PC 77-226RESOLUTIOId N0. PC7]-226 A RESCLU7101~ OF TNE AtlNfEIM CITY PLA~IN117G COHMIS510!! 7HAT P[TITION FOR COI~UITIONAL USE P[RMIT N0. 1757 Bk GRANTED 41UER[AS, the Anahein City Planniny Commission did receive a vcrified Petition f~r L'onditional Use Permit from INP[RIAL PROPERTIES, P. 0. Box 7250, Newport Bcach, Californ~a 92GG3, owner, and DISCOVERY MANAGEMEtIT CONPANY, 1::01 South Eieach Boulevard, La Habra, Call`ornia qn63i, agent, of certain real property si[uated in thc City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Sta[c of California, described as: That portion of Lot !~ of thc Dominyuez Estat.e as shrnin on a Licensed Surveyor's Hap filed in liook 2, paqe 15 of Record of Surveys in the office of [he County Recorder of Orange Coun[y, California, described as beginning at the Sou[hriesterly corner of 7ra.c.[ f~o. 7470, as shown on a Map recorded in Dook 3zG, page 1&, 19 anJ 2~ of 1liscelianeous Naps, records of said Orange County, being a poin[ on the Northwesterly line of the Santa Ana Valiey Irriyation Lompany as describecl in deed recordcd March 7, 1940 in Eir~ok iQ3}, pa~e jG~ of Official Recor~s; thence along saiJ Ncrthwesterly line South 74° 10' 35" uest 507•0~ fee[; North 1$0 25" West ;.00 feet and South 74° 1Q' 35" West 293.59 feet to t't~e So~~r.hwes[erly corner of the land described in deed to W. F. Gleasun and wifc recordeJ May 22, 1951 in Book 2191, page 2GG of said Official Records, beiny tlie True Point of Beginning; thence cantinuin9 along said Nortiiwesterly line South ;•=E~ 10' 35" West 71~.09 feet to the beginning ~f a tangen[ curve concave Northeriy having a radius of FS1~.;0 feet, and uestcrly along said curve throuyh a central anyle of 0~3° 21' 1!+" an arc dis[ance of 133.5~ feet to a point o~ the uesterly line of said Lot ~E, a radial line of said curvc passing tfirough seid point bears South 06° 2~S' 11" East; thence along said bJesterly I ine tlor[h 0° lo' 25" '~lest 60Q.25 feet to tlie Southwesterly corner of [f~e land described in deed to the Statc of California recorded February 27, 1969 in k3ook 8885, pag? 577 of Official Records; thence along the Sou[heasterly line ot said last mentioned land I~orth 'JO° '13' 17" East 132.19 feet, North 6Q° 52' Oi" Easc 189.7i feet and t~orth 5~° 0~' S3" East 17~,y1 feet [o the Northeas[erl~ line of said Lot 4; thence along said t~orthcasterly linc South 31 3~+' 25" East 125.13 fee[, South 50° 3~' 25" tast 132.00 fee[, and South G5° 19' 25" East 142.~II feet to the tlortliwesterly corner of said land of 41. F. Gleason; thence alang tne bJesterly line of said last mentioned land Soutn 03° 22` 25" Eas[ l~b4.G0 fee[ to the True Pcint of t3eginning; and Nf~ERL'A5, [tie City Planniny Conmission did liold a public hearing at ihe City Hall in the :ity of Anaheim ~n October 2G, 1977, at 1:y0 p.r~i., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by !aw and in accordance wi[h the provisions of the Anaheim Ptunicipal Code, Chapter t8.o3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and ma~e findfngs cnd recormiendations in connection there~aith; and PC77-22F WI1ER[AS, said Commission, after due inspection, i~vestigation and study made by i[self and in its behalf, and afier due consideration of all evidence and repor[s offered at said haaring, does find and Jetermine the follcwing facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permil is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Codc Section 18.<<4.050.010, to wit: to permit o~-sale beer and wir:e in an existing res[aurant. 2. Tfiat the proposed use is granted on the basis that tlie on-sale beer and wine will be in connec[ion with the serviny of ineals. 3. That the proposed use will not adversely affecC the adjoining land uses and the growtt~ and Jevelopment of the area in which it is prcposed :0 6e located. 4. ihat the sizc and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the prop~sed use in a manner not detrirnental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That tfie yranting of the Conditional Use Permit under [he conditions imposed will not bc detrimental to [he peace, health, safety and general welfare of the C i t i zeris of the C i ty of Anatie i m. 6. That no one indicated tiieir presence at said public hearing in opposition; anJ that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petiYion. ENVIRGt~HENTAL IIfP/,CT FII~DItIG: That the Oirector of the Plann3ng Department has determined that the proposed activity falls srithln the definition of Section 3.01, Classes i and il, of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to [he Requiremr_nts for an Environrnental Impact Report and is, therefore, categorically exemp[ from the requirement to file an EIR. fIOW, T!1EREFORC, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Lommission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following condition wliich is hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subjecc property in order to preserve the safety and general k~.^lfare of the Citizens of the City of Anatieim: 1. That subject property shall be developed _ubstan[ially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with th~ City of Anaheim marked Fxhibi[ Nos. 1 and 2. T!II[ FORkGQIt~G RESOLUTI01~ is signed anJ approveci by me this 26[h day of October, 1;17;. •, ~~ ~ 11 PR~: ~~RE ANAl1EIM CITY i'L~""EING COHMISSION ATTEST: ~I.-~iG,~~ ~ ~~ SECR~. AI~AHEIM CITY PLAIJNII~G GOMMISSION -2_ ~'~ i7-226 STATE OF CALIfORIdIA j COUNTY OF ~RAt~GE ) ss. CITY OF AIJAHEIN } I~ Edith L. tlarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City P1anning Commission held on October 26, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AY[S: C011MISSIONERS: E3ARNES, DAVID, HER~S'f, KIt~G, LINII I~OES: G011MISSIOpLRS: NONt AIi5E1~T: COHMISSIONERS: JOHNSOiI, TOLAR 1977 Ila WITNESS ldI1ERE0f, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of October, 3~~nr'~A~~af E t ~a i~..~_~„ ~`~ c n!~ s o~i -3- PC77-22b