EG DRUM At~D IiUGLE CORPS, P. 0. E3ox 3003, Anafieim, California 3280j, agent, of certain real property si[uated in the City o` Anahcim, County of Orangc, State of California, described as: Th~t portion of tiie Northeast quarter o` Section 26, Township 4 Soutfi, Ranye 10 West in tlie Ranctio San Juan Lajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a map recorded in booF: 51, page 10 of liisce)laneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, dcscribed as beginning at the South~•~est corner of tl~e East half of the tiorth~•iest quarter of the t~ortheast quarter of said Section 'L6; *.hence Ilor[herly along the Westerly linc of said East liaif to a point on a linc parallel wi[h and Jistant Soutlierly 5G7.Ov feet measureJ at rigfit angles from the tlortherly line of said section 2~; tfience Easterly alony said parallcl linc to a point in a linc parallcl with and Jistant Easterly 300.00 fect, measure:d a[ riyhc an~les, from saiJ IJesterly line oT che East half; thence Plortfierly alony said parallel line to the tlortherly line of said Section ~6; [herce Easterly along said Norihcrly linc [o the t~ortheast corncr o` [lie West half of thc IJortheast quarter of the ~Jortheast quarter of said Section 26; thente Southerly alony tf~e Eas[erly linc of said 11est half to the tlortlierly line or' the lanJ of "Albert Spound and others" as sha+~n on a tlap filed in book 4;, page 37 of Record of Surveys, in thc office of tne County Recorc;er of said County to the True Point of [ieyinnin;; thencc Eastcrly alony said Nor[herly line of the land of "Albert Spound and o[hers" and the Easterly prolongation of said Hortherly linc to the cc:ntcrline or State College Eloulevard (formerly Placentia Avenue); [hence Southerly along said centerline of State Collcye Goulevard co a point i~ said centerline distan[ I~ortherly measure.f along said centerline G27.53 feet from the cen[erline of OranyeN~o~d Aven~e; thence South 89° 59' 35~~ '+~est to the boundary line c~t Spcund; 2hence North 0~ Ou' 49" West along said boundary of "5pound" to ar~ angle point therein; thence t~orth ~;9° 57' 41" West along said boundary G3~+.55 feet to an angle point therein; thence North 1° 20' 40" West along said boundary 6~3•1+~+ fce[ to the t~ortherly !ine of the South half of sald tlor[heast quartcr of Section 26; thence Easterly along said t~ortherly line to the point of beginniny; and IIIiEP,EA~, th~: Ci[y Planning Conmission ~id hold a public hearing at the City Hall in Che City of Anaheim on July 18, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accerdance with the provisions of [he Anaheim 1~lunicipal Code, Chapter 1~,.63, te hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed r,onditional use and to investigate and make findings anJ recommendations in connection therc~~ith; and PC77-154 WNEREAS, said Commission, af[er due inspcction, inves~igat:o~ and stu~y madc by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evFdence and reports offered at said heariny, does find and detcrmine the following facr,s: 1. That tlie proposed use is ~roperly one for which a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 12.61.05~.346, to ~it: to permit a private club. 2. That the proposed use is hereby granicd on the basis that the petitioner stipulated to the following conditions: a. That the petitioner's lease on subject property specify that the I:ingsmen Urum an~ Buglc Corps +•rill have the solc use of 230 designa[ed on- site parking spaces duriny tl~e bingo 9ames which will occur Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evening hours from 7:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.n., and on Sundays fror•i 5:30 p.m, to 10:30 p.m. b. That the petitioner's lease on subject property specify thaC the lessor will disclose information concernin9 the parkiny spaces designated for the use of thc Kingsmen Drum and Bugle Corps [o all future tenants in subject indus[rial con~plex. 3, That the proposed usc is fiereby granCed subjecr. to the petitioner's stipulation that there will be no outdoor marcViin9 activi[ies at subject location and all activities, except parking, o-~ill occur inJoors. 4. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoininy land uses and the yrowth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be loca[ed. 5, That the size anJ shape of the site proposed for the use is ~dequate to allow the full devclopment of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to [hc pcace, heal[h, safcty, and gener~l ~acifare of the Litizens of the City of Anaheim. b. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed will not be detrimental to thc pcace, health, sarety and general welfare of [lie Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 7, That no one indicated [heir presence at said puhlic hearing in oppositlon; and thai nu correspondence was received in opposition to [he subject petition. ENV I ROI:MEIlTAL 1 MPACT F I IJD I IlG : Tha t thc D i rcctor of tlic P 1 ann i ng Depar tment has determined that the proposed ac[ivity falls witfiin the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1, of [he Ci[y uf Anaheim Guidelines to the Requirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. N01J, Tfi[R[FORE, BE IT RESOLVEU that tlie Anafieim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following condition wliich is hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of [he subject property in order [o prescrve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheiin: -2- PC77-154 1. 7hat subj2ct property shall be developed substan[ially in accordance with pians and specifications on file with the Ci[y of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. i through 3. 1977• Tt~E FORECOIIIG RESOLU710I1 is signed and approved by ma this 18th day of July, CN IRMAN, AtIAliElll CITY PLAllt~ltlG COMIIISSION ATTEST: r~ ~~ i'~f~ S[CRETARY, A~~AHE1~1 CITY P~N1t11t~G COMM15510N STATE OF CAL I FORPI 1 A) COUNTY OF ORAt:GE ) ss. CITY UF ANAHEItI ) I, Edith L. fiarris, Secretary of ttie Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foreyoiny resolu[ion was passed and adopted at a meeting of [he Anaheim City Planniny Commissiun held on July 18, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the follaring vote of the rx:rrbers thereof: AYES: COM1115SIOtJ[R5: DARN[5, DAVID, HERDST, JOtiN50i7, LINt~, TOI.ARt~OES: COMt11S5101~ERS: NOt~E A85ENT: COHHISSIOt~[RS: KItIG Il~ 4lITtiE55 WH[REOF, I liavc hercunLo set my hand tfiis iFSth day of July, 1977. -~~.____.~~~.:. SECRETARY, AtJAHEIM CI Y PLAt~IlIIJG C011MISSION -3- PC77-~54