PC 77-252RESOLUTI01! 110. PC77-25Z A RE50LUTIGN OF TifE AflAll[IM LITY PLA~1111FIf CQI1MISSIOt1, AD~PTI'If, Ai1D RLCQI".NE!!GI tJC TO THE C I'TY COUtIG I L OF TIiE C I TY OF AIIAfiE I M AUOPTIOtI OF AIlAiIEIl1 GENERA~ PLAII AHEIl~HEtiT t10. 1~~1~ OPEN SPACE ELEMENT AtIU AHEIlDHCt1T TO LAI~U USE EL[ME~IT NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of An.;heim did adopt the Anahcim Gencral Plan by Resolution Ila. ~3~-~t~'~. s~ia-+ing the 9eneral description and extent of land uses within the City ar.d indica[in9 Che present belicf of the Council as to the possiblc future devclopment and redevelc~pment of land within the City; and bIIIEREAS, pursuan[ to requests fron [hc property owncrs for a General Plan stu~y, thc Anahcim City Plannin,; Corimission Jirecte~l Ci[y staff [o prepare a General Plan MienJncn[ for ARCA I- Vermont Avenuc, east of Harhor Ooulevard and west of Lemon Strcet; AR[A II - Anaheiia Hills - 29G acres sou[h of Nohl Ranch Road behind the Saddle Club; anJ ARLA III - Analieim Hills - 9~i acres east of the intersection of Canyon Rim Road and Serrano Avenue; and 1Jil[REAS, thc stu:ly arcas for consideration in the General Plan Am~ndmen[ are describe~ as follows: ARCA I A PARCEL OF LA~iD I!JVOLVIIlG A TOTAL OF 7.~ ACRLS, OF WIIICH 3 ACRES ARk: 0~1 THE UOP.TlI SIDE OF VERMONT 11V[NUE l1NU h.~ ACRES 0!! T11E SOUTII SIuE OF VERMOIIT Av[NUE, EAST OF HARBOR UQULEVARD ANU WEST OF LEMUtJ STRE[T. A.REA II A PARCEL OF LAIlU IllVOLVING 'L~G ACRCS SOUTN Or" IIOIIL RAtICH ROAD UL"HIIIU TIIE SAUDLC CLUi3. AREt1 1 I 1 !1 PP~RCEL OF LAtIU It~VOLVIIJG APPROXINATLLY 90 ACRES EAST OF TH[ INTERSEC7101~ OF C!1!~YON RIM RUAU AIID SERRANU A4ENUE; anJ WIiCRLAS, the City Louncil adopteJ an Open Space ancl Conservation Eler~ent in May, 1973; and on flarch i;, 19J7, [hc Sanca Ana Canyon Land Use Elemcnt of the General Plan was adopted with uver 3500 acres of desiynateJ yeneral open space lanJ, and this open space is not now included in the City's Open Space Elenent; IJUER[AS, the Planning Depar[rient Jcc~~c:J it appropriate, pursuant to the California State Law, Section G53J2c of the Governmen[ Lode, to adop[ a new Open Space Eler~ent and this element +•~as prcpared based upon the General Plar guidelines prepareJ by tf~e Council of Intergovernmental Relations for ttie State of California; an J WIIEREAS, the Planniny Departrnen[ deemeJ it appropriate, pursuant So the provisions of tlie California Environmental Quality Act, to prepare Environrnental impact Report Ilos. 20;A and 207E~ in connec[ion wi[h [he General Plan Amendment for LanJ Use Element anel Qpen Space Element for the foregoing areas under consideration; and Pc77-z5z WNEREA5, the Anahcim City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at Che Anahein City Nall, Council Chamber, 201t East Lincoln Avenue, Anahein, Califiornia, on October 26, 1977, at 1:30 p.rn., and on Noveriber 21, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearinys fiaving been duly given as required by law and in ac~ordance with the provisions of the Anaheir.i General Plan and to investiyate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and blHEREi;S, said Commission, after due irisp~ction, investigation and study made by i[self and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said public fiearing, UOES HEREBY FItID: 1. That, in cc~nne~tion ~aith AREA I- Vermont Avenue, east of Harbor Boulevard and wesi of Leinon Street, evidcnce was presented orhich subs[antiates the need for an amendrnent to the Anaheim General Plan, and it is dcemed appropriate that "EXIiIBiT A" be adopted. 2. In connectiun ~ai[1~ AREA II - south of Nohl Ranch Road behind the Saddle Club, evidence was presenteJ wtiich substan2i<3tes the need for an amendment to the Anaheirn General Plan anJ it is deemeci appropriatc that "EXIIIDIT A" medified with overall density restriction be adopted. 3. In connection wi[h AREA III - Anaheim Nills - 90 acres east of [he intersection of Canyon Rim Road and Serrano Fwenue, evidence ~~as not presented to substantlate the need for an amendment t<~ [he Anaheim General Plan; therefore, no amendment is recommended. 4, That evidence was presen[ed which substzntiates tl~e need for adoption of the yoals and policies in [tie follavin9 categories of the Open Space Element to insure tfiat adequate open space and a sound, rnanayed environment is provided for future generations in Anaheim, and it is decmed appropriatc that the Tollowing be adopted: a. Goals and Policies of Public Open Space with Exhibits "PUE3LIC PARY,S AP~O RECREATION" and "TftAILWAY LORRIDORS"; b, Goals and Policies of Priva[e OFen Space with Exhibit "P~TE~~TIAL PRIVATE OPEN SPACE"; and c. Goals and Policies of Vacant Land in Anahcim with Exhibit "VACANT LAPJD INVEtITORY." i~OW, THEP.EFORE, BE IT RLSOLVED that Envfronmental lmpact Repor[ No. 207A for the Open Space Element and amendment to the Land Usc Element of the Gencral Plan Amendment No. 144, iiaving been considered October 26, 1977, by tfie Anaheim City Planning Commission and evidence, both written and oral, having been presented to supplemen[ Draft EIR No. 207A, fi~ds that said EIR does conform to the City and State EIR Guldelines and to the California Environmental Quality Act, and does hereby recornnend [o the City Council that they certify that saiJ EIR No. 207A is in conformance with [he California Environmental Quality Act. NOW, TtIEREFORE, EtE IT RESOLVED that Environmental Impact Report No. 2076 for the Open Space Element and amendment to tlie Land Use Element of the General Plan Amendmcnt No. 144, having been considered November 21, 1977, by the Anaheim City Planning Cornmission and evidence, botfi written and oral, having been presented to supplernenc Uraft EIR No, 207fi, finds tliat said EIR does conform to the City and State EIR Guidelines and to the California Environmental Quality Act, and does hereby -2- PC77-252 recommend to the City Council that they certify ~riat said EIR tio. 2076 is in conformance with tha California E m ironn,:~:~tal Quatity Act. 4E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, pursuant to the foregoing findings, the Anaheim City Planniny Commission does hereby adopt and recornmend to the City Gouncil of tlie City of Anaheirn adoptian of General Plan Amendment No. 144, as follows: 1. That "EXHIBIT "'' ~e adopted for AREA I- Vermont Avenue, to designate commercial uses adjacent to Ha~ Qoulevard with low-medium density (up to 18 units per gross acre) adjacent to ti~e rear of Hampshire Avenue and medium density (up to 36 units per gross acre) on the south side of Vermoni Avenue. 2. That "EXHIBIT A", modified with density restriction overall, be adopted for AREl~ II - Anaheim Hills - 296 ac:res south of Plohl Ranch Road, to designate hillside low d~nsity (up to 5 dwellings units per gross acre) adjacent to the existing hillside medium dcnsity (up to 1G dwelling units per gross acre) concentrated on the east~rly portion of the site and c;pen space designated for the unique, na[ural features of tfie land (narrow canyons) and tlie area south of the Saddle Club. j. That no amendment [o the existing General Plan be made for AREA III - Anaheim tiills - 9~ acres east oT the intersec[ion of Lanyon Rim Road and Serrano Avenue. 4, That [he Goals and Policies of Public Open Spa~e and Ex~iibits, "PUE3LIC PARKS AtID RECRCATIOt~" ancl "TRl11LWAY CORRIDORS"; Goals and Policies of Private Open 5pace and Exhibit, "POTEC7T'IAL PRIVATE OPEtI SPACE"; Goals and Policies of Vacant Land in Anaheim and Exhibit, "VACAt~7 LAIiD II~VE~ITORY" be adop.ed. TIIE FOHEGOING RESOLU'fl0t~ is signecJ and approved by me this 21st day of November, 1971. ~ CNAIRMAt~, AtJAHEIM CI Y PLAI~NING C011M SSIOPI ATTEST: ~ d~f. v{ 6~B~vuw~ - SECREiARY, ANAtI[IM CITY PLAt~111t~G COMP11S510!I STATE OF CALIFORt~IA ) COUNTY OF 0?,AtIGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAIiEIM ) I, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of ttie Anaheim City Planning Commission held on t~ovember 21~ 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the followiny vote of the members thercof: AYES: COMMISSIONC•R5; DARNES, DAVID, HER6ST, Klt~f, TOLpR Id0E5: GOHItI5SI0NER5: NONE ABSEtl7: COMMI SS f OtJERS: JOtiN50N ABSTAIN: LOMMISSIOtJERS: Llt~l~ (having no[ been present Tor entire hearing) lN ~11TIIE55 11HEREOF, I fiave hereunro set my hand this ~tst day of Wovember, 1977• l0~ ~ 7u~ SECRETARY, ANANEIM CITY PLANNII~G COMMI N -3- PC77-252