PC 77-199RESOIOTIOH N0. PC77-t9`~ A R~ESOIUT I OH OF THE ANAHE I~1 C I7Y PLANr~ 1!~ ~ CO~n+t SS I ON THAT PETJTIOY FO't CONDITIOtlAL USE PE°MIT N~. 1733 RE DEtJ!~D WHERE!15, the .Anaheim City Planr,ing Cormiission did receive a verified Petition for CondiLionaJ tJse Permit from FRED W. AIlD PATRICIA 8. !!ORGENTHALER, 501 Hermosa Drive, Fulferton, California '?2635, ormer, and ANPNEI"1 SK~TE CENTEP, 1215 'd. Katella Avenue, Orar~gc, California ~2667, agent, of certain real propcrty situated in thc City of .Anaheirn, County of Orange, Stt~tc of California, described as: That PorCFon of the So~atheast 1/4 of Section 17., Tormship 4 South, Range 1~ West, in the P,ancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shown on map retorded in Book 51, naqes 7 et sen., of !liseellaneaus Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said Coun[y, descri6ed as beyinning at the lJes[erly terminus of Cha[ course havan9 a tearing and distancc of North 73° O1' 2'ri" ldest. 217.2b feet as descrEbed in deed (State Parcel No. A~323) recorded in Goo~ 7232, page 34 of Offici~l Records, in [he of~rice nf the Coun[y Recorder of ~,aid County; thence South 11° 53' 3E" Wes[, 7f,,00 feet; thencc South E:9° 04' 4n" 1.'est, 12E.39 fcec [o thc Easterly line of that land d~scribed in Parcels ! and 2 of deed ~5tatc Parccl C12~7) recorded in Boo~. GG14, panc 7~~ of sald Officiad Records; thence along said Easterly line South t° OF' 0;" L~es., 2';;.l+^ fee[ Co [hc Southcasterly corner of sai~. Parcel 1; t~e,r4e along the Sc~u[herly line ancl thc Uesterly linc of said Par,.el 1 th~ follor~ing ccurses: 4or[h °no 5;' e~" blesi, ?C,'1~ fcEt a.~d North 1° Ob' r5" [ast, ~~,~0 fce[ to the Sou[hcasterly carne~ cf tf,c Wes[ 1/2 Qf Lhc IJorthcast 1/k of said Sou.hCJSi 1~~~; thencc~ 31o:iy C~tc 'S~utherly 1 ine of said bles[ 1/2, !lor[h ^~O 11a' 2f:" West, ~~:5.4" fcet to thc ~lorthcasterly tcrminus of [h~t curvc eonc~~~e ~o~atheasterly and havi~ig a radius of 45~.f1f` feet as descr'il•ed ir zce:: (State Parcel No. AF31~) rec~rded in Pook F327, faQC ~4 cf s~aid Official Records; thence t~ortheasterly alona [he Idortneasberly pr~longation of said curvc, from a[ann~nt h~aring tl~r,:h P!;~ 44' 11~" East, through an angle of ?~ 52' ~3", an are disCance c~f 12.52 fee[; thence North 48° 3~' 1J" East, ~!°7.37 ~feet ta the Westerly prolongation of said course hoving a bearino pf ~aorth 7ft° O1' 24" West; thence alon~ said prolonoatinn South 7i'•° O1' 24" East, 144.~0 feet [o the point of bcainninq; and IJHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did schedule a public hr_aring 7t the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Augus[ 15, 1Q7F~, at 1:;0 p.r+., noticc oF said public hea~ing having ~een duly given as required by la~•, and in accordance with the provisions of thr Anaheim tlunicipal Codc, Chanter 1$.~3, to hear and consdder evidence for and agalnst said proposed conditic,nal use and to investiqate and.make findings and recommr_ndations in connectlon there~.aith; said ~ublic hearing having becn continued to [fir_ Planning Commission mceting of September 12, 1~?~; and tilHERE~S, said Commission, afLCr due inspection, investiga[ion and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and repor[s offered at said hearing, does find and determine the follnwiny far_ts: PC77-t99 /` 1. That the propased use is properly one for which a cunditional use permit is au~horiz~d by Anoheim t9unicipal Code Section 1~.~~4.b50.2?~ to wit: to permit a roller SL.at;r~g i'i;il; wi[h waivers of thc follor+ino: (a) SECTIOIJ 1P.CG.V~60.025f~ - Mininum nur^.her of parkinq snaces. {1;7 spaces required; . snaces orooosed.) (b) SECT'i0N i$,44,067..O1y - Max'mum sCructural heigh[. 5 t. permitted; 2+ t. proposed.) (c) SECTION 7E.4~,(l5~ - Re~~~d nio~r wall. r••-foot ~•~all requirr.d; none preoosed.) 2, That the proposc~ conditional use permit is denied on the hasis that minimal size and irregular shap~? ~~f ;he subjec[ site necessitates [he prop~sed roller skating rink being nlaced too close to the adjacent residential area and without properly protecting the eristiny resldencr_s from this tv~e of recreational devclopment. 3, Tha[ the proposeJ usc will adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the gro~•~[h and development of the area in which it is oroposed to be loc~ted. 4, 7hat the sizc and shape of [he site pro~~scd for thc use is not adequate to allori the full devclopr~ent of [hc proposed use in a manner not detrimental to Lhe particular area nor to Che peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anaheim. 5, That the granting of the Conditional Use Perml[ rrill he detrimen[al to Lhe peace, health, safc[y, anJ 9eneral welfarc nf thc Citizens of thc City of Anaheim. 6, That [hree (3) nt~oplr_ indicated their ~resence ir~ oppr~sition at the August 15, 1977 meeting, and thirteen (13) people indicated their ~resence tn opposition at the 5eptemher 1T., 1~177 meeting; and that a petition containing approximatrely 70~ signatures in opposition ~•ras reccived. ENVIP,Ot~I'Ef~TAL IYf'A~T FIt~DI"~G: Thai thc Anahcim City Planning Corrmission has reviewed the sut.ject proposal to reclassify the proper[y from the RS°A-43,000 (RESIDENTIl,L/AGP,ICULTURAL) Zonc to the Cl. (COH`~ERr~qL, L1~11T[!l) Zone to permit a rollersl:ating rink with ~wivers of minimum numher of narkinq spaces, maximum structural height and required block wall on ~roperty consistinq of approximately 1.~ acres, located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and the Orange Freeo~ay off- ramp, having approximate frontages of 1~~4 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avenue and ~~$7 feet on the sou[heas[erly sidc of [he Orange Frecway off-ramp; and does hcreby approve the Negative Decl~ra[ion from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis [hat there rmuld be no significanc indiviciual or cumulatlve adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this tlegative Declara[ion slncc [hc Anaheim Gencral Plan Jesignates the su6Ject property for genera~ commercia) land uses cormiensurate r~ith the propo5al; tha[ no sensitive environmen[al impacts at'p involved ln [he praposal; th.~t the Initial Study sutxnitted by the petiLioner indlcates no siGnificant individual or cumulative adverse environmen[al impacQS•; .and that the Ne~ative Declaration substantiating the feregoing findinys is on file in c'he City of Anaheim Planninq Department. -2- FC77-19g 1 t NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLI'ED that the Anaheim City Planninq Commission does hereby deny subject petition on the basis of the aforementinned findings. THE FOf;EG011SG RESCL'JTION is signed and approvecl by me this 12th day of Septer~ber, 1q77. ,~~-~~~/- . ~i~-~..~ CHA RMAt~, AIiP,H I ~ C I TY PLANt! 1'7G CO'1H I SS I ON ATTEST: n A t Tl,~.. ~ ~,s~ SECRETqBY, ArUilEln CITY PLArU~IW, COM~ISSION STl~7[ OF CALIF021:IP. ) COUtITY OF OR~1!7r,E ) ss. C I TY OF At~AHC I t1 ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Lity Planninn Commission, do hereby cer[ify that ihe foregoinc~ resolution ~~as passed and adop[ed at a neeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Septemher 12, 1A77,a[ 1:30 p.m „ by the followinc~ vote of thc me~bcrs Chcreof: hYES: CO'1!iISS10'~ERS: [3AP,NES, DAVID, HERBST, JOfl~IS~1N, KI'IS, LI~1`I, TOLA~ NOES: COM'1155IOtIFP,S: r~o~~E ABSENT: CO'1!115510~~ER5: IIO~~E 1"71. IW W17NE55 UNEREOf, ! have `~ !nto set my hand this 12th day of September, `~~ ~° 1,~,~, SECR.ETARY , A~IAHE I'9 C I'fY PL~~Jr! I FI ; CnMM I SS I OPI -3- Pc77-t99