PC 77-213RESOLUT I Otl IIU. PC77^?. i 3 A RESOLUTIOtI OF TfiE AI~AfiEl~i C17Y PLAtIt711~G CONNISSIOt! TiIAT PETITION FOR RECL.ASSIFICATI01! N0. 77-7u-19 BE GR/1HTEG WHEREAS, che~ Anaheiri Gity Planning Commiss~on did receivc a verified Petition for Reclassification from JUSLPti AIID ATLA M~GLIOR.E, 11G71 Leota Lane, Garde~ Grove, Lalifornia 926~~0, ow~crs, ar~d H[LTOR TARPdIGO, iG17 Carriage Urivc, Santa Ana, California 9270~+, a9ent, of certain rcal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califorr~ia, describeJ as: That portior, of tiie South~•~cs[ quarter of Section 27, Township 1~ South, Ranye 10 Wes[, in the Rancho l.as Qolsas, as shorm on a 11ap recor~ed in itoo6; ~1, p.~ye 10 of Misceliancous Naps, records of Oranye County, California, descrit~eci as be~ainning at ttie Northeast corner of Tra~[ tio. 72~'~i, as shown on a Map recorded in Eiook 7~, Pag~ 1~ of 1lisccllancous Naps, records or Uranyc Coun[y, California, said (lortheast corncr bcing on the center line of OrangewooJ Avenuc, as shovm un s~~iu F1ap; thenc~ South 1° 5G' 00" Cast along the Eastcrly linc of saiJ Tract tlo. 21.24, a Jistance of 150.00 feet to [he I~or[hwest corner of Lo[ 1G of Tract ;i26%, as shown on a Map rec~~rd~_d in t~ook 192, ('ayes 41 and 42 of 11iscellaneuus Maps, records of Oranye County, California; thence 39° '~3' j+5" cast, along the t~ortherly line of said Lo[ 16, a distance of 75.00 fect to ihe Southwes[ corncr of Lo[ l7 of saiJ 'i~ract No. 32L7; thence ilorth 1° 56' 00" Nest, along [he Westerly line of said Lot 1J, a elis[ar,ce of 150.Q0 fee[ to said center line of Oranuewood Avenuc; [hencc Sou[h 39° 1~3' 45" llest, alon9 said center linc, 7~,00 fce[ to the point of beginning; and WH[RLAS, thc City Planni~g Corunission Jid hold a public hearing at the Lity Hall in the City of Anaheim on Oc[ober 10, 197%, a[ 1:30 ;~.ra.., notice of said public hearin~ having b~en duly yiven as reqoired ~y law and in accordance with the provisions of [he Anaheim Municipal LoJe, Chap[er it3,D3, [o hear and consider eviJence for and againsi s,aid proposed reclassifica[ion anJ to investi,ate and make findinys and recc>mmend'a[ions in connec[icn thercwri[h; dnd WH[REAS, s~ir1 Commission, aftcr du~ inspection, ~•nvestiqation and study made by itself anJ in iis b<_half, anJ af[er due consideration of all evidence and reports offcreJ at sald I~cariny, docs find and delcrninc thc follcriring fac[s: 1. That the petiti~ner proposes reclasslficaYian of subjsr.t prcpert.y from thc CL (L'OMMERLIl1L, IIMITEi~) ZOUE to the ftM-12Q0 (RESIDENTIAL, 11ULTIPLE-FAf11LY) ZOUE. 2. That the Anaheim Gereral Plan designa[cs subjec[ proper[y for general eomrerc(al and/or rneJiui.~-density residcntial land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification is hereby granted subject to *.he petitioner's stipula[ion [hat the required parking s~aces will c~mply with Ci[y standards. 4. That the proposed reclass(fication o` subject property is necessary andjor Jcsirable for the orderly and proper development oF the community. Pc77-2t3 5. That the pro~used reclassification of suhject r'o~er2y d~es properly relatc to tFc zones and their pcrroittc~ USP_$ loc~lly es[a~lishe~ in ~lose proxlmity to subject property and i~ th~ zones and their permitced uses gcncrally established t.f~roughout thc communi[y. G. That tl~e {%ropusec! reclassific;a[i~n of subject prr~perty 'requires the dedica~ion and iiaprover~ent +~f ~buttin~ s[reets in 3scord:nnce wit9i t}~c Lirculation Eler:ient of the Gc~~eral Plan, dur. to ctie anticipaeed increase in [r~affic wtiich will be generateJ by [he in~ensification of land use. ~, That m~ one inJic~ted their presence at said public hearing in oppositi~ro; anJ tha[ nu currespondence was receiveci in opposi[ion to subject petit~on. EUVII;OI~HEf1TAL IHPACT Ptt1UI~IG: That thc Anaticen City f'la~niny Commission has rcvicwcc~ zhe sub,~ec[ pTOpns~'i to rcclassify [hc zon+~~~ f'rora thc CL (Conmcrcial, Limited) Co the P,?1-12'?~; (Resi~ential, 1lultiple-Faniily) Zone on proncrty consisting of apprnxi~;~atefy 7b/~ squ~rc feez, iiaviny a front~ge ~f approximately 75 fecc on [he sou[h s+oe of Ora~,ewood Avcnuc, having a naxirnum cie~~th of approxima[ely 19~ fiet, bcing loeateJ ~pproxir.i~tcly G1'1 fcet wcsC of the ccnte.rlinc ~f Hari~or Uouicvard; and does hereby approve thc Ilcy~tivc Ueclaration from thc requirement to prepare an environrnenta! iinpact report on [he basis that [iiere r+ouid be no si~inificanC inJividual ~r cwaulaLive auvcrsc cnvironmcn[al inpact due to the approval of this Nc~ative Ueclaretion since thr. Analic~m Gencral Plan dcsiynates thc subject pro~erty for genera; cnmmercial and nedi~m-density residen[ial land uses co^~nr_nsura[e ti•iith the proposal; [h~t no sensi[ivic envirpnmental irr~ac[s ~rc involved in thc proaosal; tha)[ the Initial Study submitteJ hy the pctit~oner indicatcs no signifi w nC inJiv+dual or cumulative adverse environrient~l impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiatiny thc foreyoing findings is on file in td~~c City of ~nahcin Planninc~ Ucpartment. t~OIJ, TIIFIZLF9RE, (~'_ IT RE59l.VEU [hat [he Anahciin Ci[y Planninq Cortxaissio~ does iiereby yrant subject Pe[i[ion for P,eciassifica[ion and, l,y so doiny, tt~a[ TiCle 1G-Zoning of [he Anaheir.i Itunicipal Code be arien~ed to exclude thc aL~vc-descriY~eJ propcrty from the CL (CGMMLRCIAL, LIIIIT~D) ZOIIE and [o incorpor~tc siiJ described propcrcy into thc Rt1-12O+J (R~SIDENTIhL, 11ULTIPL[-fAN~LYj 7_atlE upon thc fnllowiny conditions which arc hereby founJ to oe a ne~essary prereyuisite to the proposed use flf subject property in order to prescrve the safety and c,encral rrelFar~ of thc C i t i zens of the C i ty of llnahe i ri: 1, That the owncr(s) of subje u propcrty shall deed to the Ci[y of Anaheim a sCrip of land forty-five (4'>) fect in ~~idth from the centcrline o:F the strCet alang Orangewood Avr_nuc fcr s[rcet hiJeniny pur~>oses. 2. Tha[ trash storage areas shall 6e provided in accorJance with approved plans on filc wi[h thc f:?ic.: of thc Direc[or of Public Works. 3, That fire !::;.ran[s shal9 bc installed and charged, as required and deternined to be neccssa~~~~ ..y thc Chicf of the Firc Department, prior to commen.ement of structural framing. 4, 7hat subject property shall be served Ly undcrgrc.:nd utilities. ~. That ~irainage of subject property s}ial! be disposed of ia a manncr saYisfac.tory to thc City Eny~necr. -2- Pc7;-213 G,. That the owncr(s) of subject ,nroncrty shali pay to [he C'siy of Anaheim [he apprcpriaic pari; ans recreation in-Sieu fees as de[ernin~d to be appro.priate by the City Cou~cit, saiJ fees to be paid a[ [he time th~ b~ilciing permit is issved. 7. Tha[ appropriate water assessment fees, as detcrmined by the Jirector af Yubl'!c U[ilities, shall bc paid to [hc CiC/ of Anaftieim prior to Yhe iss~ancc of a builJiny perrnit. &. Ttiai a six (G) foot masonry wa11 shall bc cons[ructed along the wes~ propcrty linc. 9. Prior ta the i~trotluction of an ordinance rczoning subjec[ property, Condit~on tlo. 1, abovc rnen[ioned, shall bc completed. The provisions or ri9hts or:?nteJ by tliis resolu[ion st~all baconx: null and voiJ by action of the Pl~r,ning Lommtssion unless said conditions are complied wilh wathin one year from the date hereof, or such fur[her iiroe as the Planning ~ommission may 9rart. 10, That all parking spsces will bc deve9oped in aecor~iance wiih City stan~ards, as approved by thr. Traffic Eragin~cer. 11. 7hat Conditio~~ iJas. 2, 4~ ~, G and 10, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to iin~l l~uilJing and zu~~in~ inspections. THE FORLGOIt:G RESOLU710S; is signed and a~proved by mc [h:s l~th day ~f October, 1977. I~~~,~',~r ~L -- CNf'l I KIfAi~ , AtIAH C I ~i C I 7Y P LlUIN I t~G 'COHP1155 f Ott ATTEST: ~~.~.r ~`~ ,,.,~. SECREiARY, AilAiiE1H CI Y LANUI~IG LOMI115SIOi~ STATE Of CnL t FDRr~ i A) COUIITY OF Of211"IGE ) s~. C17Y OF A!!A'1EIN ) i, Edi[i. L. Harris, Secre[ary of ttie Anahe:im City Planning Commission, do hcreby ccrtify [t~at the foregoiny rr.solution w~s passe~i and advpted at a nrecting of the Anaheim City Planniny Commiss'ion helci on Gctober 10, '1~J7, at i:3n a.m., by th~ follow~ng votc of the members thc;-cof: AY[5: COItMIS510~lERS: UAVIU, NCRGSi, JOH!~.501~, KINC~ TOLAR N0~5: COM1115SIONERS: NONE AI~SEIIT: CONM(SSIOIIERS: (fArHES, LltJil It~ WITNESS WHEK[OF, I have hereun[o set my han~J this lath day of October~ ~977. (~ i ~~ rs~ SECRETAR , A11AHE11 CITY PLAN~IItIG COt4115510N -3- Pt71-213