PC 77-220RE50L~TION tJO. PL;7-220 A RESOLUTIO'1 OF TfiE At1AilE1M CITY PLAN~IItIG C011HISSIOt) TIiAT PEiITIOtI FOR LOtJ)I71011AL USE PERHIT N0. 1752 UE GRAtITED l1H!iREAS, the Anaheim C3ty Planning Commission Jid reccive a~ierified Petition for ConJitional Usc Permit frorn JAItES N. PLRUNEAIJ AIID JOHN P. COt1L01l, 21852 Vacation Laic, iluntington (leacli, California ~2646, owners of ccrtain rcal property situated in 'he Ci[y of Anaheim, County of Oran~e, State of California, described as: Parc:l 2 i~ the City of Anaheim, as shown on a parcel map filed in book 91, pages 33 and 3%+ of Parcel Naps, in the office of thc Cou~ty Recc~rdcr of Orangc Coun[y; and WHER,`•r~S, tt~c City Plannin~ Co~mnission did hold a public hcaring at the City tiall in thc City of Anat~cim on Octobcr 10, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., n~ticc of said public hearing haviny been duly yiven as re~~uired by lak~ and in accordance wiih the orovisions of the Anahein Nunicipal CoJe, Ctiapter 1u.03, to hear and consider ev~dence for and against said proposeJ conditional usc and to investiqa[e and ~~ake findi!::ts and recornmenJa[ions in connection ther~r~~ith; and iJHCR(AS, sald Corarnission, after ~uc ins~ection, invcstigation anJ study ma~1e by itself and in its hcholf, ai;d aftcr duc consideration of all evidence anJ r~ports offered a[ said hcaririg, docs find and de[ermine thr_ foll~r.~in~; facts: i. That the proposed u~c is properly one for which a conditional use perinit is authorizeJ by Anaheirn Plunicipal Code Section 1~,G1.05Q.OJ0, to wit: to pcrmit a custom paintiny anJ van cc~nvcrsion facility. 2. That thc propc~sed usc is hcreby gran[ed subject to the petitioncr's stipulations thaC ill repair w~rk will bc done wh~lly insidc thc ~uilding and therc will be no outdoor vehicl~: storage un the prenises other than parF:ed vehicles r,o be servieed, and that t~~c anticipated hours of operation will be fr~n 3:00 a.n, to 4:3n p.m „ HonJay through Friday, ~ii:h :~pproximatelv ten (~n~ ~mnloqcrs. 3. That the praposed use will no[ adversely affecC thc adjoining land uses and the yrowth and deueiopment uf the area in which i[ is propcsed to be located, 4. 7hat the sizc an:: shape of the sitc proposed for the use is aoequate to alluw the full devclopinent of thc propased usc in a manner not dctrimental to the particular arca nor to thc pcace, hcal*.h, safety, and yeneral ~•~elfare of the Citizens of the CiCy of ~1nahcim. 5. That [hc granting of [hc Conditional Use Permit under che conditions irnposed wi~: not be detrimentai [o the peacc, health, safety and yeneral w~lfare of thc Citizens of Chc City of Anaheim. G. That no nne in~i w ted thcir presenr,e at said public hear(ng in opposition; and that no correspondence was rr_ceived in opposition to tlie subjr_ct petition, PC77-220 ENVIR01~11EIlTAL IMPACT FIf~DING: That the Director of the Planning Depar[nent has determined that the prnposcd activity falls within tlie definition of Section 3.01, Class 1, of thc City of Anaheim Guidclines to ttie Requirements for an Environmental Impact P,eport and is, therefore, caCegorically exempt fron Lhe requirement to file an EIR. NOIJ, TI~[P.EFOP,E, [3E IT RESOLUED that thc Anahcim City Planning Corrmission does hereby grant subjec[ Petit~on for Condi[ional Use Permii, upcri the followin, condition which is tiereby found to be a necessary prercquisitc Co thc proposed usc of the subject proFcr[y in order to prescrvc the safety and general welfare of [he Citizens of the Ci[y of Anahein: 1, That subject property shall be developed substan[ially in accordance with plans and sp~cifications on fi le witli tfie City of Anaheim marF;ed Exhibit ~los. 1 th~ough 3. THE fOREG0ING RCSOLUTIOI! is siyned and approved by me this lOth day of October, 1977. ~ At1AHE I t C I TY PLAt~OMl1155 ~ JU CHA RHAi , RTTEST: e ~~ ~ ~~~ 5[CRE'i:~RY, ANAHEIH CITY PLANtJItlG COHNISSION S7hTE OF CALIFORIIIA ) COUt7TY OF ORAIlGE ) ss. CITY Of AIlAHCIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahcim City Planning Commission, do hcreby certify that thc foregoing resolu[ion was passed and adoptcd at a meeting af the Anaheim City Planning Cammission held o~ OctoEer 1D, 1977, at 1:30 P•m., by the follawing vote of the membcrs thereuf: AYES: COM111S5101![R5: DAVID, tiERUST, JO{iI~50~l, Y.IIIG, Lllltl, TOLAR NOES: C011111SSIOI~ERS: t10tiE AISSLIJT: CONt11SSI0NEK5: CARNLS ~977• IIJ 1JITIIESS WfiE•REOF, I havc hercunto set my liand tfiis 10[h day of October, ~~ ~ ~~~~ SECCt[TARY, A!JAHEIM CITY PLAIit11tJG COHMISSION -2- PC77-220