PC 77-166P.ESOLUTIOt~ N0. PC77-1G~ A kESOLUTIOt~ OF TiIE AIINIEIH CITY PLNJ1~It~G C0~1MlSSION TNAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATIOIJ ~70. 77-7~-G DE GRANTED NNFREl+S, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verifi~d Petition for Reclassification fron ROEEftT MARVIII LA~f, 22L Nortt~ A~afieim Boulevard, Anaheim, California ~12%~5, awncr, anu JACK 5. TILI~EY, 2~+1+62 Tolcdo Lane, El Toro, California 92G3n, agent, of ccrtain real propcrty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranye, State of California, described as: PARCEL ONE - That portion of the t~orthwist quarter o` Section 13~ Townstiip ~+ South, Rangc 11 Wrsst in the :~ancho Los Coyotes, as per liap filed in Book ;~1, Pa9e 1 of Niscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as beginning at thc t~ortfieast corncr of Lot 117 of Tracc No. 2b55, as p~:r Map recordeJ in aook 79, Pa9es 1 tlirou~h 4 inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Oranye CounLy; tiience Nor[h 09° 1~1' 26" West 52„~0 fcet elon, thc Northeriy prolon;ation of the East line of satu Lot 117, beiny also thc Westerly riyh[ of Wdy of Laxore Streei as shown on the 11ap of said Tract 265y, [o the true point of beginniny, saiJ point beiny the beginning of a curve concava Eastcrly haviny a radi+.~s of ;3~.~?0 fce[; thence Nor[herly 53.1j fect alonq saicl curvc, an~i said Wcsterly ri~h~ of way, through a cen[ral anyle of ~~ 1;' 3?": [hence continuing alony said Westerly right of way 1lorth 09° 03' 13" East 3~+.1o fee[ Lo the beginning o` a curve concave Westerly, F~aviny a rauius of 27~.~n fce[; thence continuin~ Uor[hcrly ~+1.51 feet along said uestcrly right of way to the Southwesterly eorner af Loi lli, of said Traet No. 'LG>5; thence alonc,• the Southerly linc of saiu Lot 116 Sou[h S9° 39' 0~" West 13•21; fect to thc intcrsect~on of [hc Nor[herly prolongation of thc Easterly linc of said Lo[ 117; thence South 00~ 10' 2f~' East 127.94 fcet alony said t~ortherly prolongatiun to thc true pcint of bc9inni~g. PAkCEL Td0 - 7hc. SouLh 180.~i0 fr_ct of the West 120.G0 feet of thc East ha1 f of t~~c ~lorthwest quarter of the Sou[iiwest quarter of the tlorthwest quartcr of Sec[ion 13, Tarnship h South, Range il West, in tl:ce R~neho Los Coyotes, as shown on a Map reeordi>d in Eiaok 51, Paye 11 ~f Miscellaneous Maps, recarJs of Orange County, Ca;ifornia; and WN[REAS, thc City Planning Comnission did hold a public, hcaring at the City Nall in the City of Anaheim o~ Au,ust 1, t977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publfc hearing havin~ been duly niven as reryuired by law and in accordance with the provisions of tfic lnahcim Municipal Lodc, Chapter 1~.03~ to hcar and consider evidence for and ayainst said proposed reclassification and to investiyate and make findings and recomnr:ndations in connection therewith; and PC77-1 ~;F WNEREAS, said Commi55ion, %:fter due inspection, investigation and Study made by itsPlf and in its behalf~ and .~ter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does firr-~ and determine the f~ilav~ing £acts: 1, That the petiti~n~;r proposes reclassification of subject property fro~ the RS-A-43,000 (RESIJEIITIAL;r+~RiCULTURAL) ZOiIE to thc RS-7200 (RESIDEt~TIAL, SINGLE- FA111LY) ZOU[. 2, That the P•..heim General F'lan desi9na[es subject property ror low° density resiJential land ~,~~.~.. 3, That the proposed reclassifica[ion of subject property is n~cessary and/or desirable for the orderly anJ proper development of ttic community. ~t. That [fie proposed reclassification of subject property does properly rela[e to the zones and tlieir permitted uses locally established in close proxlmity to subject property and to the zones and thcir permitted uses yenerally established throughou[ the community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedication anJ improvement of abuttin; streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of [he General Plan, Jue to the anticipated incrcase in traffic aihich will be generated by the in[ensification of land use. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no corr~_spondence was received in opposition to subject peti tion. Ei~VIROrIMEN7AL INPACT FlI~~It~G: That [he Anaheim City P)anni~g Commission has reviewed the subject proposal to reclassify ttie zoning from the P.S-A-43,0~0 (Residential/Agriculturai) Zonc Lo the P.5-72Q~ (Residential, Single-fanily) Zone on property consisting of 0.5 acre having a fron[.:•.e of approximately iB5 feet on the west sidc of Laxore Strect, having a maximur:, depth of approximatcly 1;3 fce[ and being locat~d approximately 6G5 f~et nor[h of the centerline of Orange Avenue, and with waiver ~f minimum lot widtl~ to cstablisf~ thrce lots; and rocs hercby aaprove [he Negative Declaration from the reyuirement [o prepare an environr~.enta! impact report on the basis that tfiere would be no sign3ficant individual or cumulative: adverse environrnental impact Jue to thc approval of ~his Negativc Declaration since thc Anahcim General Plan designa[es thc subicct proper[y for low-density residential lai~d uses commensurate with the proposal; that che project is consi~tent ~ith the surroundiny area which includes GO-foot wide lots; tliat nu sensitivc cnvironr.ientat impacts are involved in the proposal; thac the Init~al St4Jy submitted by the pe[I[ioncr indicates no significant individual or cumuiative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiating the fr,regoin9 findings is on file in the Ci[y of Anaheim Planning Uepar[i.~:nt. NOW, TIfEREFOftE, BE IT RESOLVEU that thc Anaheim City Planning Comnissinn does hereby yrant subject Peti[ion for Reclassification an~, by so cioiny, Chat Citle 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Nunicipal Code be amended to exclude t.tie above-describe~ property from the RS-A-~~3.000 (RESIUEt~TIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZOIIE and to ~ncorporate satd descrlbed property into tlie RS-7200 (RESIDE~~TIAL, SINGL[-FAMILYj ZONE upon the follawing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisi[e to the -2- PC77-166 proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and ~eneral welfarr- of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That street lighting facilities along Laxore Street shall be installed as require~ by ttie Director of Public Utilities and in accordance with standard speclflcati~ns on file in the Office af ti~e Director of Public Utilities; and/or that a bond, ce;tificate of deposit, letter af credit, or cash, in an amAUnt ani form satisfactory to the City of ~naheim, shall be posted wirh the City to guarantee the installation of tfie above-mentioncu requirements. 2. 7hat tne owncr(s) of ~ubject proparty sliall pay to [lie City ot Anaheim the sum of sixty (60) cents per fr~~nt foot along Laxore Street for tree ptanting ourposes. 3. That ali lots within this subdivision shall be served by undergroUnd utilities. 4, That drainagc of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. 5, In the event that subject property is to be divided tor the purpose of sale, lease or financing, a parcel map, to record Che approved division of subjeci property, shall be submitted to and approvr_d by the City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the Office of tl~e Orange County Recorder. 6. That the owner(s) of subject proper[y siiall pay lo the Ci[y of Anaheim the appropriate parl: and recreaCion in-iieu fecs as dcr.ermined to be approori~te by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the time tf~e building parmit is issued. 7, Prior to the introductio~ of an ordinance rezoning su6ject property, Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above mentioned, sfiall be completed. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution :,hall become null and void by action of the Planning Commission unless said conditiens are coriplied with within ane year from the date hereof, or such furtnPr tine as the Plan~iing Commission may g~ant. 8. That CondiCion tlos. 3 and 4, abovr. mentioned, sliall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspectEons. TNE FOREG011lG RESOLUTIOtI is siyned and approved by me this lst day of August, 1977. ~E~~ ~~~~ CIfAiRJ1At7, ANAH il'~ CITY PLANt~ItlG COMMISSION ATTEST: SEGRETAR~1 ~ NAtiEl11 CITY PLAP~NItIG C01114155i(~~~ STAiE OF rALIFORtIIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C I TY OF ANAIIE l M ) _3_ PC77-166 I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Ai:aheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forrgoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission hPtd on August 1, 1977, at 1:3~ p.m., by the fc?llaving vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMi551GP~ERS: BARNES, DAVID, H[P.;,~T. JONNSOt~9 KItIG, LINN~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONEF.S: NONE AQSEtIT: COMMISSIOt~wrt5: tJONE 1977. IIl IJITf~F55 WNEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this lst day of Auaust, SECRETARY~ APJAHEIM CITY PL~INII~G COMMISSIO~J _~_ PC77-t66