PC 77-253R[SOLUTION NQ, PC7?-253 A RFSOLUT 10~~ OF THE C I TY PLA!1!J I ~: : C'~'!~~ I 55 I C`l Tf;AT PETITION FOR RECLP,SSIFIC/1Ti0N N0. 77-7`i-?~, BF G44NTED. WNLREAS, tne Anaheim City Planning Corr^,ission did receive a verifi~d petition for Reclassification fron ANAHEI'1 P1E'10RIAL HOSPIT~!., 1111 W. La Palma Avenue, Anaheir, California, ^2£~ni, o,.,ner, of certiin real property si[uaCe~l in the City o` Anahein, County of Orange, Stote of Californi;~~ descrit;ed as: Lot 1~3 of Trart No. 1~91, in the City ~f Anahcir~, as shown on a map [hereof recorded in booh. ;2, pages 1' and 1~ of `liscr_llaneous Maps, record5 of said Orange Lounty. Lot 2~ of Tract Ido. lE°1, in the City of Anahr_im, as shown on a map thereof, recorded in hook 5?, paqcs 1~ and i~'~, ~"iscell~neous Maps, records of said Orange County. WHERE!'+S, thc City Planninq Conmission did hold a public hcarina at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on tlovember 21, 1^i7, at 1:;~ p.m., notice of said public hearing hovinc~ heen duly given as rectuired hy la~•+ an~l in accordance with the provisions of tf;e Anaheim 11un1cipal Co~fe, Chapter 1°.~3, tc+ hear and consider eviJence for and ~gainst said proposed rr_classification snd to investinate and make finciinas and recor~rnendations in connection 2here+,~ith; and WiIEpE~1S, sai~ Conmissinn, ~ftcr duc inspectior, investic~ation an~l s[udy made by itself and in i[s heh,ilf, and ift^.r due c~nsi,ferition of all evi•Ir_nce ~nd reports offere;l ot said hearinq, docs find and dr[crmine the fqll~~~inn .`aets: 1. That thc pctitinncr pronnscs retl.~ssificaticn of ,ubjr_ct property from the RS-7?~0 (Residential, Singie-fa~ily) Zore t~ tFe C~ (~arr•,ercial, ~ffice and Fro`essional) ~~n^. 7. That the llnoheir~ ~en~r~l Plan desicni[es suEject property `or eorimereial professional and/or nrdium-density residential land uses. 3. That the ~roposed reclass;ficntion o` subject rrooerty is necessary and/or desirablc for thc ordcrly ~nd proper devel~oment r~f th~ co~wnity. 4. That the ~roposed re:ciassification o` suhjr_ct pro~crty ~ioes properly relate to thr_ zones ~nd their pe m~itted uses locally estahlished in close proximity to subject property and to [he zones and their perr:ittcd uses r,enerally established througfiout the cormunity. ~. Th~t the ~ronosed rPClassification of suhject property requires the dc:dication and improvement o` abutting streets in accordance with the Cireulation Element of the General Pl~n, <iue to the anticipated increase in traffic wiiicfi ~aill be gencrated by the i~tensificat~on of land use. (. That no one indica[eJ their presenc^ at said public hearing in opposition; and [hat no correspor,dence was received (n opposition to subject petition. E;!VIRO!lMENTAL. It1PACT FItlD1~7G: That the llnah~in City Plannina Canmission has reviewed the suhJPCt pronosal to reclassify thc zoning from RS-72Q0 (RESIDENTIAL, SIPlGLE-FA`11LY) to CO (CQMHERCIAL, OFFICE AIJp PROFESSIONAL? [o expand an existing hospital nn approximately 0.3 icres, havinq a fronta~e of appror.ina[ely 116 feet on the north sidc ~f Hermosa Orivc:, having a maximun depth of approximately 10h feet and being located approximately ~a4p feet north o` the centerline of La Palma Avenue; and Pc77-253 does herc6y approve t ~7eaative Declaration fro~ t' re~uirement [o prepare an environmental i~pact repnrt ~n the basis t~at there ~~•m~~ld 5e ro significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this t~egative Declaration since the Anahela General ?lan designates the subject oroperty for comnerci~l professional and nedium density land uses commensura[e ~aith the proposal; tfiat no sensitive environmantal impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial 5[udy suhmitted hy the petitioner i~dicates no siqnifican[ individual or cu~nulative adverse r_nvironmental impacts; and that Lh~ ileg~tive ~eclara[ion suhstantiating [he fqregoir.g findin95 is on filc in the City o` Anaheim Planning Department. NOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RLSOLVE~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby 9rant subject Peti[ion for Reclassification and, by so doing, that Title 13-Zoning of thc Anaheim Municipal Co~e be anr_nded to er.clude the above-described properL,v frorn the RS-7200 (P,ESIp:WTIAL, SItIGLE-FA'tILY) ZO!7E arn1 to incorporate said described property into the CO (LO'1MFRCIAL, OFFICE A~lD PROFESSIONALI ~0+;[ upon the follor+in9 conJitions which ~re hereby found to he a necessary ~rerr_auisite to the ~roposed use ~f suhject property in order to preserve the safety and aeneral wclfare of the Citiz~ns of the City of Anaheim: 1, That the rn•+ner shall rcquest anJ ohtain anProval from the City for abandonment of Hermosa Drive in front of suhject proper[y. 7_. Tha[ fire hydr~nts s!~~:il hc installecl an:l charge~f as required and detcrmined io hr, n~cessary by tfic Chicf of the Fire Depirtmc~t. ;, Tha[ opprnnriate ~•r~ter asse,snent fecs as deternin~~! hy th~ Uirector of Puhlic Utiliti~s sh~ll he {~aiJ to the City ,~f l;naheim. 1~, Prior [o t~~e inr,roJuction of an nrdinancc rezoning snbjecC property, Condition Nos. 1~3nd 3, above-mentioned, shall be co~Pleced. Thc pravisions or rights granted by this resolution shnll bec~ne n~ill and voi~i hy action of the Planning Com~:~ission unless said cnnditions are cormlied ti:ith r~ithin one year fron the date hereof, or such furthcr timr. as the Pl,~nnin!~ Co-+mission ~~~y grant. 5, That ConJition qo. 2, abovc-^~ertioned, shall hc co-plied with prior to final building anJ zonir,g ir.spections. Ti!E FOREG01!IG RESOL;IT 1011 i s s igned and oppreved t.y ne tfii s Z1 st day of Plovcmt:er, i~%7. ~~ r~~' G~ ~~,G~ CNAI!',~~~'~~~ CITY PL~~.~!'lI~1G C~"~11551011 ~ ATTCST: n ~~ ~ /LLtQ~ ~ECRETARY, A!~ANE I'1 C ITY PL~~N"I I':G COM'1155I ON STATE OF LP.L i FpP.N I n ) COUNTY OF ORAIIG[ ) ss. C ITY OF AtlAf'E I!1 ) i, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of the Maheim City Planning Commission, do herehy cert'sfy that the fore9oing resolution ti•~as qassed and adopted at a r~eeting of thc Anaheim City Planning Commission hr_lc on Novembcr 11, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members tficreof: -z- PC77-253 , AYE5: COMMISSIONERS: ~ARqES, DAI~IB, NERBST~ Klt~~~ LIN;+; TOL~~4 N0~5: CO'1!115510t~ER5: 1lOt1E ABSE~:T: CQ!1MISSIOtJFRS: JONNSOt: 1977 It; UITtIE55 IdHEREOF, I havc hereunto sct my hand this 21st day of November, ~ a` 7~~.. SECRETAP, , A'IPHc I M C I TY PL4"!M I P!G LO!1~' I SS I ON -3- PC77-253