PC 77-279RES~LUTIOtI p0, PC77-27° ` A RESOL~lTION OF THE CITY PLAN'~Ifl~ C~M~!15510': THA.T PETITION FOR RECL45SIFIC/1T10'~ N0. 77-7`~-42 BE GR.4':'~E'~. WHEREAS, the Ar,aheim City Planning Cor.~^~ission did receive a verified petition for Reclassification from WAYtlE D. AIID P,UTN V. HAt~SFtl, ;FyR Uron~e Avenue, Anahcin, Cal ifornia,°?.9~1, oa~ner, and GP,AGE-WlLL50~l, I`lC., 7.~16? Dusiness Cr_nter Drive "1~5, Irvine, California ~2715, anent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County o` Oranac, State of California, described as f~~lloa~s: PARCEL 1: The b!est 8~ feet o` th~t portion af the Florthcast quarter of the Southcast ouarter of Sec[ion 1F, in Tov,nship ~~ South, Ran9e 11 tJest, in the Ranc.ho Los Coyotes, County of Oranr.ae, State of California, ~s sho~•m on a map bv Ch~rles T. Healey, upon survey madr_ hy him ahout 1~7^, for the Stearns Ranchos Canpany, described as follows: Rcainnino ~t a point on thc East linc of said Section, 23~5.7! feet t~orth fron t!~e Southr.ast corner therr_of; [hcnce Idest ~GO feet to the 4!est linc of the East half o` the FaSt half of the Southeast Guarter of said Section 15; thence tJorth to the Idor[h linc of said Southe~st cuarter of Sectinn 15: thencc East 660 feet to th^ East linc of saiJ Secticn 15; thence south to the point of beninnin~. WNE'EAS, [he City Plannina Cor-~mission did hold a public hearina a[ the Ci[y Hall in the City of Anaheim on December 19, 1Q77, at 1:3n p,~ „ notice of said publie hearing t,avin9 been ~uly given ~s requir~d hy 1ai•r an~1 in accordance ~~ith the provisians of the Anaheim Municip3l Code, Chanter ln.!1'i, to hear and consider eviJence for and anainst said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findinas and recommenda[ions in connection [hcrc~•:ith; .ind 67HEREAS, said Comnission, after due insacction, investi~a[ion and study made by itself and in its hehalf, and after due consid^ration of all evidence and reports offered at saiJ hearing, does find anJ detcrnine thc follo~•r~nn far_ts: 1, That the octitioner p Mn05~5 recl_issific~tion of subiect property from the RS-A-~33,ORQ (Residential, Agricultural) Zone to th~ R~'-12~~ (Resldential, 1lultiple-farnilv) Zonc. 2. That the An~heim Genernl Pl~n C1nSlc~f17i~5 suhiect orooerty for medium~ density resiclential l.~nd use. ;, That the oroposed reclassific~tion is herehv ar,nted subject to petitioner's stipul~tion tn rrovide a six (6) foot hiqh concrer.~ b1ncR.t~all alona the west oropcrty line ,eparatina the ,r,ro~~sal from [he adjicent church use. 4. That the proposed reclassi`ication of suhject prooerty is necessary and/or desiraFle for the orderly and oroner develonment of the cominunity. 5. ?~.~[ tne nroposed reciassification of suhiect pro~r.rty does pr~periy relate to thc zones and their permitted uses locally estahlished in close proximity to subject prope~ty and to the zones and their permittc~f uses nenerally established throughout the comnunity. 6. That one person indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondencc ~•ias recrived in opposition to s~hject petition. PC77-27° E!JV1201;HE!lT1L PA.C? fltlDltl+: That Chr An~hcir. .ity Plan~inn Co~cnission has .i revicweJ tl~e suL•ject rror•osal to reclassify The z~nin~ fren RS-A-f;j~rlnn (RESIDENTIAL, ~`• qr,nlC~!LTURP~L) to R'ti-120~ ~~ESIDE,lTI(+L, M~1L?ILE-FF•'aILY) zonc on approximately 0.5 ~acre, having a front~~e of appror.imatety 3^ fcet on the south sidc of Orange Avenue, havinn a raxinum depth of appror.iriately 25P feet, bcin~ located approxinately 575 `eet ~~~^st of thc centerlinn or Y.nott Street; and does herr_ty ~pprnve the Negativc Declara[ion from the requ'srernen[ to prepare a~ environmental i^~pact renort on the basis that there ~muld he no siqnific~nt individual or cumulacive adverse environmental imnact due to the aoproval of this Neoa[ive Decl~ration since the Anaheim General Plan desi~nates the subject prooerty for me~iium-density residential land uses commensur,~te ~•~iLh thc pro~osal; that no sensitive environmental inpact.s are involved in the proposai; that the Initial Study suhmitted by the petitioner indicates no signifieant individual or eunulitive adverse environnr_ntal impaets; and that thc Neg~tive Declaration sufistantiatinc thc foreyoinn findinqs is on file in the City of Anahcim °lanning Departracnt. NOl!, TNEREF~?E, BE IT RESOLV[~ tha[ thc Anih~im City Plannin~ Comnission Joes hcrehy grant Subject Petition for Peclassification and, hy so doin9, that Title 13-Zonin~ of the Anahein Municipal Code he a~ended to exclude th~ ah~ve-described propcrty from the RS-A-~r3,!lOn (BFSI~Er~TIFL/Ar,RIC!)LT~.!2aL) ZOWE and [o incorporate said described property into the f:'1-120~ (".ESIDF'~TIf,L, t1'~L71PLE-F~ti.'iILY1 Z~`~E upon the follo4:ing conditions ~•~hich are hereby found to ~e ,~ n~cessary orereauisite to the prcposed use of suhject property in order tn nr~serve the so`ety ~n~! r~eneral welfare of the Citizens o` the City of An~heim: 1, That strect liahtin~ faciliti~s alonn Oran~c -'lvenuc shali be installed as reGuired hy the Dir~ctor of Puhlic Utilities, and in ac:cord~nce with standard speclfications on file in the Office o` the Director of Public Utili:ies; and/or that a bond, eert(ficate of denosit, lr.tte~ of credlt, ~r ensh, in an 7r~~unt ~nd form satisfactory to thc City of Anzhein sh:~ll be ~nste~ ~rith thP Ci[y tc nuarantee thc installation of t!~~ ahovc-mentiqned re~uire~+ent.. 2, ihat the o~,rncr(s) of sut~j~ct nroperty shall oiy to the City of Anaheim the s~in of F'1 cc~[s ner front f~ot along Oranae Avrnue for [r.r,c nlan[inn purposes. 3. Tha[ trash storaye areas sh~ll he providr_d in ~ccerdance with approved plans on file with [he Offic^_ of the Director of Put,tic 41or4~s. !+. 7hat sut:ject propcrty sh,~ll ~e served Fy undcr~rnund u[ilities. 5, That drainaq~ of subjcct propcrty s'~ill ~e disposed of in a nanner satisfactory to thc City En~incer. 6. That the rn•rner of suhjecY pronerty shall n~y t~ titr L~ty of Anaheim the ap~ropriate parl: ond recreation in-lieu fees as d~[er~ined t;•! the City Councll, said fr_es to be paid •~t the time [hr building pernit is issued. 7. Thit approvriate ~w~ter assessment fees as deternined hy thc Director of Public ULiliti~s sii•ill be pald to the City of Anaheim arior to the issuance of a buildinn permit. °, That a six (6) foot high concrete bioc~ wall shall h~ constructed along the ~!est property line and all par~inn spaces shall he provided in accordance with established City standards. ~ Prior [o thr_ introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Co~dition Nos. 1 and 2, ahove-mentioned, shall he co~Ple[cci. The provisions or rights yranted hy this resolution shall heco^~e null ind void by action of [he Planning Com~ission unless said condit?ons are c~mplied r~ith ~vithin one year from [he datc hcrcof, or such further timr as the Pi~nning Cmmission rnay qrant. -2- PC77-27? 1G, That Con. _ion Nos, 3, ~j, ; and ~, above ,:ntione~i, shall be complied ~•+ith orior to final building ~nd z~ninn insnections. . THE FOf'EGOING Rf50U1TI0h! is signed and ap~roved by me this 19th day ~f Der.ember, 1977. ~ ~~-- CNA I R'1At!, AN~+I I'1 C I TY PLAt!I! I~I ~ C!1'1!1 i SS I ON ATTCST: ~., ,;a ~, _~~~. SECRETARY, A;U+HE 1~1 C ITY ?Ll,Pi~! I N'., ~u~,~~ ~» ~~~r+ ST~T[ OF CAL I rQ"tl I;, COUNTY OF O~~.HGF: ) ss. C ITY OF ANP.HE I'1 ) I, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of [hr_ Ani`~eim City °lanning Canmission, do hercF.y certify that the foregoing res~iution ~~as o~ssed and a:nnted at a ncetinq of the Anaheim City Pianning Commission hcid on Dece'~ber 1`1, 1n77, at 1:3C p.m., by the follo~•~ing vote o` thc *~e~bcrs tt,ereof: f1YF5: LQ!i'115510`IERS: FiARNES, DT~VID, HER35T, JQNN~O'I, f:ll~~, LI~JN, TOLA°. NOES: CQN!11551~11ERS: tl~IIE l1RSEt;T: LO'1!115510!JERS: !!0!IE It! WITNFSS ~+"rIERE~F, I have hercunto s^_[ ny hand this 1°th day nf December, 1977 ~1}a~~~~~~'`(' ,~° 7~-:, SELRFTf~RY, AtInHE ~'1 C ITY PLP.'!u i ~I~ COFIH I SS ION -:- PC77-279