PC 77-215~~sc~uT~ar~ ~+o: ~cy7-z,S RESOLUTIOt! Of YiiE R!~RNE111 CITY ALAt:IIINf, C01~~1155104d TiiA7 PET~T1~t1 FCP, V/~~RIAIILC t~0, z~G& a~ GRA~LTE~ WfIEREAS, the Anaheim City Plann'vng Commission did receivc a veriFied Peti Cion for Uariancc .'ront C~#LIfORt;lh 70SlCL b LIt+Ei~ SUPPLY LUNFANY and ;EOR.r,E ANU L. F:CNI~LTH HLULER, E7 AL, 9U~~ Pioneer Urive, Anaheir~, C~3lifornia ~32L05, cx++ncrso and DAVIU ~~. FREAR, 0~0 t~orth Main Strce.e„ Orange, Califorr~ia ~3'G~7, ayznt, of eerCain reai prcperLy si'tuateJ in Lhe City of t'utat~cim, County af Ora,~)r_., Sta!e o'f Lalifornia, deseribe:d as: That portion of thc Sou[h onc-half and [hc South 27 fcet of thc I~orth onc-half of Lot Z of .a part of Section ie, iainsnip ~i South, aange l~ West as per 11a~+ filed in Book S, Pagc 5'; of Record of Survcys i,n the officc of Cha Count~ Recorder of Orange County; excep[iny [hcrefror~ th~ llest 41fa.Q0 feet; and ~JH'tKEAS, the Ci[y Planning Conriiss;on did hold a putrlic hcaring at thc City Nail i~ thc Lity of Analicim on OcLobcr 10, Ij7J, at 1:30 p.ra., noCi•ce of said pub9ic he~ring having been duly ~~iven as require~ by law and in ~ccord~nce with the provisio~s or the Anaheiin 1lunicipai Code, Chapter 1~.U3, [o hear and eons+der evidence for and agaiaist said proposed variance anJ to invescigate and maG:e finc~in9s ano reer~mmendatia~ns i~ connection therewith; anJ WliEftEAS~ said Gominission, after duc insoecYion, inv~stiya[ion anc! study made by itself and 'an its behalf, an~ aF[er due consideration of all evidence and reports offered aC safd hcariny, docs find and de[cri~ine the followiny facts: 1. That the pet'itioncr proposcs a waiver of the follovring to estab~ish a onc-tot, 5;-uni[, RM-1f000 condominiura subdivision: SEC7i~11 lii.31.OG1.012 - Minirnum buildin sitc arca er dwcllin urttt. ~ ~00 5 uare fcet requircri; ;5~ snuarc fce[ proposed 2. 7hat thc abnve-mentioncd waivcr is hcreby grantpd on the basis thaC the p.c't1t(oncr dcrar:s~€f}t~d that :~ hardsttip exists in thaC snle access to the properiy is fr~m ~a Palana J~venue and~ the,refore, neeeasi[ates an extensive vehicular r.i~culation systcm to provi.de adequate on-slte circulation, said s~stem undu~~ reducirtg the us~hle net bullding sitc arca pcr ~wellin~ unit; that ttlc s~dbjeci property provides a buCfer betwecn existing apartrnen[s and cor~mcrcial ~ses t~ the north and wesG and thc c;cl5tiny single°family residenccs io thc cas[; that thc proposed development will provide 1ow and rnnderatc cost housing and a pleasan[ liviny e~nvironmeni and will a11aw thc samc subs[anti~l property ri~ahts possessed by the propcrty irtmediately north of subj~:c[ propcr[y; anJ [h~t Chc aforemcntioned on-SiYc private strcet syst~em provides an excellent circulatiun clenx n[ for the safety and convenience of tfie property owners 8n this project. 3, That there arc excep[iflnal or extraordinury circumstances ar eonditions appllc~bae Lo tfie propcrty involved or •ta the in[cnded use of the property Lhat do ~ot a~pply generally to the propcrty or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. PC77-zi5 ~, Thac Lfie requested varia~~ce is nec~ssary sor the prescrvation and enjoyment of a substantial pr~perty right aossessed by ot~er aroperty in the sam~ vicinity and zonc, and denied to ttie property in qucstion. 5, That [he requested v~riance will no[ ~e maYerially detrimental t~ Lh~ ~ublic wcifare or Injurious to thc propcrty ~r impr~vsments in such vitinity and ~pn~ in which thc propcr[y is located. G, That one p~sson indicaced his presence at sa4d public f;,~aring in opposi,ion; anJ ihat no correspondencc was received in onPosition to _he subjec[ petiti~n. EilVIROtJ11Ell7RL Il1PJ1CT FIND1tIG: Tha[ the lln~tieim Lity Planning Commission has reviewed the sub~ecC propo~al [o reclassify the zoning fror che ~s-n-43,000 (Residenttal/AgriculCural) ~o the RM-~a0~J0 (Fesid~ntiai, h9ul26ple-Family) Zone Lo esLablish a onc;-lot, >~-unit, Rt1-~i00U condoriiniuni s~bdivisinn tiaitfi :vaivcr of ninimum buil~diny si[e arca per Jwcl?inq unit on approxima[cly j.11i acres, having a frontage of appror.imatcly 4"1J ~ect on the north siJe ef La Palna Atr~nv~~, h.viny a maximum dep[h of approxiroately 52% fer_t, beinc~ loc2tad approximately li19 feeL east of the een[erline of Euclid Stree[; an~1 docs hereby apprave Zhe Negative Declaration fror~ the rcquircr~enC [o preparc an environ,~cntal impact rc;)ort on thc basis Chat thcre would be no SiyniYic~nt individual or cumula[ivc adversc environnen[al impact duc [o [hc approval of [his t~ee~ative Declar'ation sincc tlie An~hc:in Genera] Plan desiynates the subject property for ;eneral coramerciai and mediurrdens~ty residential land uses commens~ura[e wi[h the proposal; that iio sensitive env+ronmen[al impacts are invo~ved in [he proposal; [hat thc lniCi~l Stusly submi[ted by tf~c petitinner indie~tes no significanC individ~al or cw~ula[ivc advcrsc cnvironmcntal inpacts; and that [hc Neyativr_ Ucclaration subs[an[ia[ing thc fc~reyoin9 finJin~s is on file in the CiLy of Anahcim Planning Uepartricnt. 1~011. Tf1ERCFORL, Bf~ IT kE50LVEU that t:hc Anahcin City Plinniny Cormission does hereby yra«t subjett ?etiCion for Varia~~ce, upon the follawing conJitions Nhieh ar~t hcreby fo~~nd to bc a ncccssary prerenuisite to thc proposed use of thc subject prflperty in orcier to prescrvc thc safe[y and ycncral wclfa~c uf the Citizens c~f the City of Anaheim: 1. That Chis Variance is granted subject ¢o the completion of fteclassifica[ion No. 77-7EI-20, now pending. 2, Tt~~t subject pro~erty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plars and snecifica[ions on fiie witli thc City of Anaheim marked Exhibit t~os. 1 a.~d Z. T~;E F~JRECOItIG RESULUTIOti is siyneJ and approved by rrw this l0th day af Octo~er, 19'/7. v- ~ CHAIRt1Ali, A AHfIM LITY LANfd1t~G COHrii551QN ATT[ST: / ~ . /~iG~(..t.ca~ SECRETARY, ~NAN~TY PLAt~NIt~G C011111SSIOtI -2- Pt77~2t5 ~ 57ATE OF CALIFORtIlA ) GOUNTY UF OM!~GE ) ss. CITY l~~ :h:Oti[IN ) 1, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anatieim City Planni~g Commisston, do her~by certify that the fareg~ing resoluti~n was passcd and adopted er, a mectire.~ a~ the /1nah~im City ~tannlrng Commission held nn Oetooer iv', 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by thc foilowing vote of the merribers [hereol': AYCS: CUt1MISS10~JEf~S: JOt1NS~IJ, Y.IfIG. LINfl, TOLAR NOES: CONMISSIOII~RS: NER[iST, UAVIU ABSEti7: CQHMISSIOtI[RS: DAR~~ES 1977. III uITIdESS WNEREOF, f have hercunto set rm/ hand this lOth day of Oc.tober, ~iI A~ SECRE7 .Y, ANAN[IM C TY PLAIU~ING !'Ot1MISS101~ -3,- PC77~21;