PC 77-211RESOLUTIOiJ N0. PC77-211 RESOLUTI0;1 OF 7lIE AtIlUIE111 CITY PLAI7NING COHMISSIO'~ TNAT PETITIOII FUR VARIAhLE 110. Z°G4 BL GRAt~TEU 4lHEREAS, the Anahei~n City Planninc focnaission Jid receiv~ a verified Pe[ition for Variancc fror~~ At1AHElt~ tIILl.S, ItIC., 3b0 Anahr_ic~ Hills Road, Anahcim, California 9230G, avner, and JANES N. ESEKP.Y, 1;,092 Sky Par~ South, Su'ste A, irvine, California 9'L711i, a~~ent, uf certain rcal pruperty situatcd in the City of Anahein, County of Oran~e, Statc of California, ~escribcd as: That portion of Pzrcel 1 of the land describzd in deed recorded in Gook 9~~1~~, pagc );i/ of ~ffieial Rteords ~n thc OffEee of thc Goun[y RecorJcr of saiJ County; bciny ~•~ithin tifc Rancho Santiago Jc Santa ~na as pcr raap oF parti[ion rccnr~icu Septcnbcr• 12, loGb, pagc 410 in BooF. "I3" of Judgnknts uf the iJth Judieial Court, Los M~~cles Guunty, California, descri;:ed ris beUinninr~ at [he intcrscction of [hc Sou[hcrly linc of Parcci S of thc land shown on map riled in book ital, payes 11 throu~h 1~, of Parcel Naps of said Grange County, witl~ the Easterly line of CoverecJ Uacnn Trail as show~ on said m:~p, said point uf beginninc, bciny in a eurvc tonc,>.c South~•~estcrly with a radius of "L;`..C~1 fecc, a radial to said p~~int bcars North bh° 3~~' ;.i" East; th~ncc l~urthwcstcrly alon, said curve 1;1.1i feet through a een[ral anr~le of 32° 07' jt+"; Chcncc North j7~ :2~ 5>" l+esl jl.ll fcet [o a tanycnt cufve concave Northeas;erly havin~~ a radius of 223.00 feet; thence ,JorthwesCCrly along s~i~ curvc !3Q.?: fcct throur~h a central an~lc of 2;° ~2' 34"; ther.cc [angcnl [o sr,id curvc Nor[h 14° 10' 21" 4lest 11.17 feeC to a[anyeii[ curve concave Southwesterly wi!h e radius of 60~i.~~ feet; thencc 1~orthti+esterly alo~sc; said curve 27Q.74 feet through a central an~~lc uf 2y° 3~'' 02" to o targent reversC w rve concave Nor[hcasterly tirith a ra~ius o( ~2~.00 fce[; thence :~orthw~sterly alon, saiu curve 4.~7 feet through a central angle of 1~ 05' 1~" to a t~nuent cumpound curve conc~v~ Eas.erly with a radius of 1'r.:~) fcec; thencu IJorthcrly .~lon, said eurvc 31.G'; fe~•[ throu~.~h a centr„1 a~nlr: of 100° 52' 3~'"; thence tanqent to said curvc Nor[h (~2° 03' 2;" Easi 1Z(~.9E fcr_t to a[angent eurve con w ve Southensterly with a radius of 229.0~ fect; [hence Easterly along said curvc SS.~~3 fcct throu~~h a cen[ral angle of 23° 5h' 34"; thcnec tan;ent to said ;;urvc Nort1~ sG° 07' 03" East 57.Ej fee[ to a[~ngent curve concave Northwestcrly wiCh a radiu, of 4Gy.Q~ feet; thenc~ t7ortheasterly along said curve 133,22 feet Chrouql~ a central an~;:~ of 15° 53' 0;3"; thence tangeni. co said curve Ncrth G'1° 1:' ;~ti" East 9C.50 fce[; thenca North 7'>° 32' 12" East u`~.4u fee[ to a poin[ in ~ non-[~nyen[ curve concave Southwcsieriy with a radius of 273.~~~ feet, a raJ~al Co said point be~rs Il~rth 11° Q`3' S~' '~est; thenc~: SouLheasterly alon~~ said w rve 1i9;).1~ fee[ throu~~h a ccntral an~~lc of.102~ S1' S2"; Chence tangenc to said curve South 1° 41' S4" Ucst E~.;; fect [o a tane~ent c~rve concavc ~:o~th~Yes[erfy with a radius of 221.~~ feet; [hence Sauttiwesterly rilong saiJ curve 17f,.91 feet through a central ar~~le of fi5° 51' S~"; [hence canyent tn said curve South ~+7° 33' Sz" Uest 2;9.51 feet t~ a tangent curve concave PG77-211 korthwesterly with a radius of 100.00 feet; thence Southo-~esterly alon said curve 1~.02 feet through a central angie of 10° 1~~ °j~'y Lhence tangent to said curve South 57~ 53' 2~~~ ~~est A0.9G feet to a tangent curve cancave [asterly with a radius of 64.00 feet; thence Southerly ~31ong said curve 103.1~s feet through a central angle of :2~ 22' t4"; the~ce tangent to said curve South j!~~ 2~' 4G" cas[ 2~.:.09 feet to said Southerly linc; therce alanq said Southerly line South ]U° 44' 27" West 117•75 ~ee[, iJorth 59~ 09' 31" West 119.y5 feet, North 13° 47' O1" East 27.73 feet and t~orth 79° ~+~' 1z" West 1>2.07 fect to the poin[ of beginning. Contairiing an area of 11.1+)6 acres, more or less; ~~d WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrnission JiJ hold z public hearing at the Gity Nall in Yht C~ty of Anaheim on Septembei~ i2, 1977, at 1:3~ P•~•, notice of said public heariny having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim 11unicipal Code, Chapter 1~.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to inve~tigate and make findings and recommendations in connection there4:ith; anJ WtiEREAS, s~iJ Commission, aftcr duc inspection, invcstigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due considcration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does `ind anu dctermine the folla•iiny facts: 1, That the petitionr_r proposes a waiver of the follrn~in9 to establish a 2~3-lot, RS-5000(SC) subdivision: SECTION l0.°_7.OG1•O10 ' ~linirium Luildiny pad area. (5~~~~ s uarc fee[ rcyuired; 1) pad areas rangin9 f~77 to ~~Q56 square fect prapused) 2. That the above-i~entioned waiver is hereby granted on *_he basis that the petitioner demonstrateu that a hardship exists in thae the size and shape of suoject property is suitable for patio-type development, in ~•~hich case, minimal buildable pad areas are acceptable; that tfie typical proposed lot sizes substantial{y exceed the minimum required by the Zoniny Code an4 subs[antial opcr. space is part of each lot in the form of landscaped slopes; and that Jue to tne existing substan[ially sloped tzrrain, adJitional graciin9 wou!d be requirca to ~stablish minimur~ buildiny pad areas of ~000 square feet. 3, That there arc exceptional or ex[raordinary ~ircumstan~es or conditions applicable to tlie property involveJ or to tlie in[ended use uf t!ie property that do ~ot apply ~enerally l'o the property or class of use in tlie same vicinity and zone. 1i, That thc requested variance is necessary for the ~reservation and enjoyrient of a substantial property riyht possessed by other property in the same vicinity and =one, and JenieJ tu the property in question. 5, That the requcsted variance will not 6: r~aterialiy detrimental to the pubiic kelfare or in;urious to the property ar improvements in such vicinity and zone in wfiich tt~e property is loGatecf. (,. Tha; no one indicateJ their presencc at said p~+blic hearing in oppositior; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petitlon. -2- PC77-211 ENVIRONMcIlTAL INPACT FII~DING: That the Anafieim City Planning Lommission has reviewed Environmyntal impact Repurt No. 205 for Tentative Tract Ne. 10031, consisting of 2~? detached resident+al units on approximately 10.'] acres of land and being a portion of a total deve~.pment co~sisting of a total of approximately 70 detached residential units on appror.imately 23 acres of land lecated southwest of the intprsection of Nohl Ranch Road a.~d Anaheim Hill,s Road, having been considered this date by the Anaheim City Planniny Commission and evidence, both wri[ten and oral, having been pre~en2ed to supplement said EIR No. 205, finds that potential project- generate.s indi~fiduel anel cun~ulative adverse imNacts have been reduced Co an acceptable levei by conformance with City plans, policies~ and ordi~iances, and Drart EIR IJo. 7_05 ~anforms to the California Environmental Quality Act and State anci City EIR Guidelines; therefore, based upo^ verbal information presented at [he public hearing and of previously approv~d EIR Nos. 19~! anJ 195, the Anaheim City Planning Conmission does certify EIP. No. 7_05. NO1J, THL'it[FORL, l1E IT P,ESOLVFG that the Anaheim City Planninn Commission does hereby granC subject Petition for Variance~ upon the follrn~ring condition which is hereby found to be a n;cessary prerequisite to tiie proposed use of the subject property in order to prescrve the safety and ccneral wcifaic of the Citizens of the C i ty of A~ahe i rn: 1, That sub.ject prope~ty shall be Jeveloped substantially in accordance with plans and specificatiuns on file ~•rith the Ci[y of Anaheim mar4:eJ Exhibit t~os. 1 through 4. THE FOREGOING RE50LUT101~ is signed an~ approved by me this 12th day of Septerrber, 1977. __-~~,,~~ ~/ ~~.~ CHAIRI1F+N, !•+~AHEIH CITY PLANIIItIG COMMISSIOt! ATTEST: ~ ' ~~~7.,,,~,.:. SECRETARY, AtJ/1HEIH CITY PIANt~II~G CUMM15510t; STATE Of CAL I FOP,:d I A) COUFlTY OF OP,At1G[ ) ss. CITY OF ANAilElhl ) I, Edi[h L. liarris, SecreCary of the Anahcim City Planning Commission, do hereby cnrtify chat the foregoing res~~lution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheir~ Lity Planning Commiss:~~n lield on ~epten~ber 12, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the followin9 vote of the men~crs thereof: AYES: COMt~ISSIOflERS: HERD57, JOtit~SOt~, Y.ING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISS I QIIERS : E~ARIZES, DAV I U, L 1lltl ADSENT: C01'IMISSIOHERS: NUIIE IN 411T!1[SS iJHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of September, 1977• ~~.~~~ ~ ~~ SECRETAftY, i,11AHEIH CITY PLAtIPlItIG COMMISSION -3- PC77-2it