PC 77-250P.ESQLUTION t~0. PC77~25^ A RESOLUTION OF TH[ ANl~iiElM CITY PLA'lNItIG COhtHISS10'1 TFb1T PLT1T10,1 FOR LONUITIO!1~1L USE PEPJtIT t;0. 17G; DE GRA;lTED ~lHEREAS, thc Anahcim Ciiy Pl~nning Lonnission did receive a vcrified Petitiun for Condition,~l Use Perr~it frori DUNG S. AND HYOUIIG AI I:IH, 13123 Uigelow Strcet, Lerritos, Califc,rnia 927,:1, owners, and UGRA ~0`dE AI~U DON11A MOTTA, 225~ Vancouver Drive, -`G, Anaheir~, California 92c04, a~~en[s, of certain real property situated in the City of Anahcir~, Loun[y of Oranyc, S[atc of California, describcd as: THAT PORTIOIt OF LOT 4 OF NELC!! AND LYtlLt"5 AGDITIOIJ TO AI~AIiEIN, !1S PER HAP RECORJC7 I!~ ii00Y. 4•'~2 PAGE 15:, OF ~JEEUS, ItI TIiC OFFILE OF TNE LJUNTY R[CORI~EP. OF LOS A17GELE5 COU~ITY, CALIFORt;il1, LYIUG EAST~RLY OF THE FoLLO'att;r, UESCP,IL'E[, LI1~E: BEGI~~:lI,lG AT !1 POI.~7 ON TIlE tIORTH LItIE OF SECTION 1'~, TOM'tISHIP 4 S~UTN, KA~iCE 10 WEST, Itt THC P,ANCHO SAI: JUAU GAJO!I UE SANTA A'lA AS PCR HAP RECORDED IN b00i: jl PAGE 10 QF HISCELLANEO~~S MAPS, I!J 7NE OFFICE OF TII[ COU:~TY P,ECOn~ER OF SAID COU'ITY, EF,ST 33~.0:' FEE7 FRON TIiE tlOR7ri`,lEST CORIlER OF SAID SEC710!~; THEIICE SOUTHERLY G~~3.5~ FEET TO A P01'l7 011 TtiE SOUTII L111E OF TfiE NORTIIWEST QUf~RTEP. OF THE tIORTH',JEST QUARTEii OF THF t~ORTl111ESi QUARTER OF SAID SECTI01l, EAS7 3j0.5~ FECT FROt1 THC WEST LIIlC Of SAIU SEL'TION. EXCEPT THE SOUiiI 3;2.~7 FC~T 7HERLGF. ALSO EXCtPT THE 'aEST 110.!10 fEC~ TN~REOF. AL50 Ei(CEPT TfIA7 PORTION THERECiF IIiCLUuEI~ WITHIU THE FGLL0411t~G DESCFJL'ED LII:ES: BEGI,UiI:~G AT A P01t~T ON TNE i~GRTH LltiC OF SAIU SFLTI01! iG, !~ORTII £39° 0::' 42" E~1ST j3G.~~ FLET FP,OM 7HE 1~ORTHUEST CORNEP OF SAID SCCTIOtI; Ti+EHGE r10RTH ~9° Ot;' ~~2" EAST 33~.~~7 FEET ALOtIf, SAID NURTN LIN[; THENCC SOUTH p° 2,~ ;0" C~ST 4J,~3 FELT; THEtICE SOUTH $/~ 3~' UO" WEST 33°.•25 FEET; TNENCC uORTH 0° 2(i' 15" 1JEST ~7.C3 FEET TO TH[ POIti7 OF BCGI1~'iI.~G; and UHLREI+S, thc City Plannin~~ Commission did hold a public hcarin9 a[ thc City Hall in [he City of Anaheim on ttover.d~e-r 7, 1'177, at 1:3~ p•n•, notice of said public heariny haviny b~:en duly yiven as required by law and in aecordance with the provisiuns of [he Anaheim Nunicipal Code, Chapter 12.`?3, to hear and consider evidence for and ayainst saiJ pro~osed conJitional use and to investi~~ate and make findin9s and recomn~cndciians in connection ther~writh; and 41HEREAS, saiJ Cormission, after due inspcction, investigation and stuJy made by itself anJ in its bchalf, a~d aftcr duc consideration of all evidence and reports offered at sa(d hcaring, does find and de[erminc thc follawing facts: 1. That Lhe proposed usc is pruperly o~e for whieh a eonditional use permit is ~uthorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sec[ion 18.~i6,050.~1Q, to wit: to pcrmit a becr bar. PC77-25~ 2. That the proposal is 9rantcd on the basis tha[ it is located on Lincoln Avenue, an arterial highway which is developeo with com:~ercial and industrial uses, and that similar uses have bcen cstablished along said highway. 3. That th^< proposed usc will not advcrsely affect the adjofning land uses and the growth and devclopment of ;hc arca in whicti it is proposed to bc locatcd. 4, That the si~e and shape of the site proposed for thc usc is adequa[e to allow thc Full developmenC of the proposed use in a manner not detrinental to the particular area nor to thc pcace, health, safety, anJ gencral welfare of tte Citizens of tiie City of Anaheim. 5. That thc ~ranting of the Conditional Usc Pernic under [he conditions imposed will not b~ detrimen[al to thc peacc, hcaltti, safety ar.d ~eneral wclfarc of the Citizens of the City of Anahcin. 6. That no one indicatccl thcir prescncc at said public he:+rin, in opposition; and [hat no correspondence was received in opposition to the subjeet petition. EIIVIRO'1HEt~TAL iMPl1CT FINDlIIG: That the Uirec[or of [he Planninct Department has determincd that ttie proposcJ activi[y falls witi~in thc definition of Section j,01~ Class i, of [tie City of Anahf`„~eforec,'cate9uricall ReexenpCcnfrom rthe Env}ron:nental Impact Repnr[ and is, , Y requirement to fil~ an EIR. t~OW, THEP.EFORE, UE IT RESOLVEU [hat thc Anahcim City Planning Lonmission does hereby nrant subjec[ Petition for Conditional Use ?ermit, upon the follawin9 eonditlons which are hereby fuund [o be a necessary prerequisice to the proposed use of the subject property in oraer to prescrvc the safety and general wclfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anaheim; 1, That the owncr(s) cf subject property shall pay to the City of Anahefm the sun of three dollars and fi(ty cents (53.~0) pr_r front foot alon~~ Lincoln Avenue for street liyhting purposes. 2. That tlie owner(s) of s~bject propcrty shall pay to the City of Anahe(m the su~n of sixty cents (GOC) per front foot alnng L(neol~ Avenuc for tree pl~nting purposes. 3, That subject property shall be dev~loped substantially in accordance with plans and specifi w[ions on filc with [he City of Anahcim Mar4;ed Exhibi[ Nos. 1 and 2. 4. That Condition Nos. 1 a~d 2, abovc r,~entioncd, shall be complied with prior to the com;ne:nceme:nt of the ac[ivity authorized under ttiis resolution, or prior to the timc that the building pcrrait is issued, or within a pertod of onc year from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such furthcr time as [he Planning Cor~missior, may grant. THE FOR~GOIUG R[SOLUTI011 i, signed and approveJ by mc this 7th day of t~over.~ber, 1977• ~ ~.~,~„~r~~- CifAIRMAN, AIIRHEIH C1TY YLAIJNING COMNISSION -2- PC77-250 ATTEST: ~~ ~ SECRETARY, AIlANEIN CITY LANtIING Cd11M15510~1 STATE OF CAL I F6Rt~ I A) COUNTY OF ORA~lGE ) ss. CITY OF At~AfIEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of ttie llnaheim City Pla~ning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed end edaptcd at a mceting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held an November 7, 1977, at 1~30 p.m., by the following vote of [he members thereof: AYES: COf11~IS5101~ER5: DAVID, NERI3ST, J0111150!l, KII~G, Lit~l~, TOLAR NO[S: C01•11~1155~ONCRS: IJOiIE A[l5Et~7: COt1NIS510tlcR5: BAR;~ES 1977. IN WiTN[SS WH[REOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of Uovenber, lo4u-t'-~- ~ ~d~liL~.o~ SECRETAR , ANAHEIhI CI~Y LAPIt~I~IG OMNISSI011 -3- ~c77-250