PC 77-230Rcso~u7ior~ t~~. Pc77-23n r> RESOLUTIOIJ OF THE A~IAHEIM CITY PLANIIItJG C011MISSI~N TIiAT P[TITIO~' FOK COtIDITIO~IAL USE PERHIT f~0. 175G BE GRAt7TED 1JN[REAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did reccive a verified Petition for Conaitional Use Permit from TtIE OWEt~ COMPA!IY, 52; 1Jest Sixth Street, Suite ~+Ofi, Los ~ngeles, California ~OOlfa, owner, and VICTGP, t;. NARUIN, 1300 South Anaheim Goulevard, Anaheim, California 92~05, a9ent, a.` ccrtain rcal property situated in Lhe City of llnahcim, County o` Oranq~e, State of California, described as: AlL OF PARCEL 1 OF Pf,RCC~ MAP 2y%, AS PER NAF RECORD[D lid ki00Y. 4~, PkGE ~r0 OF PARCE~ FiAPS, I~J TifE OFFICE OF TIIE COUtlTY RECORD[R OF SAID CCUIJ7Y. Ei(CEPT Tfi[RE~i~QM Tli[ iiORTHEZLY 1!t0.0+? FEET; a~d WHEREP,S, Chc City Planniny Commission did hold a public hearin9 aC the City Nall in the Ci[y o` Anaheim on October 2G, 1977, a[ 1:3.~ p•r.i•, notice of said public heariny having been ciuly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisi~ns of the Anaheim Nunicipal Code, Chapter 1~.03, to hear and cr~nsider evidenc:e for and against said proposed condiLiorzal use and to investicate and make findings and r~commendations in connection therevritii; and WfiEREAS, sai:t Co~~+nissiun, af[er due inspectiony investigation and study made by itself and in iCS behalf, ar.d after due consideration of all evidr.nce and reports offereu at said hearirig, Joes find and detcrminc thc following facts: ?. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permit is autnorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sec[ion 1c,61.~5Q.050, to wit: to permi[ expansion of an existing autor~robilc sales agency. 2, That thc: proposal i~ granted on [he basis that it is an expansion of an existing autoc~c,.3;: 531C5 a,er,cy and tha[ similar uses are locateo in ttie area along Anaheim aoulevar~~, 3. That tt~e proposed use o~i t 1 not adversely affect the adjoii:: ng land uses and the growth and development of the area in wfiich it is proposed to be located, 4. That tti:: size and shape of tfie site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the fuli developmen[ of the proposed use in a manner ~ot detrimental to the particul~r area nor to tl~e peace, health, safeiy, and c~eneral welfare of the Citlzens oF the City ot Anaheim. 5. Thet the granting of ihe Conditional Use Permit uncJer the conditions irnpo~ed wi 11 not he detrircental Lo tlie pe.ace, heal th, safety and yeneral wel fare of the Litizens of the City o` An~hr_im. 6. That no ~ne indicated Cheir presence at said public hearing in ~pposition; and :hat no corresponde:nce was received in op~osition [o the subject petition. PC77-230 EtIViRON11EtiTAL ItIPACT FINDING: That the Dircctor of the Planning Department has detern~ined that the proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.01, Classes 1 and il~ of the C!ty of l,naheim Guidelines to the Requirenents for an Environmental Im~act Report and is, Chcrefere, categorically exer,ipt from the requirement to file an EIR. tIOYI, TIIEP,EFORE, BE IT RESOLVEU that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Pernit, upon the following conditions which are }iereby found [o Ge a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject propcrty in order to prescrve thc safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That sidewalks shall be instailed alony Anaheim Boulevar~l, as required by the City Engineer and in accorcia~ce with standard plans and specifications on file in the officc of tfie City Englneer. 2, That the a.iner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of three and one-haly dollars ($3.50) per front rtoot along Anahein Boulevard for street liyhtin9 purposes. 3. That subject property shall be developeel substantially in accordance with plans and specifications o;~ file wi[h the City of Anaheim mar~:ed Exhibit Ilo. i. 4. That Condition ~ao. Z, above nen[ioned, shall be complied with prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time [hat the building permit is issued, or within a period of one year from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such fur[her time as the Planning Commission may grant. 5, That Condition ;~os. i and ;, atove mentioned, shall be complicd with prior to final l~uil~lin~ and zonin~ inspections. THE ~OREGOItIG RESOLUTION is siuned and approveJ by me this 26th day of Octobcr, 1977. I t N ~ c RE At~AHE I 11 C ITY PLNdN I FIG COMM I SS I Otl ~TTEST: (a ~i~. ~ ~^~.t~. SECR[TARY, AI7AHE111 CITY PLANIIi!!G COF1h11SSI0t! STATE OF CALIFORtIIA ) COUGI'Y OF OP,At~GE ) ss. CITY OF A1~AiiLlt1 ) -2- Qc77-230 I, Edith L. tlarris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregniny resolution was passed znd adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planring Commission held on Octooer 26, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: C011MISSIOt1ER5: BARNES, DAVID, ti[RBST, l:ItIG, LINt! t10E5: C011MISS10~7~R5: NON[ ADSEtIT: COMMISSIONERS: JOFINSON, TOLAF 1g77. 117 WITN[SS 1JIfEREOF, 1 have hercunto set my hand this 2(ith d~y of October, - ~~ ~ iW-~tit,c... SECRET~IRY, A1IAHEIM CITY LANNItlG COMMISSION _3_ PC77-230