PC 77-26RESOLUTtQN ~~. PCJT-Z6 A aE50LUT1'ON OF THE .AT~JiHE119 CITY 'PtANNII{f CD?1(wt'SS1'ON THl9'L PETiT40N.~OR RECLKS.SiflLh510N N6. 7b-7~'-32 ES~ 1~,'PPf~O~JED. WHEREAS, the Anahelm Clty Planning Corre,+.{asfon dIJ reciefr~e a verlfi~ed Petition for f~~eclass?fication from na. At~4 MRS. F, 'R. FiAt'lY 1556 u, I(ntella Avenue„ H~afieim~ Californla 92&02 (6xr.ers) of tertaln reai proi,~erC~~ s~[ua`.Ld I~s tfi~e Lity of Iknaheim~ Covnty of O~ange, St~tr of .Callfornia~ de~cribed as; That port~on of th~: North half of the '~Fe~t half qf the N~rthre~n5t quar[er of [he Northwesi q+~arter r~f Sect'r~n 2~, Srn+nship ~+ South~ Rz~~gR lb ~CSf,, in ~[hc Rarrclio Las Bo~s.as, City o~f Anahelm, Cc,.in,y of Grangf, SLaCn cr'f ~Cali'for.rilra, as s'ha.•n on a map recnrd~d in Book 51, Pa~e 1C~ a~ Niscellrneous Hap~s, in ~[he Offlce of the County Recorder of said County, de~scrlbed as follows: 8E611t11NG a[ c'he Inter.sectlon of 2he cen.crllne of ~cc9L~ Avenue w9tf~ Che 'vlesterly 11ne of that certa~n str.fp m'F land, 5~.00 fcat fr~ width, cfcscribed lt~ deed to the Orange ~o~~nLy Flaod C~introl D1s~[rlct recorGed C~ctaber 14, Iq;7, fr~ Book 4o6g, Page '188, 0`fici:,1 Rr.cards, frr 2hc Off(cc uf the Covnt~/ Rcr_order ~f sald Caunty; sald point t,cln3• distant South $9° Y3' 30" Lt.est, ~i61,50 feet frnm the cenF.erline dntersr_~t{on pf sa9d Y,~tellA Averoue ~r~o Ninih Streat, as said (ntersect~ort ir shotirn ~n thc r~aa oY Tract ~N~n, ~244 recorded i.~ Boo'v, 1i3, Panes ~, 2 an6 3 of Misc~1larscous Ma~s, i~ t'hc OEfic~ of [h~ C•~un.y Rccardcr o` said C~unty; cher*c~ alor~g sald ren•ier4lne aF K~a:rl7,~ Fvr.nue, SauCh f39o 13' 3~" 11es't, ;32.U0 fect to the Nest liroe of the Ea!ct~rl,y 132„Q!7 fe~t of said N,nrt!: ha-l'f of the 11est fealf of She Northeast quar[er of t'hr. Ncrtir~rfsst quartc•r of Sccti~n 29;, thence along said Wcst line, Soc~th 0° 55" 3fl'" ~~~st.~ t$?i.~)0 feet; e~hencc psr,atle'I Nith sald r.enteriine af K,a¢cl'fa Avtnur., S~~u'th $~?Q 0;` 30" Ncs~, V!J,13 ti'~e~ ta thc Northeast corner ~f 'f.ot 3i +~f sald T-racc Na, 3240;, th~ence alonc the hcwndary of said 7ract Nu, 3240 the f~allc~wYna caurscs vrnd dlsC,a~n~c~es: Sou[h '0° 56" '24" nast, 1~8.~)6 fect; thencc h'lr~~rRh A.3Q 93' 3~" East, 13~.3Ca 'fect 20 a point on a nbn-tanyen[ curve fn [he 40~s'tarly 19n~ of said str?~, of land, ;0.00 feet in widGh, described in deed t~~ th~e Orange 4:ounty Flood Co~troi UlscrlcK recordcd In '~ook ~p69, Pacy~ it~8~ Offic~al Records, sald curve 6•.einy concave 41cs,teriy and haNpng a radius o° 1175.q0 'feet, a radlai lfnc to sald polnt bcars Sou2h $34 b1" 59" Eas2, [htncc 1eav'Ing th4 boundary of sald 'fra~t N~3. 3240~ Nor2her{'y 159•70 fe~c[ a~ong ~safd cvrWe through a centr~i angle of ;o G,7' 31"; thence Yergeni to said curvr., nnci continuing along the 1lesteriy line nf safd st~ip of )and, 50.00 fett in w1d'th, described In dcc:! to the Orangc County Fluod Control Dfstrfct, No~rth 0° 55' 3n" West, 1~5.6.5 feet to the POiNT OP BEGIfJNIIiG„ WHER.EAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold a publlc hearing ~t the Cbty Ha~l In the 'City of Anmhe4rn on Jenuary 31, 1977, at i:30 p.m,,, ~otice of snid nubl7c haar-n9 hnvln~ naen duly glven a~ requlred by Inw rnd !n eccordence w(th Yh~ prpvlalon• of thm AneFhelm Nunir.lpnl Cada, Ch+~pter 18,43, tn henr nnd c~~nsld~r avldance 1'or end •qal~~t ~~Id pr~poaed raclatrl~t1cntlon ~nd to tnvsatig~te ~.nd rt:bke 9'1nd{ny~ enC rocommendatlon~ in connnctl~n thar~with; ~nd NHEREAS, ~ald Commisslcm, eftar duo lnapecttnn, lnvestiqe'Cinn end study medo by Itself and in its behelf, en~l After due conyldaratlon ot dll evidonce end :~p;ires offerad at sald hearing, does flnd end determSne the followlrvg facts: nESn! :.~~: ~,,, iiv. r'...i, -?.b {. That the ~~cCltibmer proQosr.s a rec~assl~ication of zcr~ing on thr~ ,xbove- 5cscrlbzd ~,rop~eTCy~ frum 'th~c R5-A-43~04~ (RESJA£NTdl+,~/AGfiIC1lI.TURAl.) :ORk ~~ ,hc CL {C6:'~MERC1(AL. LM1M1Z'~CDA Z'O,NE.. 2. 7hat the F~nal~~eim Genr.e:~'I 'P'Pan d~sl~nates svbJect pra~~rty ~or gener,a'I ta~r++rner~ia1 lanu' uses. 3. That Ch- pr~posed reciasslf(~vcion ~*f scrh,Jr_GP. ;,~roperty Is ncccssary and/or Aes6rob1~e i~or 'ihn c~r.derly and p~rpper deveio~m~nt o~ thr, c~r.s^unltw. 4. Tha~ [h~e ~propos~d reci~sstf~coiaon n!` .subJecc prat+erty does properiy relmtc to k~e rones and 'th,~ir permttk+e~ ~ses locsily eateblished In cloec proxlmity to subJec't ~,ropcrty aild to 2hr_ zo;~~s and thelr pcrmittrd uses genereliy cstabiished throug'~aut th~e csxnrnunPt4'• 5. 7hat ths proposed reclassificatlon of subJect p~rQ~erty requlres the ded'I~ctrtion and Irnprvvement of abutting str~r_ts in c+ccordance wl,th the Circul~~*_ian Elemenc of zhe Gan~erai P1a~,, due to the anttcipa[ed increase In trafflc whlch ~il{ bre ~enerated 5y thc lntenstCication of land isse. 6. That no nr~e fndlcated thefr presence ar, sald publlc heering In uv.?oslilon; and thnt n+o correspondence was seceived in opposltlor~ to the subJr.ct p~+L''. t lon. ~NYIRp~jMEf1~AL IriPACT REPORT ~iNDIN£: 7hai the Anahelm Ci[y Planning C~ot,m{sslon oes here y r~etarrncn ta th., Ity ouncil of the City oP Anahelm that i negative declaraLlon frcxr, [he requlrements to prepare ar~ er~v(ronm~ntal Impact report be approved fox the sub~ect proJect~ pursuanY to tha arovislons of the Ca]ifornla Em~Ironmental Qua~l'd~cy Act. MOU, THEREF2'~E, BE IT RESOLVED Cha[ the Anahetm Lfty Planning Commissfon does hereby raconme~d .o th~ C1Yy Councll of ehe Ctty of Anahaim zhaC subJect Petltion ?bf R~ecla~.iflceti•nn be approveti and, by s~ dolnq, that Titla I$-Zoning of tht Arsaheim Munlclp~al ~:ode be amcndeG to exclude the atsovc-~escribed pr~perty from the RS-A-~w3~D00 ~RESIDENTIA~/AC,RICULTURALj ZON£ a~d to incorpo~•atc srid described property intb the CL (COHHEiiCIAI, LIMITcD) Xb~6E upon the folloxing condltfor,s which are her+eby found to be a riecessery prereqvistte to she proFosed use ol` subJect pr~per[y in nrder to prescrve Che safety nnd ger~eral weifare of the Cltizens pf t1e C(ty af Anehcim: 1. That the ffvrner(s) pi' sub}cc: ~roperty shall deed tu the City of Anahefm a strip of fan6 60 fert Cn 'rv{dCM ~ffbm th~ cdr+terl trte of che street along Katel la Avenue f~ur street widnntn~ p~urposea. 2. Thax str~~t: 1"fghtin9 facilltles aVong Kete~la Avenue shall be Instalicd ns ,requlred by the nfres:Zor o` P~iblic Utitliles, and In accordance Wlth standard spezificetions on flle in che OFficn of the birector of Pubilc Utifitl~es; and/or thet m bond, certiftcntm of depoelt, 1^~tte~~ of credit, or cesh, In an ensount and form eatlsfiaetory to the Cley o~ An~helm mha11 b~e paated wlth tho C~Ey to gunrantee the instsilatl'rn o~ the above-mentloned raquBremnn[s. 3. 7het tha o~rnar(s} of aubJect prop~rty shall pay Lo LFw City o} Arehelm the sum u.` s(xty cents tbAt) per front foot along Katelia Avenue ~or tree planting purposes. -2~ ftESOLUTION ~~0. PC77-26 4. 7hat [rash stonegc areas shall be provided In acc~rda~ce with approved plans on ffle with the Office of the Glractor of Pub11c Norks. 5. Thet flrt hydrants shall be 1~stalled and chsrged, as requircd ano 4etermined to be necessary by the Chitf of the flre Deprrtme~Y, prlor to commencement of structurai framing, 6. That subJect pro~erty shall be servcd by underground uiilitles. 7. That a 6-foot h(gh masonry aali shail be constructed along th;e south a~d west property lfnes. ~. ~hat dralnage of subfect property shall be d(sposed of in a manner sattsfact~rp 2o the City Enqlneer, 9. That approprlate wattr assassment fNes. as detcrmined by th: Dircc[or af Public U[ili['les, shall bc pald to the City of Anahelm pr,~or 2o the Issuance of a bulld~i,~ ptrmlt. 10. That the existin9 structure shall be brought up [o che minimum standards of the City of Anahe.im, Including the Uniform Bullding, Plumblrog, Electrical, Mechanical and Fire Codes as adopted by the C)ty a:` Anaheim: 11. In the event that subjec[ propcr[y Ps to be Jivided for the purposr of sale, lease or flnancing, a parcel map, [o recorci the approved divlsion of subject property, shall be sulxnlt[ed Co and approved by ihe City af Anahelm and then bc recorded in thc Office of thc Orange County Recordcr. 12. Prior to the introduc:lon of an ordlnance rezoning subJect Droperty, Condltfan Nos. 1, 2~ and 3, above-nentfoncd, shal! 6e completed. The provislons or rlghts granted by this resolution shall 2~eccxne null and v~old by action of thp City Counci) unless sald condl!ions are compiled NI[n wlthin one year from the date hereof, or such furtner [ime as the Clcy Co~ncll ma~ grant. 13. That Condition Nos. 4, 6, 7, $ and 10, above-me~tloned, shall be complled H1Lh prlor to flnal building and zoning Inspections. THE FOREGOING fiE50LUTI0N is slgred and appraved b me thls 3ist day of January, i971. .~ i1 CHAIRM N AN HE;M I PLAN ING COMMISSION ATiEST: ~J~~~~~ ~a.,~~.x/ .. , , ~ 1Ret, n~ ~ '3- RESOLUTiO~! N0. °Ci7-26 5?AT~ OF CALIFpRMIA } COUNTY OF 4RAhGE )ss. CITY OF pNAHE1M ) I. Pat~icia B, Scanlan, Sacretary of the Anahelm Gtty Pianning Cc+~mis;!nn, do hereby cerilfy ihat the fnregoing resolutlon was pa~s~d and adopted at ~s meeting of the Anahelm ''ity Planning Commisston, held ~n January 31~ 19)7, at 1:30 p.m,, by the fiollw~r~ng vote of the memb~rs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, Q.AVID,KINC, MORLEY~ TOLAR~ JOHNSON MOES: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST .iB5EN7: COMMISSIONEPS: NONE IN WiTNESS ~HEREOF~ 1 have hereunCo set my hand this 3txt day of January ~977. ~~~~~ ~ T4'~L~'ii~-.N TF~~i`,8n~3 ~ ot~ '~" RESOLUTlON N0, Pfly-26