PC 77-271RESO~UTIOh N0. PC77-271 A RESOLUT~017 OF Tf1E AIlNiEIN CITY PLAN'111~G COHM~SSIOPI TIIAT PETITI01~ FOR RECLdSSiFILATIO~t N0. 77-78-32 Q[ GP,FINTEU WHEREl15, the Anahcim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Reclassification from WESTLRi~ PLAYCARE, INC., 25;; East South Street, Anaheim, California 92li0ti, owner, and CARL fiELVEDEP,E, 6G01 Telegraph Road~ Los Angeles, Caltfornia ~00J+0, aycnt, of ccrtain real property situated in the City of Anahcini, Coun[y of Grangc, Sta[e of California, Jescri~ecl as: TfiC NORTfi 270.0~~ FEET, MEASUREU TO TfiE SOUTti LINE OF ORANGEWOOD AVEt~UE, 40.00 F[ET 4lIDE, OF LOT 1~; OF TII[ ORAS~GENOOU TRACT, AS SHOWt~ Ot1 A MAP THERCOF RECOP.DEO IN QOOt: 7, PAGE 42, HISCELLA~lEOUS MAPS, II~ TfIC OFFICE OF TIiE LOUt~TY P,ECORUER OF SAID LOUI~TY. EXC[PTING TfIEREFkOM T11E EAST 222.UG FELT, ALSO EXC[PTItiG TiiLREFROM TH[ NEST 3U7.U0 FEET; and NHEREAS, th~ City Planniny Coiimission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on December 5, 197j, a[ 1:30 p.n,~ notice of said public hearing haviny b~ ~ duly ~iven as required by law and in accordance with the provisions oF the ,~iah~in~ Municipal CoJe, Chaptcr 1b,0~, to i~ear and consider eviJence for ana against said propose~ reclassificati~~n anJ to investigate and make Findinys and recomriendaiions ~n connection there~~ith; and 'r1HER[AS, said Commission, af[er due inspection, investiyation an~ stuJy nade by itself and in i[s beh~lf, and after duc consideration of all evidence and reports offered aC saiJ hcariny, does find anJ deturmine [hc fallc»ring facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subjec[ property from the RS-A-43,0~~0 (RESIUEtITII.L/AGRICULTUitAL) 'LONE to thc RN-1200 (RESIDEI~TIAL, MULTIPLE-FAHILY) ZONE, 2. That tlie Anah~im Gener~l Plan dcsigna[cs subJect propcrty for low- medium density residential land uses. 3. Tha[ [fie proposed reclassificatiun is hereby granted subject to Petitioner's sttpulation to densely landscapc a[cn (10) foot wide ~~ffer area abutting the single-family res(dences (RS-72U0) to [he south; and to provide adeq;;ate [urn-arounJ area for Fire Depar[ment vehicles on subject property. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property is necessary anJ/or desirablc for the orderly anJ proper development of [hc community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject proper[y does properly relatc to the zones and thcir pe rt,i(tted uses locally established in closc proxlm(ty to subjec[ property and to thc zones and their permiticd uses generally establ(shed tfirouyhout the com~iun i ty. 6. That tli~ proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedication and/or improvernent of abutting strcets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the Gcnera) Plan, due to the antici{~ated increase in Craffic which wilt be gencrated by thc intensification of land use. PC77-271 7, 7hat no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in oppositfon; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petitton. ENVIRONI1EtJTAL IHPACT FINUIt~G: That [tic Anaheim City Planning Coamiission has reviewed subject proposal to reclassify the zoning from RS-A-43~000 (Residential/Agricultural) to Rt1-1200 (Residential, Multiple°Family} on land eonsisting of approxim-~tely 0.7 acre h~viny a frontage or a~proximateluy 131 f~et on the south side of Oranyewood Avenue, haviny a maximum deoth of approximately 245 feet, and being loca[ed approximately 24j feet west of the centerli~e of Spinnaker Street; anJ does I2ereby approvc the Negative Declaration fra~ [hc requirenent to prepare an environnental impac[ repor[ on [lie basis tha[ thcre would be no siynificant inJividual ur cumulative adversu environmental impac[ du~ ':o the approval of this t~eyative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designate~~ the subject property for low-medium Jensity residential land uses comincnsurate witli the proposal; that no sensitive environrnen[al impacts are involved in thc propo;al; that che Ini[ial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumulatlve adverse environmental impacts; and that [he Negacive Declaratlon substantiati~g the foreyoiny findinys is on file in the City of Anaheir,i Planning Department. NOW, Ti1EREFORE, E~E IT RESOLVEU that thc Anaheim City Planning Cammission does hereby gran[ subject Petition for Reclassification anJ, by so dotng, that Title 18-Zonin~a of the ;4naheim Municipal Codc be aMended to excludc the abovc-described property from the RS-A-43,0~0 (RESIDEt~TIAL/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE and [o incorporate said describeJ property into tfic kM-1200 (RESIDENTI~.L, MUL7IPLE-FAHILY) ZOIIE upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in ordcr [o Nres~rve the safe[y and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1, That all enginccring requiremenis of thc C(°y of Anahelm along Orang~wood Avcnue, includiny prepara[ion uf improvertrent plans and installation of all improvements such as curbs a~d yutters, sid~w alks, s[reet yradiny and paving, drainage facilities, or otfier appurienant work, shall be complied with as required by the City E~gineer and in accordanc~ with standard plans anJ specifica[ions on flle in the office of ttie City Engineer; that s[reet lighting facilities along OranyeaooJ Avenue shall be Installed a~ require~ by che Director of Publlc U[ilittes and in accordance with standard specificatiuns on file in the office of the Uirector of Publlc Utilities; and/or that a bond, cer[ificate of deposlt, le[ter of credlt, or cash, in an amount and forrn satisfactory to the Clty of Anahefm, shall be posted with thc Clty to yuarantee ihc installation of the above-mentioned requircrn°nts. 2, That [he owner(s) of subject property stiall ~ay to the Clty of Anaheim the sum ~f sixty ce~[s (60C) per front foo[ along OrangewooJ Avenue for trce planting purposes. 3, That trash storaye arcas shall be provided (n accordance with approved plans on file with che office of [he Olrector of Publlc Works. 4. That flre hydrants shall be installed and charged, as required and determined to be necessary by [he Ctiief of the Fire Department, prior to commencerrent of structural framing. 5. That subJec[ property shall be served by underyround utiifties. -2- PC77-271 6. That drainage of subject proper[y shall bc disposed of in a manner satisfactory [o the City Enyineer. 7. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to [he L(ty of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees, as determined to be appropriate by the City Councii, said fecs to be paiJ at thc timc the building permit is tssued, 8, 7hat apprcpriate Hater assessment fees, as determined by the Director of Public U[(li~ies, shall be ;.~?J to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building permit. 9. 7hat a ten (10) foot ~ide, densely landscapcd buffe-r area shall be provided adjacent [o the south property line abutttng the RS-7200~ sinyle-family resfdences; and that an adequate turn-around arca shall be provided on-site for Fire Departmeni vehicles. 10. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezon:ng subJect property, Condlilon I~os. 1 and 2~ above mentioned, sfiall be compieted. The Frovisions or riyhts granted by this resolution shall become null and vold by action of thr Planning Commission ~.,nless said conditions are cumplie~ witli wilhin one year from :ne date hcreof, or such further tirnc as the Planniny Conmission may grant. 11. That Condition tlos. 3. 5, 6 and 9, abovc mentioned, shall bc complied with prior to final buflding and zoning inspectlons. TtiE FOREGOING R[SOLU1'10!~ is signed and appr~ved by me this 5th d,ay of December~ 1977. ,~ ,. ~,~~ ~ =~~~~ ~~1~._ ~HT~I 11, N H M' TY PL~If ~It~G ~~3TC~t~ ATTEST: (. ! ~/ ~ ,i tt~ .I jV . "{ ,~ i : SECRETARY, Al1AfiEIM CITY PLANt~ING~COMMISSI0t1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUtITY OF ORlrNGE ) ss. CITY OF ANA}1EIM ) I~ Edith L. Harris, Secretary of :he Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the forey~iny resolution was passed ~nd adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Planniny Lortmission held on Dacen~ber 5, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the mernbcrs thereof: AYES: COHMISSIONERS: ~NRtI[5, DAVID, H[RBST, Y.ING, LINt~~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: I~OI~E ABSENT: CONMiSSI0NER5: JO}INSON IN NITNESS NNEREOF, I have hcreunto set rtry hand this Sth day of December~ 1977. ~ _ ,f,c~C ,t 7~ t Ls2 SECRET RY~ ANAfiEIM CIfY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC77-27t