PC 77-19~ RE~~LU710N NQ. PC77-1`~ A RESO~i, f ION OF THE ANANE t'1 C ITY PLA~JtJ I N; C(1M'11 SS I ~'! THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2$87 BE ;RANTED, WHEREAS, [he Anaheim City Plannin~ Cwnmission did reccive a veriFied Petition for Variance from A!lr,~~ST R. A'~D AOD[EI~E K, ZUTTEP,, 31h0 Baii Road, Anaheim, California 928Q6 (Owners); ALI LABIB, 15751 Brookhurst Str~et, '-'i33, Wes[minster, Lalifornia 92683 (Agen[) of certain real proaerty situated in the City of Anahr_im, County of Crange, State ~f Califurnia descrihed as: The East 160 feet of ihe West 33~ fe~t of the ~~orth ?F4 feet of ttie North~•~est quarter of the North~~rest quarier of the !lortheast auarter of Section Twenty- three, Township Four South, Range Elev?n 4lest, 5. B. B. ; M. 1JIiEREAS, the City Planninq Coa+mission did hold a puhlic he.aring at the City Hali in the CitY ~f nnaheim on January 17, i°77, at 1:30 p,M., noticr of ,aid nublic hearing having baen duly give~ as reGuired by la~•: and in accnrdance with thc ~ro~lsions of ihe Anaheim Municipa! Code, Chapter 1',Q3, to hear anei consider evidence for and against said proposed vari~3nce and [~ investiqate and nake findings and recommendations in connection there~,~ith; ar,ci WHEREAS, said Commission, after dur_ inspection, investigation and study R:]C~C by itself and in its 6ehalf, and after duc cnnsideratlon of all evitien~e and repor[s offered at said hearing, dnes find and dP[ermine the follo~•:ing facts: 1. That Ihe petitioner proposes the fnllo~:~inq waiver f~om [he Anaheim 'iunicipal f.ode to consiruct a 21-unit apartrnent comnlex: SECTION 18.34.~62.~1?_ - Haximun building hciqh. (t siory permitted; 2 stories ~roposed) 2. That t`~e above-menCioned waive~ is hereby granted on the bas+s [hat, al[hough the adjacent property [o the west is zoned for resic:~ntial/a,rir.ultural lar.d uses, saiJ pr~perty is indica[ed on the Anahcim ;eneral Plan for hiqher ~ensity land usage in which even[ [wo-stnrv developme~[ on ~he suhjecC property +,rould be permitted. '.. Ti:i [here are exception.:i or extraordinary circums[ances or conditions applicabie to the proper[y involved or to Chn lnte~ded use of the proper*y tha[ do not ~pp~y ~3enerally to the prope.~ty or ciass of usc in thr_ sare vicinity and zone. 4. That the requested variance is nrcessary for tt~e preservation and enjoym~nt of a substa°'ial property right possessed by oiher proper[y ln the same vicini[y and zone, an~; {enied to t~e properCy in que5tion, 5. That *_nc requested ~~ariance will not be ma,erially detrimental Co the public welfare or injur~ous Yo the property or ir~provemenrs in such viclnity and zone in ~•mich the property i:. located. G. That the pet~tioner stipulate<i to providi~q sound-attenuation measures adjacent to Bail Road in accerdance with Counci! Policy No. ;~~2. RE50~UTION ND. PC77-19 7, That the petitioner stipulated that all carports will he enclos~d c• three sides and constructed in conpliance with Code standarcis. $. That one (lj persor. appeared ~t saio puhlic hearing in opposition; an~1 that said ~pposition also submitte~i a letter obj°ctina to the prooosal. ENVIRON!1EN1'AL IMPACT REPOR.T FI~~DIt~;: That thc Anaheir~ City Planning ~ommiss~on d~es hereby recommend to th< Lity Council of the City of Anafieim that a negaLive declaration from the reouireme~t Cu preoare an environmental impact report be appro~~d for the subject project, p~irsuan[ to thr. provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. t~OW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT RES~IVED th~t the Anahr_im C~ty Plannin9 Commissicn does hereby grant subject ?etition for Variance, upon the follawing conditions which are hereby found to be a nec^ssary pre~requisite to the proposed use of the suhject property in order to preserve thn safety and qeneral welf~re of the Citizens ~f [he Llty of nnaheim: 1. Tha[ [his Uariance is !~rar:ted s~~bject to thr_ cnnpletion of P,eclassification tJo. 76-77-;5, ~~~y ~en~iin9. 2, That sound attenuation measures shall be ::rovidr.d adjacen[ to Ball RoaJ, in accordance with City Council Policy No. ;t+2~ as st:~ulated Co hy the petitloner, unless waived by City Council. 3. ThaL subject pronerty shall be ,{r.velopeJ suhstantially in ac~~rdance with plans and specifica[ions rm file with the C~ty o` Anahcin R1l!'I!er~ Exhihit Nos. 1 through 4; providr_d, however, that all carports shall be enclosed on three (3) sides and otherwise constructed in compliance wi[h Code siandards, as stipulated to hy the ~ ~etitioner. 4, That Condition !~o. 1, above-mentionr.A, shail be comnlied with nrior fo the commencement of [he activity ~~~thorized under this resolution, or prior to the time that [he building pcrmi[ is issucd, or wiYiiin a period of one year from date hereof, whichever ~cc.urs first, or such further [lme as the Planning Cor+mission and/or Ci[y Council may grant. 5, That Condition ~.os. 1, ', and 3, above-nentioned, shal! be complicd .:ith prior to final building and zon~ng inspections. 7HE POREGQINf, RESOLUTION is siqned and approved hy me this 17th Jay of January, 1977. ,~l~c~~% ~/- ~~~- CHAIRMAt~ PR~ TENPORE AI~AHE~M CITY PLAtJNItJ, C~M~11SS10~~ .1TTEST: _ i i~~-{i • _L~ ~ i ~~„ ,:C~.-~~ i . U~, ~ : SECRE'itii.l' ,„I:,:t1E I`i C i'Y LAtIN I!~r,. fOM!1 f SS I OFJ -2- RESOLUiIOtd ~10. PC77-19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF 0~4NGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, °atricia B. Scanlan, Secrctary or the Anaheim City Plarining Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adoa[ed at a meetinn of the Mahelm City Plan.ning Cortnnission, held on January 1?, iQ77, at 1:3~ P•m•. ~Y the following vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DARNES, DAViD, NER95T, KINf, !10RLEY, TOLAR NOES: C011MISSION'eRS: N01lE. AE3SEN7: COHMISSIONERS: JOHt~50N 197i. IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, I have her~~ntc set my hand this 17th day of January ~--~. ' ,8 . ~ ~ -~~ ( -~~~~~~~ SECRETkRY, A~~AHEIM LiTY PLANNING LOMMISSION -j- RESCl.UTION N0. PC77-19