PC 77-175RESOL~TIUi~ I10. PL77-175 A kFSOLUiI~N OF THE AiJAHcIN CITY PLANWIWG CONMISSIOtd Tt1AT PLT I T I ON FOR RECLASS I F i ~l1T I Ot! H0. 77-%II-~i BE GRA!dTEU WIiEREAS, ttie Anahcim City Plannin_y Commission did receive a verified petition for Recl~ssification fron COAST/1L DEVELOPE~tS, 2601 E. Chapman Avenue, ;~104, Fullerton, California 9zG3~, a,~ncr of certain real property situat::d in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran9e, State of Lalirornia described as: Tfiat pcrtion of Lots 9, 10 and 12 of Tract Ilo. 117, as sliown on a Map th~:recf recorJe~ i~ book 11, ~age 15, Miscellaneous P1aps, records of Oranye County, California, saiJ lancl is s}iown on a Nap recorded in book 5~~, paye 16 of Record uf Surveys in the Recorder's Office of SaiJ Uranye County uescri6eJ as beginning at a point on tiie 'rlestcrly linc of saiJ Lot 10, s7id point bein~ at the Ilor[heas[ corner of Lot 11 of said Tract I~o. 117, runniny thence Ilarth 0° O1' 00" West alon~~ thc Westerly line of Lots 10 and 12 of said Tract No. 117 a Jistance o'r 34~).16 fee[; thence to a point in the tlortficastcrly linc of said Lot 12; [hence Southeas[erly along said Nor[heastcrly linc [he foilowin9 bearings and ~iis W nces: South 73° 57' 3~" East 1~.0~ feet; Sou[h 1+0° 5' UQ" East 135.44 fect; South 25° 26' 00" East 117.;1 feet; South 52° 0)' 0!1" East '1;;.'?1 fcet [o the u~ost [ast~rly eorncr of said Lot 1'L; saiu corner also ueiny the Nortiiwes[ corner of La[ 9 of said Tract IJo. 117; thence South 17° 45' j0" East along the IJortfiErly line of saiJ Lot 9, 52.1; feet [o the IJortheast corner eP parcel of Florence Rich, as shown on saicl Record of Survey; thence along thc Last~rly and Sou[hcrly lines of said parcel the following bearin~s and dis[ances: Suutfi 6~ SS' 10" 41est 7.09.35 fect; t~orth d2° 0)' 1~~" I~est G5.;5 fee[; Sou[h ~;° 01i' 2~" Uest 10~.95 feet; IJesC 37&.jf~ feet to the true poin[ of beyinning~ WNEREAS, the City Planniriy Cormission did schedule a ~ublic hearing at the City liall in the City uf Anaheim on ~u,ust 15, 1977, a[ 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly yivc:n as required by law ar.d in acc~rdance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal CoJe, Chapter 1£~.0;, Co hear and eonsider eviilence `or and agains[ saiti proposed reclassification and to inves[igate and make findings and recomrx:ndations in conn~:cCion therM~~ith; and 1aliERE~S, said Commission, after due in,pec[ion, investi~ation and study made by itsclf and in its belialf, and after duc consideration of all eviJencc and reports offered at said heariny, Joes finu and Je[ernine thc fullcn~iny facts: 1. That tlie petitioner proposes rec~assificatio~ of subject property from the Oran~e County 10~-E4-20,OU0 (SI~IGLE-FAMILY RESiUEtITI~L, SIUILL EST~TE) DISTRICT to the RS-NS-22,000(SC) (RESIJEtITIAL, SINGLE-FAHILY fIILLSIDE-SLEI~IC CORP.IUOR OVERLAY) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan, as amended, desiynates subject property for hillsiJe, estate-density residenti~l land uses. PC7/-175 3, That the proposed reciassi`icati~n of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly anJ proper u~veloprnent of tl~e cormwnity. 4, That the propos~d reclassification of subject properly does property relate [o the zones and their permitted uses locally establish~:d in close proxirni[, to subject propcrty and to the zones a~d tficir pernitteci uses yencrally established throuyhout [he community. 5, That nu one indicateu their presence at said public heariny in opposiCion; and 'hat no correspondence was received in opposition to s~bjeet petitio~. LHVIROt7MEilTAL 1;1PACT FINDI.IC,: That the Anahein City Plannin9 Commission has reviewed t!ie subject proposal tu reclassify the zoning from Gounty 100-L~+-20,0~0 ~~strict to the RS-HS-22,00~)(SC) (Residential, Sinyle-family Hillside-Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zona on approxiinately 5.0 acres locateJ at ~u~cimau hfronta~~scof 5~7t1feet,on Lane and Nartin ftoad (privat~ screetsj havin~~ app 9- the north side of Mar[~lla Lanc anu ~7G fe~: on thc cas[ side of Har[in Koad and beiny located approximately 190 feet southeast of the centerline of Santa Ana Canyon Road, and does hereby approv~ [he ileyative Ueclaraticn from the requiremen[ to prepare ~n environmental impacc rcport un the oasis that there arould be no significant inJividual ur cwnulative adverse environmental impac[ due to the approval of this Ileyative Declara~ion since thc Anaheirn General Plan uesigna[es the subject ~roperty for hilisiJc, estatu-uensity resiJential lanJ uses commensurate ~•~ith the proposal; tha: no sensitive environr~ental impacts are involved in [he proposal; [hat [he Initial S W dy submit[ecl by the petitioner inaica[es no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental i~npacts; and that the Negative Ueclaration substantiating the: foreyoiny finJinys is on filc in thc Ci[y of linaheim Planning Depa r trnen l . NOW, THL"REFORE, ltE IT RESOLVEU that the Anaheim City Planning Comnission does hereby yrant subject Petition for Reciassification anci, by so doing, that the above-described propcrty be reclassificd from the Orange County 1~`?-E1~-20,00~ (SIIJGLE-FAh11LY, RESIDENTIAL, 511ALL ESTATL') ~ISTRICT and to incorporate said described property into thc CiCy of Anaheim Titlc 18-Zoning of the Anahcim tlunicipal Code RS- iiS-22,000(~C) (RESID[U71AL, SIIIGLE-Fp111LY HILLSIUE-SCE;~IC COP.P.IDOR OVERLAY) ZONE upon the ~ollowing condicions which are hereby found [o Le a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in orJer [o preservc thc sifety and general ~•relfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahei~a: 1. That fire hydran[s shall be instailed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by ti'ie Chief of the Fire Uepartmen[, prior to commencement of structural framiny. 'L. That subject property sh~ll be served by under~~rounJ utilities. 3, Tnat Jrainaye of subjecC property shall be disposed of in a ma~ner satisfaetory to the CiCy Enginecr. 4, That the ~wrner(s) of subject property 5hall pay to thc Lit/ of F.naheim the appropriate park an~ recreatiun in-lieu fees as dcterrnined to be appropriate by the City Council and then be rerorded in [he Office of the Orange County ~tecorder, 5, That a final tract map of subject property shall be submittied to and approved by the City Counr_il and then be recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. -z_ Pc77-175 ~ 6. That [hese reclassification proceedine,s are gran[ed subject to completion of annexation of subject property to the City of Anaheim. 7. That th~ requireinents and conditions of Fire Zone No. 4 shall be complied with as required by the City of Anaheim Fire Department. S. Tf.at the existing left-turn pocket and median opening in Santa Ana Canyon Road shall be renwved and replaced i•ri[h standard curbs as approvea by the City Engineer so as to provide rigi~t-turn only ingress and egress to and from subject proper[y~ as s[ipulated to by the petitioner. 9. Tha[ reasonable landscapiny, includiny irrigation facilities, shall be installed in the mecian island anJ in the unpavcd portion of [he southeas[ side of the Santa Ana Canyon Road ri9lit-of-way iii accordance with the requireraents of the Superintendent of Parkway 1laintenance. Followinci installation ancl acceptance, tfie City of llnaheir~i shall assume the resoonsibility for maintenance of said landscaping. 10. Prior to the introJuction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Londition ilo. 6, above me.ntioned, shall bc completcd, Thc provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall become null and void b~ action of the Planning Connission unless said conditions are cornplied with within onc year from the date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Cornmissio~ may grant. 11. That Condition Nos. 2, 3, 7, 6 anJ ~3, above. mentioned, shall be complieu wiLh prior to final builcin~ and toni~g inspections. THE FORtGUI(IG RESO~UTI0~1 is siyned anu approvcd by mc this 15th day of August, t977. ~~~~ ~ ~~ CHAIRt1/1I1, ANN!EtH CITY PLAIII~ItJG COt4115SI0N ATTEST: ~°~ d~ ~~ SLCRETARY, At~ANLIM CITY PLA'11lIi~G COMN~155101! STATE OF GILIFOR!~Il~ ) COU~lTY OF ORAtJG[ ) ss. CITY Of ANAH[IN ) I, cdith L. llarris, 5ecretary of the Anahcim City Planninc Comnission, do hereby ccrtify that tlie fvrcyoing resolution aras ~assed and adopCcd at a mceting of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Cornraissiun held on Augus[ 15, 1~i77, at 1:3o p,m,, by the followinq votc of the members thereof: AYES: COMt!ISSIOt~EP,S: 3l1RtdES, DaVID, tiERBST, JO;INSOil, Y.ING, Lll~td, TOLAR NOES: C011MISSIOUERS: tIO;~L ADSEI~T: C0111115SIOI~ERS: IlUIJE If! WiT,~ESS WNLP.[UF, I iiave hereunto set rny hand this 15th day of August, 1977. (e~ d. . SECRETARY, ANA}1E1M CiTY PLA:111iNG COMitiSSiOid -3- PC77-175