PC 77-266RESOLUTt~N l~0. PC77-266 A RESOL'JTION OF TIIE A;~AHEtM CITY PIAtJN1~7G CONHt55l017 THA7 PEl'ITIO!! FOR RECLASSIFILATIOtI N0. 77-7~'-jl E3E DEilIED WFIEREAS, the Anahein Gity Planning Lanmiss~ion did receive a verified Petition ior Reclassifica[icn from JAMES D. AND LOt:EAL A. HO<iON, JR., 837 Easi Alnand, Oranye, California 92666, owners, anJ HUGH F. VAt~ASEi:, 1621 East 17t~~ Stre~t Santa Ana, Cal(iornia 92702, agent, oF certain real property si[uated in the C~ty af Anaheim, County of Orangc, State of California, described as: 8eginniny at the Tlor[heast corne;• of that cer:~?^ tract of land described as Pa~~•cel 1 in decd to the State of California, recorded March 19, 1y68 in book i35~~G, paye 192, Official Records of said Orange Co,.rty• thence along che No:[herly boundary of said Parcel 1, South E4a 39' 34" North, 57.41 feet [o the beginning nf a tangert rurve concave Southerly having a radius of 350.00 feet; [hence We-s[erly along said curve, thraugh an anyte of ?%iD 49' 04" ar•: arc di4tance of 1G9.93 feet; thence South 56° 50' 30" Mnrih a distance of ~.6y feet Co the beginning of a tangerit curvE ~nncave Northcaste+ly having a radius of y0.00 fee[; thence yorthHes[crly alony s~id curvc through an an~le of 83~ 35' 23", an arc distance of iji,31 fect; ihence North 39 34' OZ" Nar[h, Si.15 feeC along tt:e said line of said Parcel 1, and iis IJorth:esterly prolonyation, to a non-tangent curve, concave I~artheastc~ly, having s radius of l735.G+0 feet; thence Northwec:erly along said curve, frora a tangent bearing North 28° 4G' 10" West. through an an~le af 1° 43' 39", an arc dtstance of 52.31 feet; then~e Narth 2'~ 42' i4" East, to,90 feet to thc Southwesterly corner of that certain Lract of land described as Parcel 2 in said detd to the State of Californi~; thence continuiny ~lang the Sou[lierly li~e of said Parcel 2, Noreh 25`~ 42' 14" East 5.y0 feet to a line parallel with and distant Southeriy 30.OG feet, meas~~~ed at right anyles, from the Northcrly line of said P'arccl 2, chcncc alony said parallel line tlorth 78~ 08' Q9" East, 323.G6 feet to the beginning af a tangent curve concavc Suuther1y, having a ridius of 170.00 feet; chence Easterly ~long said curve, through an angle of 3° 10' 36", an arc distance of g,~~3 feet to the Easterly Ifne of that certain tract of land desc~ibed as Parcel 1 in deed to E. Lee Schul[z, et. al., recorded Srptember 5, 1962 in b~oH. 6240, page 84, Officlal Recurds of said Oranyc~ Couniy; thence South 22° 39' 53" East, along the Easteriy lin9 of said l~nd of Schulcz, to the point of beglnning; and WNEREAS~ the City Plan~ing Commissis~n dtd hold ~ public hearing at the Lity N,all in the City of Anaheim on December 5, t977, ai 1:3(~ p.m., notice of said public hearir~g having been duly giver as requ6red by 1aw and in accordance with the provistons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider eviJence for anJ a~ainst said proposed rectass~fic~tion and to inves:igate anJ make findings and recomrnendations in connec[ion therewith; and PC17-266 UHEREAS, said Commissian, after due inspection, investi9ation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and sfeer duc consideration of all eviden~~ and reaarts offcred at said hearing, does find and deterrnine the following facts: 1. Thac the petitione;• proposes reclassifi~atiun of subject property from the RS-A-43,OD0(SC) (RESIDEtIT~AL/AGRI~ULTUP,AL-SCENiC CORRiDOR OVERLAY) ZONE tn the RM-2400(SL) (RESIDEIITIRL, MUITIPIE-FAMILY RESIDEI~?IAL-SCEt~IC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZOIiE. 2. That the Anah~im General Plan designates subjecc property for ge~er~l cortmercial and hillside fa.r der.sity resid~ntial land uses. 3, That ihe proposed reclassification is hereby denied on the basis that the psoposed devetoprnent woulJ ~ot bc consist.^.nt with the land use designatlon of the Ge~eral Plan; and ihat [he Plai~ning Commission further de[ermined that develoamen[ in accordance with the hillside l~x-densi[y residential desi~natic,n is the most appropriate land usc for subJect prop°r[y. 4. That the preposed reclassificatlin of subJect property is no[ necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and propcr devc~opmcnt of the comn~nity. 5. Tha~ the proposed reclas~ification of subject property dces not properly relate to the zones and their permitted usr.s tocally established in close proximity to subject property and io the zones and their permitted uses 9enerally est~blished throughout the co~rmunity. 6. That one person a~>pearcd at said public heariny in opposltion; and that no carresponoence was received in opposition to subject petiticn. ENVIRONMENTAL INPACT FIt~DING: That thc Anaheirn CiYy Planning Cormission has revic:wed subject proposal to reclassify the zoning !~om R~-A-43,000(SC) (Residential/Agricultural-Scenic Corridor Overlay) to RM-?.~+00(SC) (Residential, Multlple-Family-Scenic Corridor Overlay) on approxima[ely 1.2 acres located at the southeas[ corner of Lakeview Avenue and McKinnon Dri:e, haoing a frontage of approximatcly 3G1 fcet on the sou*.h side of !1cKin~on Drive; and does hcreby approve the !~eyative Dectara[ion fro~~ thc requirement to prepare an en~:ironmental impac[ report on the basis that tfiere would be no significa~t individual or cumulative adverse envlronmental impact due [o the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anahetm General Plan desiynates ttie subje:: p~operty for ganeral cu~vne~ciai and hillsidc low-density residential land uses crHnmensurate with the proposei; [hat no sensitivic environrk:ntal impac[s are involved in the proposal; that the Initlal Study submltted by [he petitloner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse etrvironmental impacts; a~d tti~t th~e Ne~ative Declaratlon substantia[ing the foregoing flndings is on flle in tf:c City of Anaheim Planning Department. I~0'a, THLkEFOP,E, (iE IT R[SOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin~ Lommisslon does i~ereby deny ,ubject Petition for Reclassification on the basis of the aforea~entione~ findings. TIiE FOREGOIt~G RESOL'JT{01: is signed and approved by me this 5th day of December, ~977. > . / .,:,:,~~'~ ~-~t_ _. LHi11RMA~~, ANAHEIM CITY PL~l~NIt~G COMMISSION -z- Pt77-266 ATTEST: ' •:! ~' ?~~ ~" SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIJG COMMIS510N STATE OF CALIFORtlIA ) COUt~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF At~AHEIH ) I, Edith L. tiarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a mceting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on December S, ~977, ~t 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COHI4ISSIONEP.S: DARNE5, HERBST, KING, LIIiN NQES: COMMISS101dERS: DAVID, TOLAR AttSENT: COMMISSIQt1ERS: JONWSOtt IN UITNESS tJfiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 5th day of December, t977 ~ ; ~~d.~-L ,~' ~~a~L~~..~.~ ~ SELRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PtANNING CO- MMISS~ON _3_ PC77-256