PC 77-232R~SOLUTIOFI NQ. PC77-232 A RESOLUTIOtJ OF TtiE AriAlIE111 CITY PLAt~tllt~G COMMISSIOtd Tiil~T PETITIOIJ FOR RECLl1SSfFICl1T1011 N0. 77-7~-18 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Com~ission did receive a verifier.: Petition for Reclassification fron i3EP.TFiA Q,, PIIYLLIS ELLEtl, FRl~!JY. I1tID LARRY t1. NERUAIJDEZ, 17Z5 East Sycamorc Stree[, Anaheim, California 92t;05, owr~ers, and JACY. MULL[R, 2202 West Downie Placc, Santa Ana, California 9270G, agent, of certair real property situated in tlie Ci[y cf Anaheim, Courty of Oranye, State of California, described as: PARCEL 1 - TI1E EASTERLY 70 FEET OF TIiE SOUTIIER.LY 17; FEET OF TtiE FOLLOWIIJG: [3EGINIlING I1T A POINT Ot~ TtiE SUUTHCi{!.Y LIN[ OF LOT 3 OF ANAfiEIN EXTENSIOIJ, AS SUftVEYED [3Y IJILLIAM it.4fiEL I~; 1&6~, SAIU POINT ~EII;G Iti THE CENTCR LIt~E OF THAT GEBTAII~ STREET COM110~ILY K11041N A5 SYCAFIORE STREET; SAIU POIt~T 8[ING DISTAIiT I~ORTH 71+° 30' 30" EAST 3o"s.53 FEET FROM TfiE SOUTIiblEST COP,IiER OF Sr~ID LOT 3, SAID POIflT OF BEGI~UIIUG ~1EIt1G THE: SQUTHEAST COR!~ER OF THAT CCRTAlN PARCEL OF LP~NU ULSC:tI~EC UNDEF CERTIFICATE I10. 101;34; TtIENC[ fl;~M SAIG POItIT OF aEGlt~r~ING, NORTII 17° 30' 30" WEST, ALOrdr, TH[ EASTERLY LI~~E OF SAIG PARCEL OF LA~;D, 320.f1C FEE'i TO A POIt9T IN THE 90UItUARY LIiaE OF TtIAT CERThItI PARCEL OF LAIID D[SCRIBED U~IDER CERTIFICATE t10. 79r15; TNENCE NORTH 7t~° 30' j0" EAST, ALONG SAID E30UI~UARY LIN[, 240.00 FEcT TQ At~ ANGLE POIr1T THEREIN; THENCE SOUTH 17~ 3~' 30" EAST, COt;TINUItlG ALOtIG SAID E30Ut~~ARY LIl7E, 320.00 FEET 70 N POIt1T lil THE SOUTHERLY L1hJE, 240.~0 FEET TO THE POI~~T OF BC•GINNIt~G; and `dHEREAS, rhe City Plar,niny Coimiission did hold a puhlic hearing at the Lity Nall in the City oP Anaheim on October ZG, 1377, a[ 1:30 p.m,, notice of said public heariny having been duly yiven as required by laN and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chap[er 1L,03, [o hear and eonsider evidence fnr and against said proposeu reclassification and to investiyate anJ make findings and recomrnenda[ions in connection [hcrewith; and WHEREAS, said Lo~ruuission, aftcr aue inspection, investiqa[ion and study made by i[self and in its behalf, ~nd :ifter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determinc [hc followiny facts: l. That the pe[itioner proposes reclassification of subject property from thc RS-A-43,OG0 (RESIUEI~TIAL/AGRICUL7UP,RL) ZONE to the RM-1200 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAI~ILY) ZOt7E. 2. Th,~t the Anaheirn Gencral Plan designates subject property for a juniar hich school sitr_ and/or r:~eilium-densiCy residential land uses. 3. That the propose:d reclassification is hereby denied on the basis that surrounding properties havinr~ a similar size anJ siiape are zoned both RS-A-43,000 (ftesidential/Agricultural) and RS-7200 (Residential, Single-Family) and all are developed ~•ii[h single-family residences, and that the proposai would, therefore, be an intrusinn of umitipie-Fami{y residential ~ses into an established single-family residential nciyhburhood. PC77-232 f 4. That the proposeti reclassification of subject property (s not necessary or desirabie for the orderly and proper developn,ent of the cor~munity. 5. That the proposeci reclassification of subject property does not properly relate to [he zo~es and their permit[ed uses locally established in close proximity to subjec[ propr_rty and [o the zones and [heir permitted uses 9enerally es tab 1 i sfied th roughout thc cornmun i[y . 6. That two persons indicated their presence it saici ~ublic hearing in opposition; and th~~[ no correspondence was received in opposition tu subject petition. ct1V 1 P,OtIl~tE!JTAL I Mf'ACT F I NU I IiG : Tha t the Anahe i m C i ty P 1 ann i ng Comm i ss i on has reviewed Che subject proposal [o reclassif'y subject property from [he RS-A-'~3,~00 (ftesiJen[ial/Agricultural) tu thc R11-1200 (Residential, Multiple-Family) 7_one to eonstruct a two-unit apor[ment buildin~ wi[h waivers of maximum buildin9 height and minimum landscaped setbacl, on pro{>erty consisting of approxi~nat~ly 'l.2 acre havirtg a frontage of approxi~~a[ely 7U feet on thc north side of Sycamore Street, hiavina a maxienum depth of appror.in~atcly 1'+3 feet, and beiny located approximately 1800 feet west of [he centcrlinc of S[a[e Coileyc Fioulevard; and ciocs hereby approve the tlega[ive Ueclaration from che requiremcnt [o prepare an environmental impact report on the basis [hat there would be no sic~nificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental irapact Jue [o [he approval of this t~eyative Deciaration since the Anahcim Gencral Plan aesiynates the subject propcrty for a junior hi9h school site and/or r~edium-Jensity residential iand uses convnensura[c viith t!ie proposal; that no sensitive environr~en[a) irapacts are involveJ in the proposal~ Cll~i the Initial S w dy submit[ed by the pc[itioner in~licates no significant inuividual or cumulative adverse environmenCal impacts; ~nJ that [he Ner~a[ive Declaration substan[i~tin9 the fore9~ing findings is on filc in Che Lity of Analicim Planniny Depar[mcnt. NOW, THLREFUiE, UC IT RESUL'JEJ that the Anahcim City Plannin9 Canmission does hereby deny subject Pe[ition for Reclassifi w tion on the basis of the: aforementioned finelings. TfiE FJREGfiiflG RCSOLU~fION is siyned and approved by me this 26th day of October, 1~77. ~ tir N P t 1 ORE AtrANEiH CITY PLAI~NING COMMISSIO!I ATTEST: j~ / J ~ L~.4~C1-4. o( ~,/(!.'.-t~.t, SECRETARY, ANAHEf;1 CITY PLAIU~IIIG COHMISSI9N STATE OF CAL I FGR111 A) COUI7TY OF ORAtJGE ) ss. CIiY OF ANIUf[IM ) -2- PC71-232 t, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning ~ommsssion~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutiun ~.+~~s passed and adopied at a n~e:in9 af tne ~nahein City Planning Conmission held o~ Dctober 26, 1977, at 1:30 P•m., by ttie follv~in9 vote of the members thereof: AYES: C01"t11S5101JERS: BARNES, DAVIU, tiERBST, Y.IiJG, L1NN KOES: COMMI SS I OFIERS : hOt~E AE3SENT: COPil11SSIONEkS: JOtiN5011, TOtAR I11 HITNESS WHEREOF, I have hcreuntc set ry ;~~nd this .t6th ~ay of October, 1977 `"j~ ~ S ECRcTARY ~~At~At',E I M C I TY Ptt',!lhi~~G c,r;MA115510N -3- PC77-23z