PC 77-245~ RESOLUT 101; "10. PC77-24 A RESULUTIOt: OF TI!E Ay~HEI.M CITY PLAr1~ll'IG CC'1'+ISSION THAT PETITIOt~ FOR C~tIDITIOt~AL U~E PER"IIT N0. 17E7. BE GRA!JTF.D WF~EREAS, thc Anaheirn City Pl~nning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit fron E~~'ARD M. nr~e JAi:NIf. L. CHOW, 1201 North Andrea Lane, Anaheim, California Q2n(17, oamers, anJ MICH/1[L HOR~IATN, 241 Willdan Road, Anaheim, California Q2U07, agent, of certain re~l property situated in [he City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State o` California, descrihed as: Lot 12 of Tract 8;;1 as shown on a`„ap rr.c~rded in hopk 35~~ oages 1 to 3 inclusive of Miscellaneo~s Ma~+s, records of Oranne Coun[y, California; and WH[REAS, tl~e City Plinning Cor~mission did hold a public hcarinn at the City Ilall in the City of Anahein on tJovember 7, 1~77, at 1:;^ p.^~., notice of said nublic hearing having be~n duly given as required hY laY~ an~1 in accordance with ihe provisions of the Anahcim Municipal Code, Chapter 1;.f`3, to fiear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investi~ate and make findings and rr_cQme,endations in connection thrrewith; an~i WHEREAS, said Commission, after due insPE:ction, investioation and study made by itself and i~ its hchalf, and after due consid~rati~n of all evidence and reports offere:i at s~id hearin~, does find ar.d determinc the foliowing facts: i. 7hat [he proposed use is properly one for ~~,hich ~ conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim `tunicipal Codr Sec[ion 1P.34.n1.2,~~7 [o +~~it• to perr~it solir collector panels. 2. That the proposed use is hereby granted subject to the petitioner's stioula[ion that +•rood shakcs kbuld he instalied on the verticil e~c:erior o,ails of [he struc[ure supportiny the solar panels, said r:ood sh~kes to match the exterior walls of thc residencc. 3. That the proposed use s•~ill ~ot adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in rrhicf, it is pro~osed [o be located. 4. That th~ size and shape of the sitc proposed for thr use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manncr not detrimental to the porticular area nor to the peace, heatth, safety, and qeneral welfarz of the Citizens of [he City of An?hcim. 5. That the qran[inn of [he ConJitional Use Permi[ unr~er the conditions impose~, if any, ~ail) not be detrime~t.~l to the poace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City uf Anaheim. 6. Tha[ no one indic~ted their presence at said public hearing in oppositio~; and that ~o correspondr_nce ~,as received in opoosi[ion to the sub.ject pctition. ENVIROI~HE!IT/~L IHPACT F UlUltl;: Thr_ Director of the Plannina ~epartmcnt has determinecl [hat 'the proposed activity falls within the deftnition of Section 3.Q1, Class t, of the City of Anahein 6uidclines to the Requirements for an Environmental irnpact Report anc: is, therefore, categorlcally exempt from the requirement to file an [If?. PC77-2li5 a yp1•!, THEP,EfORE, B'r IT RES~ILVED that the An,~hc... City Planning Com~nission docs heroby grant subject Fetition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to he a necessary prerequisite to thc nroposed use of the su6ject property in order to prescrvc the safety and neneral ~:elfare of the Citizens of the City ~~ Anaheim: ~`. Z, Plans sh~ll 6e submitted to the Buildinn Division showinq compiiance o~ith the minimu~~ standards of the i.ity of Anaheim, inclucling the Uniforr.. euilding. Plumbing, Electrical, Housing, Mechanical and Fire CoJes as adopted by [h~ City ef Anaheim. The a~propriate ~ermits shall be ohtained for any necessary work• 2, That subject proper[y shall he developed suhstan[ially in accordance ~r~i[h plans and specifications on file ~•~itn t".e City o` A~aheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and "L; provideu, ho~•iever, that [hc ext~rior of [he proposed s[ructure supporting the solar panels ~rill be finished a:ith v;ood shal:es m~itchin9 the e>:terior wails of the residence. j. That Condi;ien Nos. 1 and 2, abovc mentiornzd, shall be crxnplied with prior to the commencement of Lhe activity authorizrd under this resolution, or prior to the time that the ~uilding nermit is issued, or ~+ithin a pcriod ef ~~ days from date herer>f, orhichever occurs first, or such furt:her [ine ~s the ?l~nning f.ommission may grant. THF FOi.f_~Oli•!G RGSOLUTIO'1 is siqr.ed ~nc! epp~OVe~I hy me this 7th day of ~~overnber, 1°77. ~~~ ~t°A.1'."•.^,~+, I11I~..f![ 1~1 C ITY PLr!:`i I ~7G CQ;"H I SS I ON 11TTEST: ~~,s...r-~ al.° S[f,RETAR~I , A!~AHE IN C ITY PL~'.Nt! I'IG C~.M'115510 ~ STATE OF CP.LiFORNIA ) COUt:TY OF 02NNGE ) ss. C ITY OF AIIAH[ In ) i, Edith L. Harris, Secre[ary of the Anaheim City Planning Comr~ission, do hereby certify that the forecr,oing resolution t•,as passeel and adon[ed at a neetin9 of the Anaheim City Planning Conmission helJ on tJover~her 7, 1q77,at 1:3~ P.m., by the folloti•~ing vote of the ne~nbers thereof: AYES: CQ!1'~115510FlERS: DAVID, HE.°,RST, JOHtISn~', KIWG, TOL~.R t~0E5: COMN I SS I OttERS: 'lO6;E ABSEt;?: CO'~M I SS 10'~ERS: Bl1R"1E5, L I'~17 IIJ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here~nto set r^y hand this 7th day of November, 1°77. ~~ ~ ~ SEC?ETA?.Y, A"74H[ I'1 C 1 TY PL!~"Jtl I N~+ CO'1M I SS I ON -2- PC77-~45