PC 77-168R£SOLUTI011 NQ, PC77-16~5 A RES~LUTIOFI Of TN~; AN~ViEIH CITY PLdUiN9llf, COt11115510!~ 7HAT PET1710~+ FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. i'7-7~-7 .4E GRA~~TEP ~iflEit[A5, t;7e Anahetn Ci[y Planniny Connission di~i receive a verified Petition for Reclassification fror~ SE11T-PAL' CORPORV~TIOII, 702q Para~ount [3bulevard, Pico Rivera, California 90(eGO, a~ncr, and EiILL HC LULLOC~i, ~+37-'1 Campus Drive, tiewpor[ aeach, Califprnia 92667, agent, of ccrtain reay prapert~+ situated in the City of Anah~;ir.~, County of Orangc, State of California, described as: PnRCEL 1- The East 1G5 fcet of th~e Uest 49j fcet of thc East half of the Souttwies[ quartcr of the Southwest quarter of Sec[+on 12, Township 4 South, Rangc 11 Wes[, in the Ra~cho Los Coyotes, as shown on a nap recorded in ~ooF, yl, page 11 p~f Miscel?aneous tiaps, records of Oranyc County, Galifornia, said East half of the Southwest quartcr of [he Sou21-r,~est quar[cr of 5aic Secxion 12 beiny describ~:J as commenc~r~g at a point in the Smu2h linc of said S~ection, t~orth i.9° 41' Ea<.t br2~l; fcc~ from Lhe Southwesi corner [hereof; thence I~orth 0° 13' 4lest i32d.09 fcet [~ a poin~t, thernce t~c:-th a9° 41` 10" Eas~ ~G3.'~4 fLe[ to a point: thence South 0° 1<<' ti~' East 1328.05 fect co a point; ther,cc South 89° ~+1' West GG2,.~5 feet to the place of be9inning. Excepting LhErefrom thc Sou[h 4iJ feet. PARCEL Z- That portion of thc East fialf of the Southtire~s[ quartcr of tne Soutf~west quarttr of Sectiun 12, Tavnship ~+ Sou[h, Range 11 West, in the Ran~ho Los Coyoies, as shawn on a map recorderl in Ifook 51, page il of Miscellane~us Maps, recorJs of arange Lounty, California, described as beginning a[ a poin2 of the South line of ,aid Section, 1~orth ~y° ~il" East GG2.75 feci from [he 5outhsvest corner [hereof; thence tlor[h 0° 13' East 13=a.09 feet Co a noint; [hence t~orth u9° a~J' 10" East 663.'~%+ fee[ to a point; thente South 0° 14' G~' Ea~sx 132o.0~i ~eet to a poin[; thencc South ~9° rFl' 4!est 662.75 fect io the place of beginming. Exr.ept [he Nes[ ~~95.OD feet thereof. Als~ except the tV~orih 72L•.00 fcei Lhereof. Also exceptiny therefrom the t~~rch >0 feet of ihe 5outh 155 fee[ of the Eas[ 2c fee[. r11so excepting therefrom 2he South 40 fcet. PARCEL 3- Th~ Nortt~ 72fi.00 feet of r.haC ForLion of [hc East half of the Southwest qu,artcr of [he Sou[t:west yuarter of Secxio~o 12, Township 4 South, itange 11 1Jest~ i~ the Rancho Los Coyctes, as shown on a map recorded in Book 51, p~ge 11 of Hiscellaneous Maps, records uf Orange County, Californis, described as commencing at a pa1.~t (n ttie South linc of s~id 5ection~ North S9° 41' East Gb2.75 reet frc~m the Southwest corr.er there~of; thence North 0° 13' blest 1328.09 feet to a point; thence t~orth ~E9° 41' 10" East 663.4~~ feet to a point; [hence South 0~ 1~4' 45" East 1333.05 feet to a point; th~nce S¢uth 89~ 41' West bG2.75 fee[ to the, place of bec~in~ing. Excepting therefrom the uest l+95 fcet. PkRCEL !t - An undivideJ 1/2 interest in the t~orth 50 feet of the Soutih 15~ feet of the East 2o feer of the [ast haYf of the Pt77-t63 Sout'tr~res't quarter of thc Southrrest quar2er of Section 17, Tormshfp ~~ South, R~nne 11 1lest, in ifie Rancho tos Coyotes, as shown on a map recorde~S in book 55, page 11 of iMdscellaneous Maps, in the office of th~e Cour.ty Recorder af said Co~nty, together wBth a like interest in 'the water wells, pumpiny plant and equipr.ient situated therean. Atso excepting all subsurface water rights, as decicated to the City of NunCtngton [ieach on the map ~of safd tract; and N11ERE/ti5, the Ci2y ff'lanning Comissiori did hQid a public'hearing at the City HaSE in tific• Gity of ~~ahzim on August 1, 1977, at 1:34 p.~., notice of said pubiic heari;tig having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the prov45ior.s of ttie Anahe~m Huniclpal Code,, Chapte~' 0~.~3, ~to hear and consYder evFdence fqr and against sald propt~sed rect•assificatinn and ta investie,ate are6 .make fi~sd~ings and recammand~tions in conne~ction [herewith; •and WNEREAS, said Commission, afte' due inspec'[ion, investigatiQn ,~nd study made by itself and in its br.half, and aftcr ~ue consider•ation of all evidence and r~porCs offered aK safd 'hcaring, docs find dnd determin_ the follo+'iing facts: y, That the petitioner prop4ses reclassification af subject prop~rty from the f;5-A-43,000 (RESIDEI~TlAL/A~KICUL7U'~11.) ZOI~E to the RM-1'L00 (nESIDENTIAL, MUITiP'i.E-FhM3LY) ZO~tE. 2, 7hat the Anahcim Gencral Plan designaCes subject property for medium- density residNntial iand uses. 3. That the aforementioned reclassifica~ion is 9raried on the basi5 'that the petltioner stlpulated to obtafnina a grading permit prior to any grading or on- site excavation activities. 4, 7hat the aforemer~tioned reclassifica;ion es granted on tlie basis that the pe2itioner stipulated to cor.iply o~ith [he mitiga[ing measures specified in Environme~tal Impact Report No. 20~t f(ied in cpnjunction ~+ith subject reclassificatlon and certified by the Anaheim Cdt~~ Planning Lommission on kugus[ 1, 1°77. 5, That the proposed reclassificatiQn of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the ord~rly and proper davelopmen[ of the community. 6, That the proposed recl~astfication oF subject property does property relate to th~e zones and their permitked u~ses locally establish~d in close proximSty to subjcct property and to the xones and their permitted aases gener~ily cstablished throughout the corrmunity. 7, That t~~e proposed re~lassification of subject property requires Lhe dedication and improvement of° abu[tiny sLrce[s in accordance with CF,e Circulation Element of the Gerseeal Ptan, duc to the anticipated increase in traffti'c whicn will be generated by [he inte~sificatton of land use, 8. 7hat no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and tha[ no correspon~ence was received in opposition 'to subject petition. Et~VIROtIMEf~TAL 115PACT FINUItIG: That Er.vironmental Impact Report No. 204 °or the proposed eve opmerit o a 19 'unit apartment complex on a 9.8 acre site 4oCa*.ed -z- PC77'-t68 northwest of xhe i~tersection uf L,incoln Avenue and ael Air Strcet, ~aving 6een to~sidered Lhis daLe by the Anaheim City P1~nning Cormnission and :~~iden~e, both written and oral, having been presenLed to sv.pplement said draft EIR No. 204, fir.ds that potential ~roject-oenerated individual a~d cumulative adver~e inpacts have been reduced to an rcceptable level by conformance witfi Cify plans, policie~ and ordinances, and sai~ d r~ft EIR tJo. 2~)~+ conforms to the California Envirenmeaial Quality Act and to City anJ State E~R Guidclines and, tt~ereforc, based upon su~h information, thc A.na~~eim City Planning Co.r.~+sslon ~aes certify Etn No. 2b4, 11pu, 7HCFGFOP,[~ ~E (T RESOLVED that the Anah~eim Lity Planning Commisslon does hereby grant sub~e~C Petition foT ficclassifi~atiun and, by so doing, that 7itle 15-Zoning of the AnaheiT Piunicipal Code be a~ended to exclude the above-described property from t'ne RS-A-43,00~ (RESfDE!ITIAI/AvRiCULTUftl1~) ZOI7E and to incorporate said described prope~ty into [he RM-1200 (P.ESIDENT~AL, "MULTIPLE-FAMILY) Z~NE upon the fplla.~ing conditions whi~:h are hr_reb/ fuund [o be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject propcrty in mrder to preserve the safety and general weJfar~ of the C i t i zens of tltie C i ty of Anal~e i n: 1, That thc owner(s) of subject propcrty shall deed to the Ci[y of Aruaheim a fifteen (1S) foot radius property line return at [he northvrest corner of Liti~coVn Avenue and ae) Air 5treet. 2, That all enyinceriny requirco~ents of [he City of Anaheam along Lincoln Avenue, inctuding prepa~ration af improvenent plans and installation of a11 imprcvements such as curbs and gu~¢ers, sidcwal4s, stre~t gr~aJing and paviny, dradnage facili[ies or o2her appurtenant work, shall be complied with as required by Che City Engir~ecr and in acGOrdanct with standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Enginecr; that sCree: lightin, facilities a4ong Linc~l~ Avenue and E3e1 Air 5treec shali be instaile~ as required by [he Direccor of Public Utilities, and iri accorda~c~ wieh s~anJard specifications on file in the ~ffice of the Di;ector of Public ~UtiliCies; andlor that a bond, certificate of deposi[, let[er of credit, or cash, an an anr~unt and ~orm satisfactory to thr City of Anaheim sha11 bc posted with the City Lo guarantec the instailation of the above-merttioned requirements. 3, That [h~ ~owner(s) of subjcct property sh~l: pay to [he Lity of Anahelm the sum of sixty (GO) cents per front foot alony Linco~n ,~v~rnue and Bel iAir Street ior tree planting purpo5es. ~i, That trash storage areas siiall 6e provi~ied .in accorJancc with approved ,plans on fiLe with the OEf~ice of the Director of Pubtic Works. 5, Tfia[ Fire hydrants shall be instal7ed and charged, as requiTed and determined 4;o be necessary by ~he ChieF of the Fire Department, prior to comnencement of structu~ra1 franing. 6. That subjecc property shal.l be scraed by underground utilities. 7, That drainage of subJecc proper[y shali be disposed of in a ma~ner satisfac[ory to the City Enyl~neec. $, That the orm er(si of subject property shall pay to Che City of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation fn-lisu fees as determined to be approp~riat~ by the City Council~ said fees to 4~e paid :.t tl~e tlme Chc building permit Is issued, -3- FC77-16a 9, That appropriatr, water assessmen~ f~es, as determi~ed by thc Directo~ of Public Ut~lities, shall be Raid to the City of Amafieim prior ~o t~e issuance o~ a ~uilding permit. 10. Tha!t a six (~) fo~t maso~ry well shall be a3nstructed along the easR prnperty line. 11, That a 9rading peemic w411 'be ob2aine~ prior to any gra~Ing or on-site ~xcavation attivities, 12. That mitiga'tinc} mcasur~s co~nEaine~ irs~ Environmental fmpac[ Repart No. 20k, certlfied by che Planning Commissubn on AugusL 1, 1977,, wiT3 be complied witi~. 13. Pric~~ t~ the irvtroduc[+~n of ~n c~c^~l~nance rezoo'ing subject prop~erty, Candi[lon t~as. 1. 2 a~d 3, above mentivned, s'haal be co+r,pl~eted. "ihe provlsions ar rig,hts graa~ted by t;~is resoluiion shall bec~orx: nv14 end vo'id by action of the ~'lanning Commission uniess saud carvditions are~ com,~lied vokth withir~ onc ycar frrarn t'he date h~ereof~ or such furChe~ 'time as the P~annir;g ~r~mmiss~on may ~rant. la+. That Condi[~ian Nqs. 4~ 4i, 7, 10 and 12, abovc rrr~rntfone~~ sha~l be uxr~plied ~aith prior to final building and zoninr~ inspecGions. ~lIE F~REGO'ING rRE'SOLt.!TIOtI 6s sJyned and• approved by r~e this ls2 day bf ~F~a~~ust, t977. ~ ~~~ ~ Ck4~ 1 Wil11i, AL7At;E 1 M C I TY f'LAtdl~ i t!G CQMEiI 55 ! OD3 ATTEST: SECRE~, ttAH 1M .' ",IN I/~G ', M~~ 'a ! I7 ST~TE (1F CaLIF1~it~+7A ) CUUNTY dF ORA~tGE } ss. CIT'! QF A1~AHE1M } i, Edi[h L. Narris, 5ecretary of the Anaheim Gity f'lannimg Comniss6on, dc he.reby ccrtify that the fore~oing resoluCion was passed aMd adopted at a meettng ~of the Flnahclm City Planning Commissio~ held on August 1, 197~, a[ 1:;30 p.m., by the follcw+ing vote of the onemb•ars thereuf: AYES: LOMMISSIONE~S: BARI~ES, DAVtD, 11[R057, JOH-aSOM, KItIG~ LfA1U, itOLAR flOE'S: COMMI5SION,FRS: ti0"IE A3SEN7: C011MfSSIhtIERS: MOt~E 1977• IN WfT~IESS uHEP,EOF~ i have h~reuntn set my hand this lst day of August, CRE AR , AriAH IM C~L~.?1N NG MM.S OPO -~_ PC77-~'68