PC 77-22RESULUTION NO.PC77-22 A RESO~UTfON OF TNE ANAHFIM CITY PLANt~IhG CO"U115510~i P.ECONMEIJDINf TO THE C~.TY COUNCIL ~F THc CITY OF n!iAHEIH THAT 71TLE5 15 AND 13 Uf TIiE AtJAHE1M NUtlICIPAL CODE BE At1ENDED TO REFLECT UNIFOnHITY OF TERHINOLOGY BETIJEE>~ THE At~AH~ I t1 I1Ut! I C I PA~ CODE, COUNC I l POL I CY At~D STAt~D,9RD DETA I LS. WHEREAS, during the preparation of the study for Area DevelopmEnt Plan No, 117, staff discovered non-conformity of terminoloay, standards and dedlcation procedures `or public and priva[e streets, roads, road:vays, accessways, access roa~is, access drives, drives, driveways and alleys, as 9iven in various ,tandards policies and the Zoning and Buiidinq Codes (Titles !5 and 13 of thr Anaheim Nunicipal Code); and WNEREAS, staff fron [hc various City denartments detcrmined that an ai~endmen[ to the l,naheim Municipal Code :~ould be .~pproariate for consider,~tion by [he Anaheim City Planning Canmission ar,~i City Council; and WHEP,E~15, Ch~ Anahcim City Planning Co~nission did hnld a public hearing at the City Nall in the City of Anaheim on January 17, 1?7?, at 7:nn n,m „ notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required hy larr and in accordance with provisions of thre ~naheim Hunicipal Codc, to hear and consider evidence for ~n~i auainst said proposed amendments [o Titles 15 and 1C•, and to invcstiqate and make findings and recommendo[ions ln connection therewith; ind WHEREAS, said Cor•mission, aftcr duc inspection, investlnation, and st-~dy made by itself and in its beh~lf, and after Aur_ consideration of all evidence and reoorts offered at sald hear, ~q, DOES HEREBY FI!ID A~~D DETERMIt~E: That, as a rrsult of comp,~rative anal~sis of [erms by staff, the terms and definitions relatrd to vehicu~ar access in thr_ hill and canyon area bc as `ollows: 'Accessway" - General ter~ for any public or private vehicular casement including but not lir~i[ed to: strr_cts, roads, lanes, alleys, hi9h~.~ays and exoressways. "Roadway" - The porti~n ~f a vehicul.ar easement used for vehicular travel. "5[reet" - A public cr a privat~ easemrnt whicn affords primary means of vehicular access to ahuttinq property. "Road" - In general, may mrai~ the same as "street", nowever, in ti~e hillside zones "road" refers to ~ local vehicular eas~°ment with less than full street impr~vements, fn addltlon, "road" may bc used as a part of the nropcr namc o!` othcr ar_cessw~ys. "Private Lanc" - A 20-foot widc private vehicular easemenC serving no more than four lo[s. "Driveway" - Unrecorded access servinq one lot only. RESO:.UT'ON N0. PC77-22 2. That piivatc road widLhs bc amended for chc study area of Area Developmen[ Plan I~o, 117, lnclud(ng the Hohler brive and Peralta hills areas, said widths to be 32'foot wfdc road easements havin, a 24-foot wide paved roadway, wi[h [he provision that existing privatc roads with greater or lesser widt~~s may be retained unless additional development occurs, and any newly established private roads shall bc in conformance ~i[h these new standards; and that the C1ty Engineer be direcred to prep.ire revised standard engineering details in accordance herewi~h, 3. That the Zoning Code (Title 13) be amended to standardize the termirolagy outlined ahove in all single-family residcn~lal hillsidc zones; to increase panhandle lot widths frorn a minimu~ •- 15 feet to a min3mum of 20 fee[ to accommodate an 1°-fo~t wide st~~nc.:-d driveway; and [o decrease the maximum distances fror strucCure tn accessway and firc hydrant, subJect to review for grr_ater dis[ances. 4. That the Zoning Cade (Titlc 13 - Dedication and tmprovements - General) be amended [o change "shall" [o "nay" rcquire strcet li~httnn in-lieu fees, so as to reflect mnre clo~~ely [he fiexihility of Council Po~icy Nos. 20J and 2~]A. ;. That [he Buil~!inys and Nousinq Code (Title 15 - Stree; Naming and Premise Numbering) bc amended to dr_lete [hc dr_finitfon of "p~-iva[e drives" ~a standorizc [crminoloyy. 6. That the Environmental inpact Report No. 191 was considered in conjunc[ion with this Area Development Plan, 7, That sixteen (1G) area property nwners, represcntinn approxima[r1y Chir[y (3~) arca propcrty owners presenY, anpcare~: at said puh,ic hearin9 in oppositlon; ~nd a r.etition siqncd by apnroximately ane hundred anc! ninety-twa (192) arca orcmer[y orm rrs was reccived in opposition. t~4u, THERcFORE, BE IT RESQLVED that Environmental Impact Report ~~o. 141, haviny been considered this datc by the Anahclm City Plannin9 Cor~mission and evidence, bo[h r•itten and qral, having becn presented to supplemen[ said draft fIR ~io. 191, the Planning Correnlssion bclievcs that sairl draft EIR tJo. 191 does c.onform [o the City and SYa[e ;uidelines and the Statr_ of Californla Fnvironmental Qu~lity Act and, based upor, such inforr~ation, does hereby r~cnrimenJ to the Cit~/ Counc:il of the City of Anahelm that th~y certify said EIR ~~o. 191 is in cor~pliance wfth said Environmental Quality Act; Provided, hnwever, ihat par.inraph 1 on pa9c 12 of said documen[ shall be changed from: "Hinimal stree[ li9ht!r.n is re~uired" to: "Street lighting revufrements s~all he simil:,r ro tho5c in the 'lohlcr Driv~ area, as set for th i n C i ty Lounc i 1 Pol i cy ~~o. 207A." E3[ IT FURTHER RE50LVED tha[, on the bas~s of thc fnre9oing finings, the Anaheir~ Cit}~ Planr ing Corrmisslo.^. does hereby recommen~ to the City Council of the City of Anahrim that amendr~ents *.o the A~ahcim Huniclpal Code, Tftlc '~ - P,uildings and Housinq ~.nd Titlc ip - Zonin!~ be adopted, as sct fnrth in "Exhibit A" attaehed hereto and by reference made a par[ of this resolution. -?.- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-22 THE FOREGOING RESOLUTI~I~ is signed and approved by me this 17th day of January, 1977. AT~EST: _ J /' ~ A ~~l, <s~~' I~'' ~"`-'r.c.~s'U SECRETARY, ANANEtr~ CITY PLANt:ING COr1MI551ot1 STATE OF CALIFORt~IA ) ~OUNTY OF QRANGE )ss. C I TY OF AI~AHE I'1 ) ~~~ G~ ^ CHAIR'1A1 PRO TEMPOR At~ANEI!1 CITY PLA':tlll~; CO!1H15510~7 I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim Ci[y Planninq Ccxnnissinn, do hcroby certify [h~t thc foregoing res~1'~tion was pass~d and adonted at a mceti~9 oY thc An~heim City Planning Commission, hcid on January 1?, 1°?7, at 1:30 p•m•, nv the `ollowing vo[e af thc memhers therr.of: ~YES: COM'115SIONERS: BARNES, DAVif), NERBST, Y,IN.,, MORLEY, TOLAR NOES: COhMIS510NERS: r~OtJE ABSEt1T: COt1HISSICI~ERS: JOH!lSON iN UIT!~E~S WHEREOF, I havc hereunto set my hand this 17th day of January 1977. . / _ ~ . J / ~i~Ge~-eL/ ,~'~''~ I SECRETARY, PI~AHF.I!~ CITY PLA~INItIG COM1115510N , RESOLUTION N0. PC77-22