PC 77-27RESOLUTION N0, PC77-27 A RESOLUTION OF T~E AMAHEIM CITY ALANNING CO~ti1S51~1i THAT PETITION FOR CONDITlONkL USE PERMi7 N0. 1683 BE C.;RHNTED. kHEREAS, the Artahein Clty Pi~nning Commisslon did receivr• a verified Petitlon for Condlctonal Use Permit from MR, AND MRS. F, R, HALi., 1556 w, Katella Avenue, Anahelm, CallfornJa 92802 (Owner~) of certain real property situated in the C(ty of Anaheim, County Qf Orange, State of Callf~rnia described as: That portion of the North half of th~ uest half pf the ~lortheast qua-cer of the Norttn+est quarter of Sectlon 28, Townshlp 4 5outh, Range 10 West, ln [he Rancho Las Bolsas, City of Ananeim, County of Orange, State ot Callfornia, r.,s shown on a map recorded In Book 51, Page 10 of Miscelianeous Naps, in Lhe Office of the Lounty Recorder of sald Coun[y, described as folla,~s: BE~INNING ar. the incersection of the centeriine of Katella Avenue with Lre We~[erly lin= of tha[ certain st~ip of land, 50.00 f^c*, in wiAth, describcd in deed [o the Orange Countq F1ood Control llistric[ recorded October 14, 1957, In Boak 4059, Page 188, Official Records, In the ~Ffizr of the County P.ecorder of safd ~ounty; sald polnt be~ng distant Sou2h 8gp '13' 30" West, 66~.5e feet from the centerline intersettlon ot iald lCacclia Aven~e and Ninth Street, as said Sntersection fs shown on the map of Tract ~o. 3247 recorded in Book 11}, Pa,es i, 2 and 3 of Miscellaneous Maps, In th~ Offfce of [hp County Recorder of sald ~ounty; the~ce along sa(d centerline of K..itella tivenue, Sou[h $90 lj' ~0" West, ~32.00 feet to tne ~est llns of the Easteriy 132.00 fect of sald North half of the West haif of thc t~orLhcast quart~r o~ the Northwest quarter of Scctlon 28; ihence along sald WesC l.ine, So~th Oo 55' 30" East, 186.00 feet; thence pa*all~t with said centsrllne of i(atcila Avenue, SAUCh B?~ 13' 3"' ~est, l0.lg feet Ln the Nor[heast corner of Lot j7 of sald Tract Mo. 3240; thcnce along the bo~ndary ot sald Tract No. 3240 tf~e foilowing courses and distances: South Oo 56' 24~' East, 128.98 sect; chencc North 89~ 13' Zb~~ F,asc, 131.30 feet to a puint on a nnn-tangent curve in thc ~esCerl~ line of ssl~ strip of lartd~ y0.~0 fet[ in width, descrlbed in ceed to the O~ange County flood Control Dtstrict recorded in Bc,ok 4o6y, Page 186, Offfcl•al Recnrds, i.id c~rve heing c~-cave westerly and having a radlus of 117y,~~ feet, ~ radlal ~inc to ~~;d pelnt bears South 23~ 07' S9" East, [hence leavFnn the boun4ary of said Tract No, 3249, Northerly 159•7C fee[ along sald curvr. through a~entral nngle of 7d 47' 31"; ther?ce ianqen[ to sofd curva, and cq~t'nuing alonn the Westerly line of sald str(p of land~ 50.00 feet in widif7, tl.escribed in deed to the Orangc County F1ooA ~ontrol District, Nnrth 0~ 55' 3~'' ~rsc, J55.65 4ee[ to the POINT OF BEGINN~NG, WNEREAS, the City Planning Canmisslon did ntild a public hearlr,g ~t che City Hall fn the Clty of Anahelm ;~ Janua r~ '~",,, tg77, at l;34 p,m,, natlce of satd publlc heering having been duly qiven as required ~y le~ a~d (n ~ccurdance with the provisions of [hc Ar~ahelm Munlr.ipai Cooa, Chapt~r 1~.~?3F to hcar end consider ewfdence for and agel~st seld proposad candJtttls~ml use end to Investigate end make find(n~s end rec,ortmdndations fn cormec[ton ~h~rrwith; end NHEp.EAS, seid Commls~l~~n~ after dut l~~pectlo~, Ir,v~wt!qatlon nnd study mede by Iteelf ond in it~ behnlf, o~~i ~f~ar due cUnrlddr~t~an n~ all ~vi6ence end repore+ off~r~d mt •alct hearinq, d:~es flnd And d~termin~ the followlnq lact~: RESOLUTION N0, PC77-27 i. 7hat thc propo5ed use is properly ~ne `or Which a conditlonal use ~ermit is authorized by the Anaheim Hun(cipal CoJe, Sectlon, to wit: ptrmit a pr(vate ~school in the Cl (COrHERC1AL. LI~ITED) ZCNE. 2. That the proposed use ~1~! not adverscly affect thc ad;oining lanA uses and the growth and development of the area ir. ~+hich It is proposed to be toca;ed. 3. TMat Che size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequatc ~a allow the fuli deve6opment of thc ~reposed use in a manner not detrimental !o the par-.Icular ~fCa nor to the peace, hea+th, safety, and general welfar~ of the Litizers of ti~ Clty af anahelm. 4. That the graniing oP Che Londltional Use Permit under ~he conditions impused will no[ be detrimental to thc peace, health, saft;ty and gencral welfarc of the Cltizens of tt~e Cl;y of Anaheim. 5. That nA one !ndlcated thelr presence at said Rublic hearing in oppositlon; and that no corre,pondence was recelved in ~pposlf,lon to ihe subJect petlilon. ENVIRONMENTAL IHPALT REPORT FINDING; That the Anahelm ~Ity Planning Cummlx~sion does hereby recommend [o the ty ouncil of tha Clty of Anahetn that a nCyative declaratlon from [he requlrcnent. to prepere an envlronmcntal impacL report be approved for the subJect proJect~ pursuant tn the provisions of [he California Envlronmental Quality Act. NOW, THEaEFORE, BE IT NE50LVED that the Amihelm City Planning Commiss'on does h.reby grant subJect Petitlon for Condltlonal Use Permit, upon thc following conditions wh(~I~ are hereby fauni to be a necessary prereQuisit~ [o [he proposed use of the subject property in ordcr [o pre~erve the safct•~ and general wetfare af the Citizens of thi~ City ~sf Anahelm: 1, That thls Londlilonal Use Permit is grented subJect to the completlon of Reclasslficatlon No. 76-77-32~ now pending. 2. 7hat subJect property shali be developed subsiantlally In nccordance with pians and speciflcations on file wlth che City ofi Anahelm marked Exhlblt Nos. 1 and 2. 3. That C~ndltlon No. 1, above-me~tfoned, shall bc complied wit~~ prlor to the commcncement of the actlvity authQrizeA vnder this resolutlon, or prtor to thc tlme that the bullding permlt ts issued, or within a period of one year from date hereof~ whichever occurs firs[, or such further tlme as the Ptanning Cormission end/ar City La:~nsll mey grant. 4. Thmt Londltlon No. 2, eEove-mentloned, ~hall be comp;icd with prlor ;o flnal bullding and zoning Inspectlo~a. _2- RES~lU710N N0. PC77-27 January, AY7E5T: ~ ~ ,~' ~ra~~.~ SECREiARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM15510N 5TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF URANGE )ss. CITY OF A1:.INEIM ) I, Pa[ricla B, Scanlan, Secretary of the Anahefm City Planning Cornmtssion, do hereby certffy that the foregoing resoluttor was passPd and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cortmission, heid on January 31, 1977, at 1:3n p,m,, by the foilowing vote of the members thcreof: RYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRRNE5, DAViD, HERB5T~ KING, MdRLEY, TOLAR, JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NQNE IN 411TNE55 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand Chis 31st day of January 1977. - ~ ~~ ~Q SECRE AR ~ NAHEIM CI LANNING COMMISSION -3- RESOLUTI7N N0. PC77-27 THE FOREGGiNG RESOLUTION is signed and approve b me this 31st day of 1577. CH iRM N ANAHEI CI LANNING COMMISSION