PC 77-265F;ESOLUTiOt. N0. PC77-2~5 ~ RESfiLUT90N qF TH~ A!tAJ+r f'1 f ITY PLA~~t~it~ ; COH'iI5510N TN~,7 'Pci ITION F'OR VAG21A!tCE t;0. 2969 BE GR?1!17ED, 1N PAP.T WFiERE~S., the Anaheim City Planninq ~ormission did receive a veriffed Petition far Variance frr>ri AP~AEiE!'i f±ILIS, t!lC., 3?n Anaheim Ni11s Road, lnaheim, Cala¢orA3a ~2507, owner, and JlrHES H, ~ERRY, 130Q2 Sky Parl; South, Suite A, Irv',ne, Califarnia ~7.714, agcnt, of certa4n rc~9 property :itu~[ed in the City cf Anai.eim, Cauntv of Qran9e, State of California, dmscribed as: That p~r[ion of Parcel 1 dcscribr_d fn deed recorcled in Boob: r1~~t6, page ~37 of Official Record; In the Affice of rhe Ceun[y Rccorder of said Cc:!nty; b~ing with~~ fh~ Rancho ~antiagu d,~ Sanf~ An~ as per map of par[.tic~ rccoresed Sentember 12, 13F8, p,~ge L•~n ird ,p„~o~; '"B" of Judnments c}` *he 1'Jth Judicial Court, Los Angeles Le~unty, California, d~scrfhr.d as hc9iniiing it [hr in[crsr.ctior~ of [he Southerly limr. of Par'cel 1 ot thc ~~~~ shn~rn on r,.an filer~ {n Booa. 101, pages 1? Lhrnugh 1!+ of Parcel Mans of s.iid 4r~nge ~'ounty, arith the Eastcrly (anc oF Covcred l•lanon Trail as shown on sald map, said point of bc~i~nino hcinn in a curve concave Southr~esterly ~,•ith o r:~dius of 7.'s~.~~ fcet, a radial ~o s~id pp(nt bc,~.rs t~orth 84° 3G'' 3'~" Fast; thence Northwesterly ~lonq said curve 131.77 feet throu,h a cen[ral angle of 32~ ~7' 31+"; thence t~or[h "i7~ 32' S5" 41est 51„I1 feet t.~ ~ tanqent curve c~,icave Northcasterly havino ~ radius of 223,p0 fcet; thence Nor[h.,estcrly alnng satd curve R^,~^ fcet through a central .inglr~ of 23° 22' 3L"; thhncr tangent to said eurvc TJor[h ih° 1!~' ?i"' Wr_St 11.17 feet to a t,~ngent curve conc~ve Southwesterly wbth a raAius of ~f)4.75 fect; thence tlor[h~•restcrly along said curvc 27'1.74 fcr_t through a central anyle of 25~ 3°' ~2" to a tannent reverse curve concavr_ tlor[heas[erly r:ith a radius of 223,~n feet; thence Nc~rthwesie~ly alon9 s,~fd curv~r 4,27 feet thr~unh a central angle of 1° OS' 1$" to 3 C3!1qCfiL compound curvc concavc Easterly rrith a radi~ss of 18,pp fcet; thence Noriherly along s~iJ curve 'i1.(~~ feet throuqt~ a central angle of lOn~ 52' 3L"; Lhenc~ tannent to saiJ u~rve t~ortF~ 52° OE' 29" Easi t26.a8 feet to a[anqrnt curve toncavc Sou;hcastcrly 4~a[h a r„d4u5 of ~?9,i;~ feet; [hence Eastcrly ~long said curvc 95.83 fcet throuc~h a te~ntrnl angic of 230 58' 34"; thence r;~ngen[ tc> s~tid curve t~orth 86~ 07' 03" East 57.63 fee[ tr, a tar7ent curvc: conc~ve Nor[hwes[erly bri[h a radiu~ of ~+(i~.0'1 fr_et; fih4nce tJorCheasterly alonn saici curve 13R,2? feet through a centrnl araglc of ib~ 53' D9"; thenc~ tangent ta saiJ eurvc t~orth 69~ 13' ~4" EasL 9b.5~ fr~:[; thencr Nor[h 75° 3?' 12" East ~°.46 feet ta a point in a non-tanqen[ curvr_ concave Southwesterly riith a r~dius of 273,~f1 feet, ~i radini to said point be.ars 1lorth 11° 09' S8" ~lest; thence Sou[heastrrlv alonq said curve 4Q0,12 feet through a crntral an~le ~f 1~2° 51' S2"; thence [angent to said curv,e Sou,h i~ 41~ 54~' West °O.ji feet to a tangent cur~ie conwvc tJorct~westcriy with a radiu; of 2?.l,n~ fce:t; thencc South~•restcrly alonq ,aid ~:urve 17(,q~ fe~L throu~h a ccntral angle o` 450 51' S8"; thence [angent to said curve South ~7° :3' S2" uesc 25~1.51 feet to a tangenc curve concave Pe77-2r•5 Nort'hrresterly with a rsclius of lOb.~O feet: thence Svuthwrsteriy al~ng said curv,e 1n.01 fcei thre:~gh ~ ce..ntral anale af ~po ~q~ jiS"; th~cnce t~r~9ent to said wrve Sou;h 51° S3~ ~~~" ~est 40.nF, feet to a tangent curve cencave Eas[erly ~•,ith a rad'i~s of <<+.~~ feet; thence SoWtherly along said curve ?~3•!'~ fr'et thr~~ugh a cen[raf angle of ~2° 22' 1~+"'; tFience tan~dnt t~ <<;i-:! curve S~uth 34° 2A' 46" East PG.O? fcce to s:+id Souther~)y 1 is~e; thenve alonr said SoutheFly linr_ Sout'~ 7'J° ~~L` 27"'~es2 2~'7,'7~ 'fect, '~~rth 5yo 09' 32" Wes;^. 11~.'~5 feet, ~~orth 1;° 41° ~S" East 37.73 feet and t~prth 79° 41' 12" 41est 152.~~7 `er; to tha ~oint of i~eginning. Containino an area o` 11,~+?6 ;3cres, nore er less; and WHFREAS, the Lity ~'lannin^ Ccr:m;s"5icn dio schedul^. a public hearcr.g at the City Hall in the City of Anah~•iri on 'ir,tobcr t~, 1°77, at 1:3n n.r,, notice of s~id public hearing h~ving heen d;ily c~fvr_n a: re~iuired hy li~.~ anri in ,3cr,ordance with thc provi,ions of ~thc Anaheim Hunicir~nl Code, Chantcr 1~.~?, to hc~r and consider evldence fur and agai~st said prope~^d variance and try investigate and ma~e findings and reccrimend~~Lions in connec[iun 'hr.rea~ith; said public n~arin9 hiving br,en eontinued to [he Pl~rnin!~ Conmissior, meeLing of December 5, i^.'7; and WFiEREAS, Said CcxnmSssio.., aftrr due inspection, i~vestination artd ~-tudy •~ade by ltself and bn its behalf, and after due cnnsideration of ~ii evidence and reports offered at said hearina, d~es firad and dcterr.,ine the followinv facts: t. Tha[ che neti[ioner propnse> [he iollcw~i~~ wa~vers tn escablish a 39- 1ot, 36-unit RS-50~10(SC) suhdivision: (a) SECTI~t~ 1H.M .130 - Rn_quiremr_nt th~t all lo[s ahut a ~ub1iC st~eet. 1 lots ahut a priv:~tc strcet only. ~ (b) SECTI0~1 1?.27.061.~?ln - Minimum huildinn ad ~rca. 5'nn~ sn. 't. reauired; 1~~ lots having a min~ 3~77 sq. ft. p~oposed) (c) SECI'ION 1~.27.f161.!12~ - Min(mum buildinn si[e width. 2. That ihc above-mentionr_d w~ivers (a} and {h) a~e hereby 9ranted on the basis that a hardship exists du!: to the uniqur_ hiltside anJ [erraced tcrrain of subject site. 3. That the ahove-mentioned o-,aiver (cl was ~feleted by revisc~l nlans submitted by the pe[itioner and is nn Ic+nGer nPCessary, 4, That there are excep:ional or extranrdinary circunst7nces or conditions applicable to thr. nroperty inyolved or t~ the 3nicndcd usr.~ as grantr.d, of the pr'opcrty that do no[ anP1Y ~cncro~ly to the propurty or cliss of use in the same vicinity and zone. 5. Th~t the requ~sted variance, as yr~nted, is necessary for the preservation and enjoyme~t of a su'bstanti~l property righY possessed by other pro~crty in the same vicinity an~ zone, and denicd to the property in qur.stlon. 6. That the requ~sted vari~nce, as granted~ vrill not be matcrially detrimental to thc publ'ic welf~rc ~r injuria+~s to the propcrty or ln,pr~vements in such~ vicini[y ond zone in which the property is loca[ed. -?- PC77-zG5 7. 7hat no one indicated •`.eir presence at said publit hearing 1n opposiCion and that no corresponde~~ce wa~ -eceived in qpnosition to the subJect pr_tiifOn. EtJVIP,Ot~MKt~TAL 111PACT FINDIt~G: Tha[ Environ~r?ntal tmpact Rc~ort Ho. 205 for Tentative Trac*. No,. 1~031 and 1Q[T32, consis[inc; of a total of aroroximate~y 7~J detached resid,-ntial units on aparoximately 2; ac:res or tand iocated souihwest of the intersection of I~ohl Ranch Road and Anaheim Hiais Ro~ad; havtng been considered this da[e by [he Anaheim C;ty Planning Commission and evide~~ce, bo[h written and ora#, havi~g br_en prAsented to s~pnlement said EIR N~. ~05, finds that potentiai ~roJec?: g~nerated individual and cumulative adverse imoacts have bcen reduced to an acceptab!e levcl by conforr~ance with City blans, policies ancf ordinanres; and Draft EIp No. ?~15 conforns to the California Environmen2al C.~ality Act ~nd Statc and City EIR Gu3delines; thcrefore, based upon such inforr~:~tion, the Anaheim City Plannirsg Commission does u~rtify EfR ~o. 2~5, tlOlJ, Tr1ERf.F~RE, ~E IT °ESOL!'~D that thc Anahcim City Planninn Commission doe~. hereby grant, in part, suhject Petition for Vartancey upon the following condition which ~S hcrchy found to ';c a neccssary ~rerenuisite to thP proposed use of thc subjeet property in ardcr to pres~rvc :i~c safet~, and rycner~l welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim; 1. That suFject property shall he dn.ve;~~~~^d suhsta~~tially in aecordanee with plan~•~nd speclfication~ on file with the City o` ~r?~hein narked Revision !~o, t of Exhibit t~o:, 1 through b. THE fOREG~I~I; RESOLUTIO!~ is signed ancl approve~i ~y me this Sth day of 6ccenbcr, 1977, ATTES7: , ./~ / ~ ' ~ 'l-~-G ~f~ c~.' ,~ ~c - CN 1 P.MAf~, Ar+nNE !~~~~ C I iY PLA':'1 I N~ C~NN I S~ I ON ~a ~.~~ ~l~ ;~/~ ~ ~.~ SEC!:ETARY, ANAHE I M C 17Y FL~~~N i~~r CpMM I SS I(1~~ STATE OF CAL I FOR,ti IA y COtJi~TY Of ORA~ar,~ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harrls, Secretary~ nf the 11n:~heim City Planninn Lommission, do hereby c.ertify that the forr_going ~esolution a,as passed and idonted at a meeting of thc An~heim City Pl~nninq Conmiss!on hcld on ~ecemher 5, 1~77, at 1:30 p.m., hy the followinn vote of the membei•s thcrcof; AYES: CO^{ME55'IOIIERS: ~hRNES, DAV10, Y,ING, TOLAR t~OES: COtiMI;5lfi;lEpS: HERPST ADSFi1T: CON^11551QtlEP,S: JONNSOU A~STAIN: COMMISSIONF.RS; L11~N (having not becn oresent for entire hearing) iN WITt7E55 WHER~Of, I have hereunte set my hand this 5th day ~f Oecember~ 1977. , `~t ~L%`~=~• ~ N/Cl~f.t ~ .. SECP,ETARY, AN~.HEIN CITY PLANNIN, COMHISSION -3- PC77-265