PC 77-278RESOLUTIOt7 N0. PC77-~7~ A RESDLUTION OF THE ANANEIM CITY PLAN~dIN~ COM~115S10'i THAT PETITION F05 C~PJDITIONAL USE PE4"+IT Nn. 1732 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Pla~ninq Commission did receive a verified Pet i t i on for Cond i t i ona t Use Perm i t f rom ALBE?.T DF Nl;SL 1 ~ Atd~ DF.LE FN~~ I LY TP,UST, 1 130 Arholeta Drive, La Habra, California ~0631, owners, anci ~ILBE°.T A. THONAS, 1442 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 11°, Tustin, California 92~~p~, agent, of certain real property situated in the City of l~naheim, County of Orange, St~te of California, described as: That portion of Lot 7 of "Anaheim Er.tension", as shown on a map cf survey by William Hamel, acl:nowledned by Alfred Robinson, Trustee, recordeJ in Los Angeles Co~nty, California, described as heginninn at ihc Southeast corner ef that certain parcel of land conveyed [o Fred 0. Thompson and Ethel Thompsc>n, by deed recorded December 2, 1?44, in book 128~, page 419, Official Records, said point being located on the center line of Placentia Avr_nue, at a point 213•O(1 feet North 4° 07' 30" East from the intersection of said center line ~~lth the center line of East Cen,rr S[reet, running thence Nor[h 0° 07' 3~" East 36.03 feet alonq said center line to the true point of beginnirg; [hence South pl~ 1°' 3~~~ West 357.1' fer_t to a poin[ in the k~est line of said parcel, said poin[ heinn ~iso Worth 12° 08' West 35 feet from the Southwest corner of said parcel; thence Florth 12° Ob' b'est c1.F3 feet along said West line to a point; thencc North 77° 52' •'-n" East 377.~~ Fret to a polnt in the Eas[erly line of said parcel, ~Iso the center llne of Placentia Avenue; thence South ~° 07' 3~" 'aest 1~5.2', feetalong the Easterly line of said parcel to the point of beqinning. EY,CFPTING TIIERCFP,OM the por[ion included in oublic highway along the East sidc; and ~lHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public tiearin~ at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Decemher S, 1°77, at 1:3~ p.m „ notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of th~. Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 13.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findin9s and recommendations in co~nection thereo~ith; and WHEREA5, sald Ca~nmisslon, after due inspection, investiga[ion and study made by itself and in its bzhalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the followin9 facks: 1. That the proposed use is oroperly one for which a conditional use permit is authorized hy Anaheim Municipal Code Sec[lon iR.03.~30.010 to wit: Co permit a public dance hall with a waiver of: SECTIOiI 18.06.06Q.~237 - Minimum number of oarkina spaces. Q spaces requirecJ; ~a spaces proposed) 2, That the proposed used is hereby denied on thc hasis that the proposed discotheque-type use i•rould creaie more traffic and cause parking probleMS to the PC77-27'~ surrounding area, and that the hours of oo~ration ~•rould be an intru.,ion on the surrounding residential areas tn terns of noise and lights. 3. That the proposed use will adversely affect the adioinino land uses and the growtli and development of the area in whic~ it is proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shape of Lhe site pronosed for the use is not adequzte to allo~•r the full developnc of the proposed use in a nanner not detrimental to Lhe par[Icular area ~~ to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of thc Citizens of the City oF Anahe~m, 5. Tha[ the granting of ihe Conditional Use Wermit ~•rill be detrimental to thc peace, hcalth, safe[y and qeneral ~•ielfare of the iiti:~ens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That onc pers~n indicated his presence at said public hearing in opposition; and tha*_ one letter rras received in onposi[ion t~ the subject petition. ENVIRON'!ENTAL IHPhCT FIt7DING: The Director of the Plannin9 Dcpartment has determined that the provosed activity falls ~•ri[hin th~: definition of Section 3,01, Class 1, of the City of Anah~im Guidclines [o the Requirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therefore, categoric.~lly exemot from the reouirement to file an EIR. NOW, THEP,EFORE, BE IT RESOLI~E~ that the Anaheim City Plannin~ Cortmission does hereby deny suhject Petitio~ for Conditional Use Permit on the basis of the aforementioned findin9s. THE fOREG0IN; RESOt,JTIOM is si~ned and approved by mc•. this ;th day of December, 1~77. ATTfST: ,~~~,~- ;~ l: '~~ CHA RM11N, A!U1HE1'i CITY PLPN`IIHG CONMI55ION l~ ~~ ~ / ~Q'LLCS - SECRETIIRY, AtJANEIH CITY PLl1NNItJ~ CONMI5510~! STATE OF CAL I FORt~ 1/1 ) COI+~~TY OF ORANr,E ) ss. CITY OF At~AHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secre W ry of the Anaheim City P1anning Commission, do hereby certify that [he foregofng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plannirtg Commission held on December 5, 1`~77, at 1:3p p.m., by [he followin9 vote of the members thereof: AYFS: COHM I SS I OIiFP,S: DAV I D, NFRE3ST, K I I~G, L I NN, WOE5: C0~1~91SS10'~ERS: BAP.t~FS, TOLA.R ABSENT: COMt11SS10`IERS: JOHNSOfI I~~ WITtJE55 4~t1ERE0F, I have hereunto set my hand this 5th day of December, 1~7'l. L~.,~Ll~. •z• l'~l~t~u~ SECRETAP,Y, AtlAHEIN CITY PLANt71N~ COMMISSION -2- PC77-278