PC 77-167RESuLL'TIOt! tl0. PC77-1G7 A RESQLUTI0~1 QF THE A~~AHEIti C17Y PLAtI:'IING C01111 1 5 5 1 0 11 TNAT PC•TITIGN FO" VARIAtlCE tIG. 2959 4E GRAilTED WH[REAS, the Anaheim Ci[y Planniny Conmission did reccive a verified Petition for Variancc from RO4ERT t1Af:Vli! LAW, 221+ tlortii Anahcim Doulevard, Anaheim, California 9?&`~5, a•mer, 3nd JACK S. TILi~[Y, 2~t~~62 ~oledo Lane, El Toro, California gz63o, agent, of certain real property si[uated in the City of Anaheim, County ~f Orange, State of Lali~or~ia, Jescribed as: PFRCEL OtlC - That portion of the Uorttnvest quarter of Section 1;, Townsnin 1~ Soufh, Ran~e ii West in tlie !:ancho Los Coyotes, as per Nap fileJ in [took 51, Pagc 1 of 11iscellaneous Maps in the officc of the County P.ecnrJer of said County, described as beginninc~ at the Nor[heast corner of Lot 117 of 7ract ~lo. 7.(~55, as per I~lap recorded in Book 79, Pa9es 1 througii 4 inclusive of Misceilaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County; thence North Or~ iQ' ?6" ~~est ~2,00 feet alon, Lhe !Iortherly prol~~nyation of tfie Eas[ line of said Lot 117, being also the Westerly riyht of way of Laxorc Strcet as shown on the 11ap o~ said Tract 26~5, to the true point er beginning, saic; poi~t being the beginning of a curve concavr_ Easterly havinc, a radius of 3;O.On fcet; thencc tdortherly 53.15 fcet along said wrve, and said'~lesterly riqht of ~~~ay, throu9h a ce7tral angle of 9° 13' 3`:"; thence con[inuing aleng said ldesteriy right o` way ~lorth 09° 03' 13" East ;~+.1& feet to the beginning of a curve concave Westerly, having a radius of 270.0~ feet; tfience continuiny ~~orttierly 41.51 iecY along said '~Jesterly right of a~ay to the Southwes[erly corner of Lot i16 of said Tract rto. 2G55; [hence along tF~~ Southerly line of said Lot 116 SouCh 3~° 39' 00" 4~es[ 13.2~~ feet to the intersection of the Wortherly prolongation of the Easterly line of said Lot 117; thencc South 00° 10' 2L•" East 127.9~a feet alony said i~ortherly prolonc~ation to the true point of be9inning. PAF;C"cL Tb~~J - The South id0.~0 fe~t of Clie LJest i20.00 feet of the [a~;t. i•!alf of the tlortho-rest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the ';orC'~west quarter o~ Section 13, To~•+nship 4 Soucn, Range il ldcst, in tY:: P,ancho Los Coyates, as shoo-m on a Map recorded in 6ook 51, p>y~ }} of Misceilaneous 11aps, rec~rds of Orange Lounty, C~~1 ifa+•~ia; r,nd '~t~'.:.~?EAS, t<<+_ City Plannin9 Comm;ssion did hold a public hearing at the City Hail in t+~~: `~~*y r~f~ fina•,eim on Augus[ 1, 1977, at 1:3~ p.m,, rrotice of said public heariny hav3ng ~ccn July given as required by law and in accordan~c with the provisions of ~he Anaheim Muni~ip~l Codc, Chapter 1$.03, to hear and consider evide~ce for and against said proposed variance to investigate and maF:e findlnqs and recomrr~ndations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said ~omnission, after due inspection, inves[tgation and study made by itself and ir. its behalf, and after due Gonsideration of all evidence ar.~ reaorts offered at said heariny. does find and detcrnine the- follawing facts: PC77-t67 1. That the petitioner proposes a waiver of the following to establish a three-lot, RS-7200 subdivisiun: SECTION - MInimum lot width 70 eet requrred; 60 feet proposed) 2. That the above-mentioned waiver is hereby granted on [he basis that the petitloner demonstrated that a hardship exis2s in that most loCS in the area having the same zoning range from 60 to 70 feet in tiaidth, and that two of the three proposed lot sizes are greater [han 7200 square feet, in excess of Code requirements. 3, That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to tne praparty involved or [o the in[ended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or ciass o` use in the same vicini[y and zone. 4, That ~he r~quested variancc is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same viclnity and zor~e, and denied to thc oroperty in question. 5, Tha[ the requested variancc will not be mat~rially detrtmentai to the public welfare or injurious to the proper~y or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 6. Tha[ no one indicated their pr~sence at said public hearing in oppositfoi~; and thai no correspondence was received in oppusitlon to the subject petition. ENVIROIdMEC,ITAL IHPACT FINDIl~G: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the sub,ject proposal [o reclassify the zoning from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Ayricultural) Zone to the RS-7200 (Residentia', Single-Family) Zone on property co~sisting of 0.5 acre liavir.g a fror~tage of approximately 185 feet on the west side of Laxore Sreet, having a maximum depth of approximately 133 feet and being located ap~roxlmaLely 665 feet north of the centerlfne of Orange Avenue, and with waivr~r of minimum lo[ width to es[ablish three lots; and does hereby approve the Negativc Daclaration frorn the requlremen[ to prepare an environmental tmpact report on the basis that there would be no significant lndividual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to ihe approva! of tnis Negative Oeclaratlon since th~ Anaheim General Plan designates :he subject property for lar density resiGenti~l land uses commen5urate with tlre proposal; tha~ the proJect is r.onsisient with the surrounding area which in~iudes 60-foot wide lots; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the ~proposal; that the Initial Study subm:tted by the petitioner tndicates no signFficant ind'evidual or u+roulative adverse envtronmental impacts; and that the NegaEive Dec'iaration substantiatl~~z;~ the foregoing findings 3s on file in the City of Anahe,~m Planning Department. NOW~ THEREFORE, iiE IT RESOLUED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject PPtition for Variance, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a neces~ary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject propErty in order to preserve i~ie satcij and ge~eral welfare of the Citizens of the City of A~aheim: i. That this Varience is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 77-78-6, now pending, _2_ PC77-167 2, That subject property shall be developed substantlally in accor~a~ce with plans and specifications on 'file with the Ci[y of Anahe+m mar~Ced Exhibot 11os. 1 through 5. THE FOftEG01tiG RESOLUTION is signed and approved b,y me th.is lst day of Au.~ust, t977• v. CH 1RMA~4, ANAFIEIM ~CI FL NNITIG LOMMISS~ON ATTEST: SEGRFTP.RY, P.!~A.HElM CITY PLNdNIt~G CONMIS'SlOid STATE OF CALIFORt~S^ ) COUNTY OF ORANG~E ) ss. CITY Of AhiAliE1M ) I, Edith L, Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City ~"lanning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of th~ Anaheim City P7anning Commission held on August 1, 1977, aL 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AY[S: COMMISSIOPiERS: BARNES, DAVID, HER6ST, JOHNSON, KING, LINN, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIOt~ERS: PIOPIE ABSENT: COf1MI5SI01aER5: PIONE t977• IN WITFlESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto seC my hand thiS 15t day of August, SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CI 'LANNIilG COMMISSION -3- PC77-167