PC 77-196RESOLU7i0N N0. PC77-19F A P.ESOLUTIOti OF TNC At~AHEIN CITY PLN~t~ItiG COMMISSION THA7 PETITION FOR RECLASSIFILl1T10~~ N0. 7G-77-~5 BC GR~N7EU uNER[AS, thc Anahcim City Planniny Cormiission did receivc a vcrified Petitinn for Reclassificatinn from NILLIAN H. AIID tiETTY JO CLOtI, 2 Rue Valbonne, I~ewport Beach, California y2uG0, owners of cr_rtain real property situated in the. City of Anahcir~, Lounty of Orange, State of California, described as: Thc North 9~~~ feet of the 5auth 31~~.I~~ fce[, nx:asured from the centerline of chr strect, of [he Nest 202 fcet, mr_asured from :hc centerline uf [h~ street, oi Lot ) of Or~nrewoo~ 7ract, as par map recorded in tiook I, p3g° ~+2 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orangc Coun[y, Cali~ornia; and yHLREl15, tiic Ci~y Planniny Lorimission did schcdulc a pu~•!;c heariny a[ thc City flal! in [ti~ Ci[y of Anahcim on Nay 23, 1377, at 1:30 p.m.. noticc of said {:~blic heari~g haviny be~n duly given as required by lavr ac~~ ~c~ accordance with [he provisions of thc Anahcim Municipal Codc, Chaptc.r 1~.^j, t.o h<:ar anu considcr evidence for and agains[ S~Id proposed reclassi'ricatio.i and [n investiya[e and ma4;e findings and recona~endations in connection therewich; seid Public hcaring havinn been eont~nued to thc Plannin9 Co~~missiun rtnecting of Septun~er 12, 1977; and NIIEREAS, said Coinmission, aftcr dur_ inspeciinn, imcs[igation and stu~~'y made by itsclf and in its behalf, and aftcr duc considcration of a{1 evidence ~:~~ reports offered at sald hrarin~~, does fin.1 and dc[crwine the follvwirq fac[s: 1, That [he pe[itioner propuscs reclassifica[ion of subjecC p~'opetty from [he P,5-A-4j,0U0 (RE51DEN71AUAGH.ICULTURAL) ZOt1t [o thc RM-120~~ (RESIDEIITIAL, MULTIPLE°FAt11LY) ZOt~E. 2, That the Anaheim Genr_ral Plan designates subjeci property fu~ medium- Jensity residen[ial lanJ uses. 3, That [hc proFus~d reclassification of subject propcrty is g~anted from [he RS-A-43,OOU (RLSIUEI~TIAL!AGRICULTUR~IL) ZUtll to thc RM-1~000 (RESIUEt~TIAL, MULTIPLE-FAf1PLY) ZOIIE, subject [o the condi[ion that prior to the introduc[ion of an ordinance rezonirig subj~c[ nroperty, and following public notification of nearby property awners, as orir,inally rrWJe, final specific plans s#iali be submitted co and approved by tlic Planniny Lommission, said plans minimiziny the iMpact of tha pruposed developmcnt on t'~c cxisting single-family residences to the sou[h across Sirtrrxins Avenue, and sho+•iin5 no vehicular access onto Simnbns Avenue if the actual develupment proposa) is for mul~iple-family resiJential uses. 4. 7hat ti~e proposed reclassification of subject property is nccessary anJ/or desirable for U.c ordcrly and propcr Jeveloprr~cnt of the community. 5, That tt,e proposed recla,sification of subject property does properly relate to thc zones and th~ir perMitted uses locally established in close proximity to subJect propcrty and [o the zones and the:r permitted uscs generally establtsfied throughoui Chc community. Pc77-196 G, 7hat the proposed reclassification of subject property rr.Guires the dedication anJ improvement of abutting streets in accordance with [he Circulation Elernent of the Generai Plan, due to tlie anticipated increase in traffic w~iich wi~l be generated by the intensification of land use. 7. That 53 persons indicated their presence at said public hearin9 on Septembar 12, 19J7; 10 on June 20, 1977, and 55 on May 23, 1977, in opposition; that 17 letters ~aere received in opposition and copies of pctitions containing apprQximately 132 siynatures and 2'13 signatures wcre submitted in ~pposition to subject request. ENl'IR0~111E?7TAl IMPA:T FINL'ING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commissior has revieweJ the subject proposal to reclassify tl~e zoni~y from RS-A-43,000 (Residen[ial/Ayricultural) to RH-4000 (Residential, Multiple-Family) on approximately 0.5 acre, haviny a frontage of approximately '18 feet on the east side of Haster Street, haviny a mar.imum depth of approxima[ely 232 feet, and being lacated approximately 173 feet soutfi of the centcrline of ldil{;en tilay; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental inpact report on the basis that [here would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impac[ due to the approval of this tlegative Declar~tion since the Anaheim ueneral Plan desi;~ates the subject property for medium-density residential land uses commensurate r+itli tlie proposal; that no sensitive cnvironmental impacts are involveJ in tiie proposal; [iiat ttie Initial Stucly submit[ed by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumulative aJverse environmental impacts; and that [he hlegative Declaration substantia[in9 the foregoing findings is on file in [he City of M aheim Plannin~ DenarUnent. 1~041, TIIEREFORE, Be IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission does fiereby yranC subject Petition for Reclassification and, by so doiny, that Title 1~-Zoniny of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from [iie RS-A-~i3,~^0 (f~E51DEi~TI/~L/AGP,ICULTUP.AL) ZOiJE and to incorporate said described property in[o the RM-4~00 (RESIDElJTIr1L, MULTIPLE-FA111LY) ZONE upon the following conditions which are liereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject proper[y in order to preserve thc safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahein~: 1. That street lightiny facilitics along Naster Street shall bc install~d as requ(red by the Director of Public Utilities and in accordance with standard specifications on file in the Office of the Uirector of Public U[ilities; or that a bond, certificate of deposit, le[[er of credit, or cash, in an amoun[ and form satisfactory co tli~ Lity of Anaheim, stiall be posted with the Li[y to guarantee the installation of the above-mentioned requirernen[s. 2. That thc ownPr(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of sixty cents (60C) per fron[ foot along iiaster Strect for tree planting purposes. 3. That trasfi storage areas shall be provided in accordante with approved plans on file with the Office of [he Director of Public Works. 4. That subject proper[y shali be served by underground utilities. 5. That a six (G) foot masonry wail shall be constructed along tlie south property lines. -2- PC77-190 6. That dra3nage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory [o the City Engineer. 7. That th~ owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City af Anahelm the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as de[ermined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the time the building permit is issued, II. That appropriate water assessment fees, as determined by the Director of Publlc Utilities, shall be paid to ^.he City of Anaheim prior [o the issuance of a bullding permit. 9. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition 4os. 1 and 2, above n~ntioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall becorne null a~d void by action of the Planning ~ornmission unless said condi[ions are comr,lied witfi within one year frorn the date hereof, or such furCher time as the Planning Commission rnay grant. 10. That Condition tlos. 3, 4, 5 and 6, above me~tioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. TNE FOREGUIItG RESOLUTION is sisned and approved by me this 12th day of Sep[ember, 1977. ,~~~ ~/ ~.~.~ CIiAI F1AN, A~~ANEIM CITY PL ~tJlNG CONMISSION ATTEST: `T~~. ,,7.° `~l~,,..:, SECRETARY, AtlAi-IEfM CITY PLAt~NIt~G CONMISSION STATE OF CALIFORI~IA ) COUtITY OF OP,ANGE } ss. CITY OF AtdAtlEl~f ) I, Edith L, flarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that thc foregoing resoiution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on September 12, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYLS: COMMISSIONERS: DAVIJ, HERktST, Jr,HNS01{, KIfIG, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIOt~Et~S: BARI~[5 AUSEyT: COMMISSIOIJERS: NONE ABSThItJ: C011MISSIONERS: LINN IIJ WITI~ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand Lhis 12th day of September, ~977. ~~~ ~~.~. SECRETARY, AiIAFIEIM CITY PLANNING COFIMISSICN -3- PC77-196