PC 77-195RESOLUTION l10. PC77-t95 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CIT't PLAtJNING LOMMISSIOt~ THAT PETITIOt1 FOR VARIANCE N0. 2936 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the Anahcim City Planning Lommission did receive a verified Petition for Variance from 1JILLIAH H. AIlD BETTY JQ CLOW, 2 Rue Valbonne, Ne.ipor: Beach, California 92G6o, owners of certai~ real property situated in Lhe City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: Parcel I- The Sou[h 314.7~t feet, rneasured from the centerline of the strect~ of Lot 9 ~f "Orange~auod Tract" as shown on a map recorded in book 7, pa~e 42 of Miscellaneous hlaps, records of Orange Cou,~ty, California. Excepting [herefrom the West 202 feet, mcasur~d frorn the centerline of the strect. Parcel II - The Sou[li 220 feet, neasured fron, the centerline of the street, of Lot 10 of "Orangewood Tract" as shown on a map recorded in t~ook 7, pay~ 42 of Miscellaneous tiaps, records of Orange Coun[y, California. Exccpting therefr~m the Easterly 495 fECt; and 4lHEREAS, thc City Pla~niny Cortmission did schedule a public hearing at [he .+ty !lall in the Ci[y of Anaheim on May 23, 1977, ai 1:3'~ P.m., notice of said public heari.~g having been duly given as required by law and in accordance wich the ~rovisions ~f the Anaheim Municipai Code, Chapcer 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance anJ to investi9ate and make ftndin9s and recom~~~end~tions in connection therewith; said public hearin9 having been continued to the Planning Commission mceting of Septembcr 12, 1977; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after duc inspection, investlga[ion and study ma:1e by itself and in its behalf, and after duc consideration af all evidence and reports offered at said hcaring, does find and detcrmine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes waivers of the followin9 to establish a 12-lot. 41-unit, RM-1200 subdivision: (a) SEC710~1 10.3~+.062.012 - Maximum buildi~g height. (b) SECTION 1f3.34•063.032 - Minimum recreatio~al-leisurr_ area. 2. That the abuve-mentio~cd waivers arc herety denied on the basis that the petitioner submitted revised plans and withdrew his requcst of the aforementioned waivers and that the Planning ~ommission gran[ed a lowcr-density multiple-family residenttal zone (RM-4000) than ~ras originally proposed (fU1-1200). 3, That there are no exceptional or exiraordinary circumstances or conditlons applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not ~pp1Y generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 1~, That the reques[eJ variance is not necessary for the preservatlon and enjoyment ef a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied [n the property in questian. Pt77-195 ~- 5. That the YeGuested variance will be matcrially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to [he property or irnprovemenis in such vicinity and zone in which the property ~s locateJ. 5. 7hat 53 pprsons indi w ted their presence at said pubtic heariny on September 12, 1977; 10 on Junr_ 20, 1977, and 55 on May 23~ 1977, ~n opposition; [hat 17 letters Nere receivea in opposition and copies of petitions coniaining approximately 182 siynatures and 2°3 siynatures were submitted in oppositio,n to subject request. ENVIROtlMEtITAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anahein City Planning Corr~isslon has reviewed Chc subjcct proposal [o reclassify the zonin~ from RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) to R11-1~000 (Rcsidential, Multiple-Fanily) on approximatcly 3.3 acres, having a fron[aye ~f approrimately ~43 feet on the north side of Simmons Ave~iue, fiaviny a maximum ~fepth of appro;cimately 295 feet, and bcing located appro:cimatcly 232 fcec east of th~ centerlinc of Ilaster S[ree[; and does hereby approve the tlegative Declarat~on fron tf~e reyuirement to prepare an environmental inpaet report on the basis ih~t tliere would bc no siynificant individual or eumulative aciverse environrtx:ntal irnpact due to the approval of tliis ~~egative Declaration since the Anaheir~ General Plan designaCes the subject property for mediu~r density residen[ial land uses coironensurate with thc proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts arc involved ir: the proposal; that thc Initia~ ~tudy submit[ed by the pe[itionur indScat~s no si5nifica~t individual or cumulative adverse environmental imoacts; and that the tlegative Dcciaration substantiating Che foregoing findings is on file in th~ City of Anaheim Planniny Departrnen[. NOW, TH[REFORE, EtE IT RESOLVLU th~t thc Anahcim City Planning Commission does hcreby deny subject Petition for Varianre on the basis of the aforementioned findings. TNE FOREG01!~G P,ESOLUTION is siyned and approved by mc this 12th day of September, 1977. / ~ r~ ;~~ CHAIRMAN, AIJWiEIM CITY LANt11NG COMMISSION ATTEST: /LR~ .~C ~ SECRE7AR , AtIN~EIM C17Y PLAIINIIIC COMMISSIOIi STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORkt~GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAt1EIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of thc Anaheim Lity Planning Commission, do hereby cer[ify tliat th~ foregoin9 resolution was passed anJ adopted at a meeting of thc Anaheim City Plannin~,~ Commission held on Septeu~bcr 12, 1977, a[ 1:3D p.m., by the followiny voCe of thc members thercof: AYCS: COMNISSIONERS: DAVID, f1CR45T, JOIit~SOU, Y.ING, TOLAR NOES: LOMMISSIOtJEP,S: BARIiES AUSEII7: COHMISSIO~~ERS: NON[ AEiSTAIN: COMMIS510lIERS: Llt~;~ It~ WITt~E55 WIIEREOF~ I have iicreunto set my hand this 12th day of SeptemLisr~ ~ 971. d • 1~~.~ SkCRETARY, Al~ANE IM CI TY PLAtJNI NG COMf11 SS ION -2- ''_71-t95